Don't You Worry Child | Training

For the past moon, calamity had struck RiverClan time and time again. With WindClan's raid upon their camp, her recovery, and then ThunderClan's raid upon Sunningrocks; Cindershade had barely been able to get much of Sablepaw's training done. Apart of her felt like a failure, knowing that Sablepaw had hidden away during the raid—scared for her life as Cindershade fought nearly to the death without even thinking of her own apprentice. Not anymore, her jaws clench together as she watches the beginning of the sun peak over the horizon. No longer would she let her apprentice suffer from her own selfishness and misgivings—she had vowed herself to Sablepaw within the confines of the medicine den and she had full intentions to keep it.
The air still held a considerable amount of chill from the night before, fog settles within the territory and swathes her shadowed form as she strides over quickly towards the apprentice's den. The lead warrior had finally been cleared to return to her duties, free to resume training her apprentice and help within the clan as before. She pauses for moment just outside of the mouth of woven bracken and bramble, half-heartedly mended back together from the raid. Vibrant eyes pierce into the dark void of the mouth of the den before her, slumbering snores and grumbles of young cats fill her ears before she finally heads inside. It takes a mere moment for her eyes to dilate and adjust, taking in every inch of dim light she could while scanning for a familiar sleek dark pelt. There, the molly concludes, finding Sablepaw's slumbering body within the confines of her best. "Sablepaw." She hisses low, raising a shaded paw to prod at her side in order to rouse her out of sleep. "Wake up, child. It's time for training." Today would be fulfilling and exhausting. She had a lot planned for them to do today.


In every situation you give me peace
Long limbs paddle smoothly through river waves, surrounded by a multitude of colorful fish playfully flitting about. Bird song fills the air, their sound becoming warped and distorted as her head dips beneath the surface to swim alongside aquatic foliage. The weight of Cindershade's paw causes her dreamscape to shift, as she rocks the girl back and forth. Disrupting the blissful mental movie playing behind sealed ebony lids. Before long Sablepaw awakes, periwinkle peeking open as the drowsiness of sleep lazily dissipates. Her eyes cut to the woman standing above her. "Cindershade?" She croaks, typical morning voice interrupting the usual flow of soft honeyed vocals. Without hesitation her mentor dives straight into explanation. Training, that's right.

Untucking her limbs Sablepaw stands before moving into a much needed stretch to bring life back into them. Carefully her paws take delicate steps to lead her outside the makeshift den with Cindershade close on her heels no doubt. "Can I ask what I will learn today?" She finally whispers, turning to face the woman before trailing in behind her once she takes the lead to exit camp. There was so much she needed to catch up on compared to her fellow apprentice. But despite her own misgivings concerning herself she had faith in the lead warrior's tactics.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead
A silhouette stirs before periwinkle eyes stare back at her, sleep dulling their glow as Sablepaw unfolds herself and a question upon the molly's name. She says nothing, simply waited for her apprentice to rouse and trailed after her into the dewy clearing. Dawn had arrived, bleak light softening their features whilst they headed towards the exit of their temporary camp. The roar of the gorge, once a roaring beast that drowned out nearly any sound, now was a mere backdrop of white noise to the lead warrior. Sablepaw pipes up with an obvious question, wishing to know what plans she had in order for the molly. She doesn't answer just yet, paws finding the well worn path from the entrance with purpose to her gait. So much to do, perhaps they'd do a bit of everything provided how well Sablepaw performed. But with a retaliation on the rise, only one thing lay on her mind now.
"Battle training first." She finally speaks, vibrant eyes flitting towards her splotched face as they traveled alongside side the falls until the roaring of rapids now settled into a steady current. "We will start on land, then move into the water—since you've been so keen to get into it lately." The woman halts near abruptly, flashing a pointed look with furrowed brows in Sablepaw's direction. "Now, I want you to face me. Let's see what you're working with." She instructs her, motioning with her tail for emphasis on where to go. "Attack whenever you're ready." The molly adds, the tips of her lips edging into a hidden smile. "Don't hold back now."


In every situation you give me peace
Silence envelopes the pair as they continue their walk, straying further and further from camp itself. Cindershade eventually allows an answer to fall from her lips. The remark was scathing to the ears as a fresh wave of guilt and shame trickled dripped into her mind. Dark ears droop, excitement waning as she recalls her hasty mistake along the river. Phantom aches plague the area of her chest and forearm as Cindershade rounds in front of her, coaxing her to attack. The rosetted molly's words fall upon deaf ears momentarily as she relives the disappointment found in her mentor's eyes. She didn't want this to be her reality, constantly letting the lead warrior down due to her own shortcomings. But it seemed to be all she was capable of. "Don't hold back now." The voice calling out to her makes her focus again. Although doubt already wormed its way in, attempting to rot what remained at the core.

Sablepaw swayed upon ebony paws with uncertainty, not entirely sure how to go about rushing at her mentor. "Okay." She finally voices. Dark heels dig into the pebbled shore before she lurches forward with no real sense of technique, aiming to tangle Chindershade up in a simple tackle half heartedly.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead
She observes Sablepaw with a keen eye, her movements hesitant and near clumsy. It's clear her shaped words stung her bi-colored apprentice, a hidden blade beneath her tone. She feels at fault for letting her do such a thing, that she hadn't kept a better eye on her. But, Sablepaw was a growing individual. She was learning and Cindershade couldn't guide her through all of the obstacles that life laid at her paws. If she wanted Sablepaw to become a well respected warrior of RiverClan, a fierce fighter and loyal to the end—well, sometimes she had to endear her own hardships. It seemed like an imposing wall now, but soon it will be nothing but a memory for her to laugh about when she's older and more mature.
Only, Cindershade didn't realize how much this affected her until she springs at her. Unorthodox. Clumsy. Easy to dodge. Damn near laughable in her judgemental features. As Sablepaw unceremoniously sprung at her and tried to grasp at the lead warrior, Cindershade merely aims to step aside in time and sweep strong forepaw underneath Sablepaw's hand legs in order to trip her. "Clumsy." She muttered to herself, velveteen ears flicking irritably. Whether her reaction lands or not, she circles Sablepaw and stands along her other side. Piercing eyes glare at her, narrowing slightly whilst her lip curls in distaste. "You want to tell me what the hell was that?" She hisses, ivory teeth gnashing as she spoke. Did Sablepaw not take this seriously? Did she think Cindershade was a joke? Anger bubbled within her chest, burning through her nuscles and boiling her blood. "Training with me is a privilege, Sablepaw. If you don't want to strive to be great—to make RiverClan respect you wholeheartedly; then I'll gladly find another mentor to take you on." Her rasped voice rumbled, ears flattening as she steps forward as a warning.
"You want to be remembered as the apprentice who nearly got herself killed trying to catch a fish? I've seen 2 moon old kits with better aim! I've seen you with better aim! Fight me like you mean it, child! This is your last chance!" She takes a strong stance as she spoke, her helm lowering whilst eyes locked on to her apprentice as if she were prey. With a stealthy leap, the lead warrior aims to land squarely on top of Sablepaw's shoulders to pin her down into the pebble-laiden shore. Her weight would surely knock the wind and whatever grueling self doubt that plagued Sablepaw's young mind. If she had to physically knock it out of her, then so be it.

In every situation you give me peace
Her paws falter, grasping nothing in their wake as another dark appendage not her own snakes underneath them. The movement renders her unstable, leaving her gangly frame no choice but to topple rather heavily upon the ground with clenched fangs. A rhetorical question is placed within the air, one that she could not answer even if she wanted to. Eyes that were once screwed shut upon her rough landing blink open slowly, face grimacing as she slowly lifts the front half of her body. "Training with me is a privilege, Sablepaw." The girl's head hangs lower than her shoulders as she stares ahead of her, ivory striped back still facing Cindershade. Of course it was a privilege. Of course she wanted to make riverclan proud of her despite her heritage. But the constant badgering of her failures or things out of her control snuffed the flames of her desire to prove herself rather than stoke it.

The rossetted molly was growing increasingly frustrated, the ire nearly tangible as she finally pulled herself to her paws with a huff. And whether she knew it or not, her own irritation finally began to bubble beneath the surface. "Go ahead! Replace me! Save yourself from the embarrassment of having an apprentice that fails time and time again!" She snaps back, edging and daring though she does not truly mean them. By the time she turns to fully face Cindershade the lead warrior is but a blur in her vision. Sablepaw hardly has time to react and even if she did she hardly doubted she could have evaded the pounce. The weight that lands upon her is crippling, causing limbs to buckle and fold underneath her. The wind is harshly knocked out of her as she crashes against the pebble laden shore a second time.

That simmering annoyance heightens into broiling anger as she regains a choppy breath and twists, attempting to maneuver her body just enough to roll and hopefully unbalance the dark female. Should she prove successful Sablepaw would follow up with an aimed attempt to kick Cindershade's legs out from under herself as she scrambles to stand again.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead
Go ahead! Replace me! Save yourself from the embarrassment of having an apprentice that fails time and time again!
Those words irk her in a different way than before. Cindershade sets her jaw whilst looking to her bi-colored apprentice, the ire that radiated off of her in electrical currents was palpable. A storm brewing within her, lightning jolts electrifying her limbs and made her toes tingle. Doesn't Sablepaw want to be great? She had said so in their meeting, and Cindershade had declared a vow to make it so. Doesn't she realize what the lead warrior was aiming to do? Giving up was not an option, and the shadowed molly had never been a quitter. She'd drill what she knew into that head of Sablepaw's if she had to.
Her pounce lands squarely upon slender shoulders and her bulking weight lands down upon Sablepaw with ease. She feels the breath knock from her, feels her squirm beneath the flexed knuckles of her paws to free herself. It seemed her words had stung her, like the venomous bite of an adder and something stirs beneath her. Sable wriggles and kicks, finally rolling to dislodge her and the lead warrior blinks in surprise as she nearly loses her balance. To move a cat like her was impressive in itself. The lead warrior was short, but hardy. A condensed package as they say. Paws move to the side, but it seems Sablepaw wasn't done yet. Her paws collided with her own in a sweeping motion, kicking young legs out and making their mark. Cindershade feels her paws slide and it takes her by surprise, causing the warrior to trip and stumble. An retaliation like that from a more seasoned warrior and she might have fell upon the pebble-laiden shore herself like her protégé did. "Hm." There it was. Sablepaw's own ire gave her the push that was needed, made her retaliate and it was a good retaliation. A twitch of blackened lips was noticed upon her scarred features, a twinkle of amusement danced within verdant depths. "Good." She nods to Sablepaw, moving away from her and beginning to circle her. "Use that anger to your advantage in battle, Sablepaw. That will drive your forward, it will make you more fierce. With training, you will learn to harness that and control it." She pauses in front of her, shaded tail twitching. "You let that self-doubt hinder you. Look at yourself. You're strong, built for power and speed. ShadowClan blood may run in your veins but you are a RiverClanner."
Chartreuse eyes settled upon Sablepaw, an unreadable expression within her gaze. "Look at me, Sablepaw. I was not born by the river. I came from the marshes just as your parents did. Back before the clans were formed. Many of us did. Look at us now, knowing the ways of the river as if we've lived and reaped it's resources for our whole lives." Eyes narrow as flashes of the marsh group cross her vision, then the clashing bodies of the Great Battle before settling off into these wetlands. "You will do the same. You have potential, child. Cicadastar wouldn't have assigned you to me if you didn't. So stop wallowing in self pity. The clans are not sunshine and rainbows. They are harsh and unforgiving. You will fail, time and time again. But you will learn from those failures in order to succeed." She moves to face her now, lowering her helm and leveling her gaze to Sablepaw. "Now, again. Come at me again."

In every situation you give me peace
Heavy breaths ebb and flow from the skunk striped apprentice, easily visible as her body works to catch its breath. If she were not raised with the level of respect she had, Sablepaw was sure she would have stomped off by now. And she couldn't deny, the thought was tempting. Her head hangs low in the process, ebony ears flicking back at the sound of a thoughtful hum. A twitch of the lips and a twinkle of the eye causes her head to snap up by the time Cindershade voices a single word of praise. "What?" She breathes, utterly bewildered. What was so good about a heated argument breaking out between them? Though she kept an eye on the molly circling her like cornered prey, an answer did finally come. Dark brows soften momentarily before tightening again, listening as her mentor pointed out a vital flaw. Her own self doubt and pity.

Pastel eyes gloss over with restrained tears, attention diverting to the pebbles beneath her paws as she mulled over her words. It was true, and it hurt more than she liked to admit. Cindershade was doing her best to make her a fine warrior of riverclan, while she did nothing but wallow in her flaws when things failed to go her way. Her effort was minimal at best and she had no one else to blame but herself. "Look at me, Sablepaw." An ivory marked head lifts to look her mentor in the eyes, listening as she reveals a truth Sablepaw held no knowledge of previously. This newfound insight causes her eyes to widen a hair, realization finally dawning upon her. It didn't matter your origin of birth or the blood running in your veins. It was the effort you were willing to put in.

The night kissed lead showers her protege in praise, exalting her as a cat with potential. It was something she never considered herself as before. A new level of respect blossoms for the chartreuse eyed woman right then and there. Breaking her defensive stance Sablepaw takes a hesitant step forward and then another until the distance between them is closed. Lightly she presses her skull within the crook of Cindershade's neck and shoulder. "Thank you..." Her gratitude is whispered, still absorbing the revelation bestowed upon her. This was indeed the push she needed. Taking a step back she turns, placing a good sparring distance between them once more. With a soft huff she collects herself, staring ahead, and then with another breath, launches forward. Jumping in the air Sablepaw stretches her forearms forward in an attempt to grapple the lead warrior and push against her.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead