DOOM AHEAD [ howling / fire ]

Batwing had torn himself away from the situation at hand. Emotions had definitely been driving his decisions, but he couldn't have helped that. Howlingstar had agreed to a meeting, indicating Flamewhisker to follow them both. Batwing swallowed nervously, padding after Howlingstar into her den. He hadn't been in here before, he noted to himself. Hopefully, he wasn't in trouble. Explaining was necessary, right?

He didn't speak before addressed, notably. Batwing sank to a sitting position, his heart in his stomach. Optics were on the ground, his tail still and his breathing still shuddering. Emotions were just barely held together by what felt like thorns to him. When they were all settled, Batwing lifted his eyes to the meeting at hand, ears still lowered.

@HOWLINGSTAR @Flamewhisker
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As Batwing and Howlingstar departed towards the Leader’s Den, she turned to follow them. She cast her head over her shoulder, glancing towards the nursery. Tigerkit must have been inside with Tansyshine, because she did not spot her as she padded away. Regardless of the outcome, she knew it was the right decision to bring her back to the camp. The poor little thing wouldn’t have survived out there…Here, she would be loved and cared for…raised with honor and stability.

The fiery molly sat down beside Batwing, flicking her tail to touch his shoulder briefly. She wasn’t sure if the gesture would be appreciated or not, but she could tell that something had been bothering him. Her attention then shifted to their leader, waiting to answer any questions needed.

// mobile

When Batwing requested to speak with her alone, she simply nodded and mewed a quick, "Very well." She trusted Tansyshine to take things from here with the kit. She had beckoned Flamewhisker as well with her tail. Both warriors were present when finding the kit, so it's only sensible the ginger molly would be joining them.

As soon as she seats herself in her den, she lifts green eyes to first look at Flamewhisker and then Batwing. "The found her alone?" She wants to hear the full story. Every detail. She is bewildered by the number of orphans dropped on their borders as of late. It's becoming too many to count. What is happening to all of these kits' mothers?
When Howlingstar asks to hear the full story, she glanced at Batwing to see if he wanted to speak first, but after a brief moment of silence, she decides to go ahead and speak. She dipped her head towards her leader before she began. "I was hunting nearby when Tigerkit's call scared away my vole. I headed towards the direction of her voice, and met Batwing when I found her, he must've been close by as well. Batwing asked her where her mother was, but Tigerkit said that they were playing hide and seek. Whoever her mother was, she knew about the clans. She had told Tigerkit that 'the thundercats' would find her and take care of her. I'm not sure how much the kit's mother knew, because Tigerkit was convinced that we make it thunder outside." the lead warrior stopped to chuckle, finding humor in the thought that they could make the skies roar.

"Her mother left her at the base of a tree. I decided to go ahead and bring her to the camp, I didn't want to look for her mother with the kit...just in case...well, you know." There were several reasons to not search the forest with a kit, but the main reason had been the risk of finding. a body. The last thing she wanted was for Tigerkit's last memory of her mother to be her corpse. "Batwing stayed behind to see if he could find any clues as to what happened to her mother." her tail flicked towards the tom, her attention turning as well.

Howlingstar asked a question. Batwing swallowed, and glanced sidelong at Flamewhisker just as she looked at him. He nodded a tiny bit towards. His ears twitched, and despite the chuckle Flamewhisker gives at the end of her statement, he couldn't manage to smile. The dread that was still pooling in his stomach was pulling him down. A sigh was blown from his nose, ears twitching as he looked back at his paws. And when Flamewhisker leaves off, he opens his mouth to speak, though his statement is shaky.

"Tigerkit's mother wasn't.. extremely far." He coughed, cleared his throat, and picked his shoulders up, staring at Howlingstar in the eye. "She was alive, but she was dying. She knew she was dying. She was coughing, spitting up blood." Batwing inhaled quietly. He glanced at Flamewhisker again, then back towards Howlingstar. "She wished for us to take her kit in and care for her, because she knew that she couldn't any longer. I said that we would do our best, and asked her if the kit had a name." His ears twitched, his gaze dead on. There was no reason to lie, so he didn't. "Her mother said she- Tigerkit- had been nicknamed Tiger before- that's the only reason why I brought up the name at all. Something.. from her past, that she should keep."

Batwing's shoulders shook again, his perked ears lowering again. "I apologize for speaking in turn of higher ranked cats but..." It wasn't right to tell her no. His head shook, looking back at his paws.​
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As Flamewhisker begins to tell the story, Howlingstar's ears fall back against her head. How awful, She thinks, to be left so intentionally and not even knowing. Her mother must have known she couldn't care for her any longer, especially if Batwing does confirm he found her body. "You did the right thing bringing her here. The forest is no place for a kitten by herself." She nods to her lead warrior encouragingly, grateful for the maternal instinct they shared that brought Tigerkit here to camp.

Her attention then shifts to Batwing as he begins his side of the story. Her faces scrunches mournfully as he describes the scene of Tigerkit's dying mother. He tells what he knows of the name, and understanding washes over her. He hadn't named the kit, after all. Her gaze softens. "You have nothing to apologize for. It is right that she bears the name given to her by her mother, and Tigerkit is a fine name." Her eyes flicker back to Flamewhisker, then back to the tom-cat. "Thank you both. You saved a kit today, and here she'll be safe, and loved by Tansyshine. She'll make a fine warrior someday I'm sure."
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Batwing inhaled suddenly, his shoulders trembling. He tilted his head backwards, eyes focusing on the roof of Howlingstar's den. He nodded his head gently, bringing it back down even as his ears lowered again. With the tension in the room, not to mention the grim scene that Batwing had happened upon, he was a little upset, understandably so. Batwing's head nodded gently, his tail twitching. "It is right." He murmured softly.

As Howlingstar spoke again, he straightened himself up. Their little conversation was coming to an end, after all. He cleared his throat and glanced sidelong at Flamewhisker, then back at Howlingstar. "Of course. I'd do it all over again, if I had to." Batwing responded, his voice a little more even then it was before. Taking the time to settle himself had helped. "Do you need.. anything else?" Batwing glanced between the two of the cats again, head tilting gently. He'd really like to go hide in a tree now, please and thank you.​