camp don't wanna grow up | sneaking into the nursery


May 3, 2023
I've been trying not to
Long spindly limbs toss and roll around in his nest, facing every which way until eventually he sat up. He couldn't sleep. The apprentice den was nothing like the cozy atmosphere the nursery carried. Blue-green eyes peer into the darkness, ebony paws plucking themselves out of the nest he lays upon. There were no rules stating that he couldn't go back to the nursery. At least, not that he knew of. Undetected he slips through camp until he reaches the gaping mouth of his former den. The sound of snoring fills the air as he hunkers down to peek inside, With everyone seemingly asleep the grizzle black apprentice slips inside. Locating an open spot next to Bobbie and Crowkit, Plaguepaw makes his way over, but not without accidentally stepping on someone's tail first.

His paw retracts quickly, hoping not to stir the sleeping form laying at his paws but the damage had already been done. Prancing over a couple more bodies the apprentice sandwiches himself behind Bobbie, in an effort to conceal himself from any groggy eyes. Although he'd done a poor job of hiding with his split tail still fully visible and his ear tips showing over the crest of the queen's spine.
Go off the deep end
She slumbers away in the dead of night, tired from a long day of play. She has chosen a nest somewhat by herself, or more so she has refused to go near the other queens cause what if the kits have like, cooties or something? Regardless, she lets out a particularly loud noise in her dream of chasing after a mouse that startles her awake. In a sleepy haze she jerks, rubbing a white paw against her cheeks to try and snap out of it. She rises to her paws to shake out her coat, and though shes not particularly tall she sees something.

Something that sends a shiver down her spine. Behind Bobbie theres a set of ears and in the shadows of the nursery it looks as if she has grown a second tail.

"Ghost!" she attempts to shriek but it comes out as a gurgled whisper, eyes blown wide as ears pin against her skull. She'll save the other kits! She- She's a brave girl! She blows out her cheeks and keeps a bubble in there, crouching in to a crude imitation of a hunters stance. She crawls forwards despite the hammering of her heart the the raw fear that courses through her veins. What if it turns around to BITE her head OFF?! Or even eats her whole? She shudders, but shes brave and shes gonna save everyone! Pearl attempts to launch herself at the split tail, the quietest war cry to ever exist coming from her mouth.

This beast would be kept at bay, no matter HOW scared she was!
eggkit | 03 months | male | he/him | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold #108297
its not plaugue paws appearance that wakes eggkit, but pearlkits shout - grey-blue eyes flickering open tiredly for a moment as his sleepy brain tries to catch up. He recognizes said 'ghost' right away, but his denmate is already moving forwards, so he takes the time to yawn first. " 's not a ghost, it's just plague-kit... erm... paw," the boy is to tired for this, sleep addled and still half in the land of dreams as he gets to his paws, wobbling. "Did you have a nigh'mare or something? I always go find my momma when I have nightmares," he says, his slurred speech slowly picking up speed and clarity as he finally wakes.

Crowkit feels something warm join him, which doesn't stir him. He knows this scent well enough to tell that it is no threat. Although the scent is not a threat he feels awfully smushed. That is remedied by the fact that his sleeping form wiggles to get comfortable and in turn offer more space to Plaguepaw. It is amusing that he is not bothered by the sudden intrusion, but he knows his mother loves Plaguepaw as one of her own. He's seen his mother take care of Plaguepaw alongside them, yet he never felt any jealousy. Plaguepaw was always there with them and he didn't hiss or bat at him for his blank stare most of the time. If anything, Plaguepaw was like an older brother to him.

His slumber is disturbed when Pearlkit yelps, the inky colored tom automatically jumps to his paws and looks around. Another voice whom he registers as Eggkit speaks up and he is in a foul mood. He had been sleeping peacefully after a long and hard day only to be woken up by his denmates over a ghost? Eggkit then adds that it is Plaguepaw and he finds himself blinking slowly before looking over and seeing that the warm sensation that he felt earlier was his former denmate. His mother told him that Plaguepaw would no longer be sleeping with them because he was now an apprentice, which meant when he was an apprentice he would be sleeping with other apprentices.

Sleep has left him and he blames Pearlkit for his lost slumber time. He is annoyed, the frown on his face, trembling whiskers, the flick of his ear, and bristled tail are enough to let the others know he is trying his best not to explode into mewls of complaint. What he does do is pad slowly over to Plaguepaw's head so if the apprentice were to turn he would be met with Crowkit's irritated face in the dead of night. The message would be clear. My sleep was ruined because you made Pearlkit yell and now Eggkit is awake. Who else was going to get up?

✿—— she sleeps better now that she has her kits to cradle against her. she'd grown up never sleeping alone, always half of a sleepy tangle of black and tawny limbs. the sleep of pregnancy had been lonely, had been restless, but she'd put it up to the effects of carrying kits. how she'll sleep once they move to the apprentices' den she doesn't know, but she's put it out of her mind until that day, ever growing closer, arrives—for now, she can still welcome fluffy black kittens into their shared nest at night. sometimes plaguepaw, then just plaguekit, had shared their nest as well, but he's moved on to his new den—or so she'd thought.

the small tabby is sleeping rather peacefully, for once not disturbed by strange nightmares filled by teeth and blood she can't remember the next day. or she was sleeping rather peacefully. plaguepaw's arrival doesn't quite disturb her, but the ensuing commotion does. the telltale cry of a kit drives itself into her ears like a set of claws, and a moment later she sleepily feels a shape stirring at her side. bobbie lifts her head, spring eyes foggy with new consciousness; she sees two kits, one of them her own, standing about her nest as pearlkit attacks a familiar forked tail.

"pl-plaguepaw?" her voice is sleepy, soft, stutter uncontrolled; her drowsy brain refuses to attempt to determine why he's here. one white-tipped paw rubs at her sleep-muddied eyes, blinking at the four young cats awake. "eggkit, pe-pearlkit, crowkit—go back to sleep, l-loves. it's j-just plaguepaw." bobbie tosses her head to get a sleep-rumpled mane out of her eyes, peering at plaguepaw, confused but not judgemental, "shouldn't you b-be in the apprentices' den?"

  • ooc: ——
  • xFuluhM.png
  • ❀ bobbie — for her kithood love of bobby pins
    she/her ; cisgender female — skyclan — queen — 38 ☾s
    —— bobbie is a beautiful but insecure lilac tabby, dotted with white patches and with pale green eyes. a queen of skyclan, she's sweet and kind if prone to melancholy; the heartbreaking end of a lifelong romance has left her scarred..
    —— smells like sweet lavender & tea leaves ; sounds like sansa stark ; speech in #D64933, thoughts in #B1C797
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; won’t start fights ; will flee ; will show mercy ; won't kill or maim
    —— pansexual panromantic monogamist, divorced, not looking ; open to friendships, enemies, casual interactions, plotting ; not open to unplanned romance & unplanned battles
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)

He’s tucked a short distance from Eggkit in Orangeblossom’s nest, his snores noxious. They’re interrupted—but only barely—when Pearlkit lets out a shriek, a warning. Ghost! His eyes open, bleary, and he paws the grit from his eyes. “Wha?” Eggkit murmurs sleepily that it’s just Plaguepaw in the nursery, and his focus sharpens. Crowkit is stirring, too, now, and Bobbie, his mother. Only a short while ago, Plaguepaw had slept in that nest with them—Doomkit feels strange seeing the patch-pelted apprentice in their space again. He’s grown up so much in Doomkit’s mind already.

What ya wanna be in this stupid place for,” he mutters, yawning. “’Pprentice den’s gotta be a heck of a lot cooler. You get to train and fight. This place is for babies.” He gives a disdainful sniff before setting his chin on ivory paws.

  • doomguy . doomkit
    — afab, he/him, kit of skyclan
    — unknown sexuality ; single
    — short-haired blue tortoiseshell with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
I've been trying not to
Ebony paws kneed the ground below, attempting to settle in and allow sleep to overtake him. Finally comfortable, Plaguepaw's eyes begin to drift, fluttering shut while a wide yawn separates dark jaws. He would have fallen into the first stages of sleep had he not felt immediate pressure landing mercilessly upon his forked tail. Turquoise eyes snap wide, maw parting to release a cry of surprise as she snatches his tails out from under Pearlkit and tucks them safely between his legs. "H-hey! What was that for?" The grizzled apprentice whispers with a hiss edging along the cusp of his vocals. Frowning at her he uses a single paw to stroke the length of his tails, smoothing out the bristled fur there.

Glancing over at Eggkit he shakes his head. "No, I just can't sleep. That den is so different, I don't like it." The change was something he was having a hard time coping with. It was also a constant reminder that he was in fact an apprentice now and that he was partnered with Quillstrike. Another reality he was not enthusiastic about. Crowkit begins to shift beside him and he turns again to face the rather irritated tom. "Lo siento Crowkit. Here, go back to sleep..." He mumbles, patting the empty spot next to him.

Both Bobbie and Doomkit question why he's not where he should be as he tucks his paws underneath himself, getting comfortable again. "It looks cool...but I feel alone in there. It's not like here." He admits, wearing a disgruntled expression. "Hurry up and become an apprentice already so you can put your nest next to mine Doomkit." He mutters with another yawn tapering his words. Inching closer he leans against Bobbie side and places his head on his own paws.
Go off the deep end
  • Sad
Reactions: Marquette
————— 𖦹 —————
The cry of ghost is what woke Hiccupkit, and his eyes turn owlish as he scans the dark for the specter, but it's just Plaguepaw. Not very nice of Pearlkit to call him a ghost, but he guesses it's okay because she's younger. Eggkit's question is a good one, but not the right one. It's not a nightmare that's drawn Plaguepaw back, but the disjointedness of his graduation, the loneliness. There's sadness in Hiccupkit's face for a moment, but he's quick to start brainstorming solutions.

Then he sees Plaguepaw beckoning Doomkit closer, and he has a sudden realization. "It's oh-kay Plaguekit. Paw. Pla-gue-paw." Hiccupkit's face turns concentrated for a moment as he sounds out the word bit by bit; Plaguepaw's got a funny name. Even funnier now that he's an apprentice, with all the "puh"s. Once he's past that hurdle, a smile lights his face. "You can sleep in here, we don't mind," he says, trying for softness and just barely hitting it, words blessedly sleep-muffled.

"And then we'll all be apprentices soon and you won't be alone anymore!" "And you can sleep next to Doomkit — Doompaw — and we can all train together and —" his words are interrupted by a yawn, dopey smile split wide for a moment. He blinks as his teeth click shut, seemingly having forgotten what he was saying. "And it'll all be really fun and never lonely," he finishes; perhaps a lackluster conclusion, but he doesn't seem bothered, closing his eyes again and settling his head upon his paw with a smile.
————— 𖦹 —————

  • //
  • HICCUPKIT as the first sound he made was a hiccup.
    — he/him. 3 moons.
    — skyclan kit.
    — large, loud, and loving.

    semi-casual character, moderate activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • Untitled139_20230509042846.png

"if it's for babies then it makes sense that you're still in here, doomkit."

drowsykit could sleep at any time, anywhere, because of her constant exhaustion but, she had to admit, she hated being woken from her sleep. nighttime was for sleeping! not for silly whispers and apprentices sneaking into the already overcrowded nursery. there is a frown on her overly tired face, nose crinkled in disdain at all the commotion.

"how is anyone supposed to sleep with all of you talking? don't you know what time it is!?"

she wasn't usually so frustrated, it was in her blood truly, but interrupted sleep was one day to just get her upset. she pressed herself further in the nest, paws covering her ears with an overexaggerated yawn.

"so tired!!! i'm tired. like the rest of you should be! go to sleep!!!!!"

Drowsykit wakes, and she’s immediately grouchy. “If it’s for babies then it makes sense that you’re in here,” the black smoke tells him loftily, her teeth glinting in the dim light as she yawns. Doomkit scowls. “You’re a baby too. ‘Nyway, I’m bouta get my apprentice ceremony, and then me and Plaguepaw will train together.” He listens to Hiccupkit, who tries to cheer Plaguepaw up. His own mod is dampened by the knowledge that he will have to share an apprentice ceremony with all of Orangeblossom’s kits—Cherrykit included.

He turns back to Plaguepaw, who makes himself comfortable beside his milk-siblings. “I’ll be there soon,” he promises. “And I’ll never be in this baby place again, you can count on that.” Disgruntled, he curls back into a ball, tucking his nose beneath his tail.

  • doomguy . doomkit
    — afab, he/him, kit of skyclan
    — unknown sexuality ; single
    — short-haired blue tortoiseshell with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette