pafp Down by the banks ⚜ sharing tongues + puns


I'd let the world burn for you
Jan 17, 2024
*+:。.。 "It's a wonderful day toad-ay, would you care to join me?" she asks with a voice soft as silk though tinged ever so slightly with an air of timidity. The woman hadn't quite been able to keep her thoughts free of her leader as of late if that hadn't been painfully obvious by now. She'd hoped not. Duckshimmer had tried her best to keep her worries discreet, but one would suppose they could only hide so many glances towards the leader's den. This time, she decides to bite the hornet's nest already and cut to the chase. A warm glow of late afternoon gold fell over Shadowclan's camp, everyone shining within laying comfortably with their bellies to the dying light. She'd picked this time specifically to approach Chilledstar seeing as, by now, the patrols had finished up and everyone had surely eaten their fill. Her self-sacrificing leader wouldn't be able to deny eating something at this hour - though it was still up to them if they were willing to share with Duckshimmer or not.
It wouldn't hurt to try.
"I hop you haven't grown sick of frogs yet" she meows lightly, voice slightly muffled by the prey item in her jaws. Placing it down by Chilledstar's paws, face completely blank, she meows, "I can eat one more, but if this doesn't end, I may very well croak"
At last, she breaks, and a smile falls over her maw, by now her efforts ought to be obvious despite trying to play coy. "How was the joke? It's a newt one" she had been lying awake for an unspeakably long time last night trying to think of these horrid jokes, so she really hoped at least one would land, "though I wouldn't be surprised if you've heard it before. Once you've told one, you've toad them all"

Once, what feels like a long time ago now, she'd gotten Chilledstar to laugh with puns just as awful as these. It had been a nice sound. Like the drumbeat of rain on soil hardened by drought. There wasn't a lot Duckshimmer could do while Chileldstar was hurting - she could do nothing during that night in the rain, and she remained helpless when they woke, trapped still in a waking dream in the form of a panic attack. Slowly, slowly, Duckshimmer was beginning to realize she was but a grain of sand when it came to daming up Chilledstar's long history of torrential downpours but...Oh, who knows...maybe today, just for one moment at least, she could give them something to laugh about.

"I went through a lot of effort to think of these, tell me they're at least a little ribbit-ting?"

@CHILLEDSTAR. <3 I told you it was gonna be a heehee haha thread ~ 100000000% inspired because Siffrin and their puns hold my whole heart >:3c

    DFAB— She/Her — Bisexual
    30 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mother to Singepaw, Swallowpaw and Sneezepaw
    Shadowclan — Warrior

    Physically hard | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #ffa98f
    injuries: None currently
  • Wow
they're not in the mood to really do much of anything but sulk. emotions were exhausting. existing is exhausting and they logically know they cannot sit around and mope forever but they can right now. they don't feel like doing anything. so they sit, and they watch the cats within the camp. they'd finished their patrol and now they're tired, more than usual. their gaze stops upon duckshimmer who they have been seeing more of lately. they're not sure why. it's not like she's around more often than usual, but for whatever reason they notice her more. they're not sure what that means, and part of them doesn't want to know. and she's making puns. their brows furrow as they look down at the frog she's setting in front of them. they may have had frogs for days and days but they like the taste still. that's not really going to stop any time soon, especially when come winter they'd be begging for one sign of a frog.

they lift their gaze with a soft twitch of their ears as they listen to pun after pun fall from the woman's soft tongue. she is trying really hard here. they would hate for it to not be rewarded with a laugh or a giggle. it just takes a bit to find one. to find a reason to laugh. they're funny, yes, but that dullness that comes with not truly being present makes it hard to laugh. still, they do. they close their eyes and lift their paw with a soft laugh behind it, shaking their head with a smile parting their lips.

"those were horrible, duckshimmer. i mean, come on. i toad you how to make a good frog joke already. those were hop-less."

they join in, a more genuine laugh following suit as they've had time now to think about all the ones she's said.

"thank you for the frog. it looks rather good... you joining me or must I dine upon this divine thing by my lonesome?"

wouldn't hurt to share one meal... would it?

———————---***ALL OF MY FEELINGS ARE GONE***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    46 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking / looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
*+:。.。 Puns are very much indicative of a poor sense of humor. Although Duckshimmer could find it in herself to respect a cat who goes through the effort of crafting them, then following through with the right timing, there is no denying that it is still so very...lame. It was lame. This was lame. The undeniable truth of that inarguable statement made her cheeks hot with embarrassment. It did not feel great to betray her carefully crafted elegant persona with word choices as awful as these, but in the end, she had hoped the reward of seeing Chilledstar smile, if not laugh, would be enough.

But Chilledstar did not laugh.

The seconds dragged like a still-breathing mouse pulled slowly down by the crushing muscles of a snake's gullet. Suffering. Duckshimmer does her best to keep her expression deadpan, but as she stares back at Chilledstar's immovable own, she feels her grip slipping. On her mask or her psyche, she couldn't tell you! Either way, she feels the burn rise to an inferno, scorching her eartips and surely filling the air with smoke. Why aren't they laughing? she thinks, nearly hysterical.

Finally, the snake takes one final gulp -

"Those were horrible, duckshimmer."

And the mouse dies.

"mewp" a strangled noise inelegantly escapes her; fur fluffing up around her collar as though she'd been struck by lightning. All that effort she thinks, thoughts as fried as her cheeks, and even Chilledstar doesn't approve.

But just as Duckshimmer is about to turn on her heels and willingly melt into a puddle, her ears snap up.
A soft, twinkling sound.
Like the pitter of rain, a quiet shatter of ice.

Duckshimmer blinks back into focus - immediately regretting it when Chilledstar assaults her with even more puns. But their laugh is sweet, and like a refreshing shower after a sudden threat of fire, Duckshimmer - at last - finds the will to relax. Her mission, at the end of the day, was to see if she had offended her leader...she's glad to hear with the rain that she hasn't lost too much of their favor.
"You tempt me to leap away" she says with a tired laugh, letting her head drop into her still-ruffled mane, " How's that one? Do you...erm...fro-g-approve - ah end my suffering already" she laughs, flopping down beside her leader, head too full of smoke to bother with the act. "I do not understand how they come to you so easily. I truly did spend hours on those" she meows with an easy smile, resting her head on her paws as she looks up at them with a quirked brow.

Softer, she smiles at the suggestion. "I'd be happy to" she meows, before squinting at the prey item - which is, despite the competition for food, quite large. "Although perhaps this is more than a two-cat job" she says with a laugh.

[Her roleplayer notes, because she loves this joke but battle cats won't know to tell it, that if Duckshimmer ate another frog, she would undoubtedly Kermit suicide ]

    DFAB— She/Her — Bisexual
    30 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mother to Singepaw, Swallowpaw and Sneezepaw
    Shadowclan — Warrior

    Physically hard | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #ffa98f
    injuries: None currently
  • Dead
Reactions: Floppie

It might not appear so, owing to an inherent aloofness and the poor impression it imparts on his more sociable clanmates, but Smogmaw a good pun. It comes with being a father, so he's heard. The term 'dad joke' is new to him, gets thrown around quite a bit by the clan's youth, though he likes the way it sounds. The tom's always been more of an observational sort, and his sense of humour reflects as much. Puns, however, are relatively low-hanging fruit; plucked immediately with little effort, but an easy treat regardless.

Having overheard Duckshimmer's incessant attempts at humour, Smogmaw refrains from putting the words 'good' and 'pun' beside one another in the same sentence regarding them. Her quips are stale and unexciting, two attributes with which the deputy is intimately familiar. A glance Chilledstar's way reveals a more receptive response to her meanderings, and he'd not been expecting his straight-faced leader to return anything Duckshimmer flung their way. Were it the torbie's true intent to court them (a suspicion he holds), she's found her footing. Unlikely partners, but a closer pair, he muses, compared to most.

What will eventually lead to their collective dismay is the fact that Smogmaw also enjoys a good frog joke. His record shows for it, seeing how long-lived the legend of 'Wartstar' is proving to be. Stars, he came up with that nonsense last Greenleaf, and it seems to've become a regular part of the clan's vocabulary.

"Hey." The greeting is a threat. He's got a real bad one loaded in the chamber, and his farce of a serious expression conveys as much. "What did the, uh- heh." A pre-emptive snicker trails out. He corrects himself with a pointed look towards Duckshimmer. "What did the frog say to the fly when they were done hanging out?" A stupid look tugs at his features, and his head rolls forward, muzzle half-pinned to the ground, like a fawn just barely holding itself steady for the first time. The pause only works to emphasize the following punchline, and he just barely contains himself long enough to raise his eyes to the molly, smirk, and finish his business. "Catch you later."

The tom doesn't dare flash a glance at his leader.


[ ༻❄༺ ] This was awful, unbearably awful. Hearing the puns be thrown left and right-first from Duckshimmer, which earned a slight roll of Snowpaw's eyes and then he heard Chilledstar join in on the puns which made his yellow gaze snap towards their leader shocked to hear them join in on the puns. The nail in the coffin was Smogmaw's joke which made Snowpaw's face make a certain look on it before he approached the others, his tail twitching a bit while a frown peered on his maw. Snowpaw hoped that when he too became a warrior or well, a parent (as Duckshimmer and Smogmaw were both parents), he did not fall into making terrible jokes.

"Did a frog tell you that joke?" he questioned with a slight grimace on his face, trying hard not to crash their fun with his own thoughts on how awful these jokes were. He dared not even entertain the thought of sharing one with them-after all he didn't want to make any of his clanmates groan if he tried to. But, still he stared at them, trying hard to keep a straight face up so they did not assume that the tom had found their jokes terrible. He didn't want to upset them or ruin the mood just because of his own thoughts. "Uh... good efforts on the jokes though... But must it be frog puns only?" he pointed out to the group, maybe it'll get them to make better ones...yeah, or... Snowpaw will regret even asking.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw He/Him, apprentice of Shadowclan, 9 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.