Don't Throw Out my Legos || Shadestone


The pain I feel now is the happiness I had before
Nov 20, 2023
She still woke up most nights with her heart beating in her throat. Caterwauls deafened her ears, crimson blood stained her mind's eye. Claws, fur, rage, fear, bodies, bodies, bodies. The ice glowed with spilled life while the river filled with bodies. Each night she jolted awake she buried her face in her nest to stop from screaming. We won. We won. We got Shellkit back, and she's safe. We won. Her self-soothing was in vain. She couldn't convince a fish that water was wet.

Today she lingered outside the warrior's den, pacing and stumbling each time her paw caught a stone. Spring was coming; the days were getting longer. The river wasn't so frosty. I want to stay out here. Maybe I should take guard duty tonight. She spoke with one of the chosen cats, who was more than happy to for-go a sleepless night. The silver molly continued to fidget as the sunlight waned, twitching at every forest sound. Breathe. Breathe. Her breath became mist. Camp grew quieter and quieter, until silence blanketed the clearing.

She'd hoped this silence was what she needed. This air was clean and sharp. Her surroundings were open, not stifled like the den. But her mind was still so, so loud. So crowded. She started pacing again, lengthening her strides as she crossed camp. Her olive eyes caught the only other form awake right now, her fellow on guard duty. She turned to him, fighting back the pressure building in her throat.
"[color=#Hey! H-hey, good evening, Shadestone.[/color]" She swallowed, hoping the movement would force her heart back down where it belonged. She hadn't meant to raise her voice. "[color=#]How, um... How are you, this evening?[/color]"

/ @Shadestone im so sorry for how long this took to make!! <3