- Nov 25, 2023
- 205
- 31
- 28
The lead warrior crouches at the bank of the river, and with the last few warm days in a mostly harsh leaf-bare... his eyes set upon a fast, rapid current. The tom isn't alone, as of course Foxtail would lead his patrol to the river. Even though the current is a little... wild, that doesn't mean they'll be unable to catch something. They'll have to pay attention to what swims in front of them, and if they're quick enough... perhaps they can bring prey back to camp. If we can't find anything here, we can always hunt by land nearby. Foxtail thinks to himself, as he scans the rapid river before him.... but an ear pricks up at the splash of water.
The lead warrior pulls his gaze away from the river, and onto Fishpaw, an apprentice with one moon of training under his belt. He barely gets to blink before the silver tabby is yanked into the river, overpowered by his catch. Water splashes on the shore, and Foxtail is quick to jump onto his paws. "F-Fishpaw!" He loudly exclaims, before plunging into the ice cold, rapid, water himself. The current is strong, but even with a racing heart, the lead warrior fights it. It feels like moons, but he reaches the apprentice.... whom is struggling to get to the surface.
Biting down on the apprentice's scruff, Foxtail forces them to reach the surface.... and to his relief, he hears Fishpaw gasp for air. "...You're o-okay!" Foxtail says through muffled fur, as he and the apprentice swim for the shore. His patrolmates stand at the shore with their pelts bristled, but he sees relief in their eyes.... this could've gone south. He nudges the apprentice to swim forward, as they near the shore, and he watches as Fishpaw's mentor pulls him out of the river by his scruff.
The apprentice scrambles out of the river, visibly shaking, and the lead warrior takes a step forward in the flowing water. He reaches for the shore, with the intention to pull himself out of the frigid river, but even he could not predict a violent wave crashing into him. He barely gets to blink before the sight of his clanmates are replaced by a violent current, as it thrashes him into rocks and sediment. His body is bashed against jagged rocks, and his eyes widen.... as pain he cannot begin to describe begins to throb at his back, left, hind leg.
He begins to lose consciousness from the pain, not noticing that a stronger swimmer jumped into the ruthless rapids to swim after him. He is unconscious, when they drag him out to shore.
"Someone go get Moonbeam! And Robinheart!" The clanmate yowls, before looking back at Foxtail.... horror flashing in their eyes. "Oh stars... Look at his leg. It's broken, isn't it?"
The lead warrior pulls his gaze away from the river, and onto Fishpaw, an apprentice with one moon of training under his belt. He barely gets to blink before the silver tabby is yanked into the river, overpowered by his catch. Water splashes on the shore, and Foxtail is quick to jump onto his paws. "F-Fishpaw!" He loudly exclaims, before plunging into the ice cold, rapid, water himself. The current is strong, but even with a racing heart, the lead warrior fights it. It feels like moons, but he reaches the apprentice.... whom is struggling to get to the surface.
Biting down on the apprentice's scruff, Foxtail forces them to reach the surface.... and to his relief, he hears Fishpaw gasp for air. "...You're o-okay!" Foxtail says through muffled fur, as he and the apprentice swim for the shore. His patrolmates stand at the shore with their pelts bristled, but he sees relief in their eyes.... this could've gone south. He nudges the apprentice to swim forward, as they near the shore, and he watches as Fishpaw's mentor pulls him out of the river by his scruff.
The apprentice scrambles out of the river, visibly shaking, and the lead warrior takes a step forward in the flowing water. He reaches for the shore, with the intention to pull himself out of the frigid river, but even he could not predict a violent wave crashing into him. He barely gets to blink before the sight of his clanmates are replaced by a violent current, as it thrashes him into rocks and sediment. His body is bashed against jagged rocks, and his eyes widen.... as pain he cannot begin to describe begins to throb at his back, left, hind leg.
He begins to lose consciousness from the pain, not noticing that a stronger swimmer jumped into the ruthless rapids to swim after him. He is unconscious, when they drag him out to shore.
"Someone go get Moonbeam! And Robinheart!" The clanmate yowls, before looking back at Foxtail.... horror flashing in their eyes. "Oh stars... Look at his leg. It's broken, isn't it?"
credit to raphaelion (via da) for the artwork <3 -
Foxtaillead warriorcisgender male [he / him]
26 moons
experience: trained
backstory: [HYPERLINK]
biography: [HYPERLINK]
credit to rai for the chibi <3
eyes: green
pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
fur length: long
parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)