Jun 26, 2024
Cloudpaw had noticed recently that Graykit was seeming a little bit... down. The young tom was normally quiet and a bit reserved, but she liked to think she knew her former denmate well enough to see that something was troubling him. Whatever the problem may be, it broke her heart to see any of her friends anything other than happy, and she was determined to put a smile back on his beautiful face. The ivory apprentice had the early hours of the morning down by the river, breaking her usual rule of not allowing her pristine white fur to get too muddy or wet before she'd even had breakfast. But for her friend, she was willing to get her paws dirty, and the effort paid off when she managed to snag a plump little river trout.

Cloudpaw quickly made her way back to came and headed straight for the nursery, where she could see her younger clanmates were already beginning to stir. She dropped the fish just outside the entrance to the den and poked her head in, mint-green eyes widening slightly as they adjusted to the dim light. It wasn't long before she spotted the familiar mottled tabby pelt she was searching for, and luckily it seemed she'd arrived just as he was waking up. "Psst.. Graykit! Come outside, I brought you something." With that vague request she disappeared from the mouth of the den, settling herself down beside the meal she'd brought for them to share and delicately rasping her tongue over one of her muddied paws.

  • [ @Graykit <3 ]
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  • CLOUDPAW she / her, apprentice of riverclan, 7 moons
    long-hair white and cinnamon chimera with pale green eyes. petite and lithe.
    npc x npc // younger sister to moonbeam and rowan // littermate to crawfishpaw
    single, potentially open to relationships // mentored by no one // mentor to no one
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted // underline and tag when attacking.
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

He had not taken Eveningpaw's apprenticeship well. He knows that he had been unfair, selfish even, but he couldn't help it. He should be happy for her, watching her move into the apprentice den with a wide smile on her features should have made him happy too. After all, it was only one moon that stretched between now and his own apprenticeship. But instead of the happiness he should be feeling on her behalf, another, uglier, emotion had reared its head. Fear and jealousy. Jealousy towards the other apprentices she would now be spending a majority of her time with. Fear that she would leave him behind and become someone else unrecognizable in his absence. He had marred their friendship like an ugly scar, and now he had to come up with some way to fix it. Before it was too late.

So he sulks about the nursery while she is away training, river-green eyes more dulled than usual as he stares forlornly at nothing, lamenting over his loss and trying desperately to claw at any scrap of thought on how to mend the gap before it became a rift. Cloudypaw's voice is a welcome distraction. He lifts his head from the nest he shares with his litter-mate and cousin and turns in the direction of that familiar lilt. Cloudypaw, it would seem, had not forgotten about him in her own apprenticeship and the idea of that made his heart twist with hope. "Coming!" he calls out softly, not wanting to disturb the others who nap around him.

He shakes moss out of his fur as he makes his way to that brilliant wall of light and when he steps out into the camp he has to blink a few times in order for his eyes to adjust before he sees it. There, in front of him, is a gift that makes his heart lurch. "Is this- did you catch this?" he asks in a breathy voice.

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    A plush coated kitten with a pelt marbled in varying shades of gray and white. He has dull green eyes and a tall stature. Most of his personality can be described as carefree though some also say that unmotivated is a more than apt term. His trust and love is easily won through praise but he will do little work to receive it.
    easy in battle + no formal training