private DOWN IN DELHI [ *ೃ༄ ] UKALEK


Jun 9, 2024

Mossthorn has lived the entirety of her life here, in this stretch of forest and grassland. Never before has the thought of venturing out past highstones occurred to her. What would be out there for her anyways? She had a mate here, friends, a life. Past the mountains that loomed in the distance was unknown, an enigma despite the many stories she had heard detailing the escapades of those who went on the journey. She cannot fathom the landscape, cannot picture in her mind those treacherous peaks and snow covered rocks. She can try, sure, but the idea of it is far too foreign to a simple gal like herself. Still, when Ukalek descends from the highstones, a friend of their leader and medicine cat, she finds that her interest is piqued. "So darling tell me..." she starts off, pausing to take a bite of the prey that rests between them before reaching out with one paw to push it closer to the mountain cat. "What was it like up there?" Surely it was not better than here if he had felt possessed to make his way all the way here, to their stretch of moors.

If he had come with hopes for a fuller stomach though, he had unfortunate timing indeed for the hare that sits between them has its ribs poking through its hide. A poor excuse for a meal but Mossthorn knows better than to complain. It could be worse, it could always be worse. WindClan would heal over time and the moors would surely not fail them. It had always been better here than the swamps, after all. At least here they would never have to resort to braving the biting sting of rats. She shudders partially as she thinks of the many she had known who had entered carrionplace only to succumb to their wounds a moon later, their deaths drawn out and painful. Did Ukalek ever know hunger and pain such as that in his old home? For his sake, she hopes not.


    A feisty she cat with a heart of gold. Her appearance is befitting her tunneler status, as she stands shorter than most, and her sleek black fur excels at repelling the dirt that she shifts through. Her eyes are such a light blue color that they appear gray and upon her pelt she wears many scars, testaments to the battles she has fought in her lifetime.
    Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted, no killing, maiming, or injuring without permission
    Skilled & experienced in combat. Fights dirty.

Listening ears remain perked as Mossthorn pushes over the scrawny rabbit to him. Unfortunately, he is plenty familiar with prey of this condition. Luckily, that means he doesn’t make a fuss. Teeth rip into the scarce meat around its rib cage to tear and then to chew. Rabbits use to be a delicacy back on the mountains, but here they were as common as mice in a forest. Their tender meat was still a treat to him, he anticipates it will not be long until rabbits and hares lose their delicacy on his tongue.

’What was it like up there?’ ”Mm. Up where?” Ukalek looks at the older she-cat, the genuine confusion that shone in his eyes proof to the fact he was not attempting to pull her leg. He blinks a few times before realization settles in, ”Oh. Up there. The mountains.” He looks into the distance thoughtfully.

”Well… it’s colder, and there’s snow depending on how high up you are all twelve moons long.” It’s strange that cats have never experienced mountain living, never had even placed their paws on its jagged peaks. Luckily, Ukalek is happy to educate. "And you have to watch where you put your paws at all times. Misplacing them on the moors means a twisted paw, where I'm from carelessness results in broken bones. Death." He had only witnessed cats knocked from its heights in the heat of battle, but he was told stories by his father all the time of careless adolescents who cared not where they wandered. "...Do you cats deal with black maws down here? Thats what my sire called them, your kind may know them as something else." Even in the mountains the ferocious creatures went by several different names depending on who you asked.
  • » Ukalek
    » Loner
    » He/him . AFAB
    » An oriental-featured chocolate point with unusual blue eyes
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A poor fighter who uses his wits to trick his opponents.
    » Excels in smarts and using it to get his opponents where he wants them.
    » Fights defensively and at the order of his leader..
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

The description of his birthpace fascinates her and as he talks, she finds herself leaning forward, gray eyes shining with undisguised interest. Snow every season, having to constantly watch where you placed your paws, surely that was not a life worth living if you had to always be worried about a misstep leading to a broken bone or worse. And even more worrying was whatever this black maw creature was. She shakes her head no " I have never heard tale of such a beast no" but judging from the infliction in his voice when he speaks of it, it is a creature to be feared and she finds herself hoping that she never would have to come to find out what it was he was talking about. When she thinks of the words black maw she thinks of the tunnels. The inviting opening that allows her to traverse the underside of the moors, a yawning mouth waiting to swallow her into it's cool embrace. She does not think of death and tragedy as she is certain Ukalek does. "The moor is not without it's dangers too though" she warns "Here you must worry about things such as badgers, hawks, dogs. Even weasels can give ya a nasty bite if you're not careful. Twoleg's too, with their firesticks and their monsters and what have you." She still remembers Sootstar coming home after her life had been taken by one and in her lifetime she knew too many cats who had fallen prey to the creatures that prowled the Thunderpath...

"The mountains sound so much more dangerous compared to here though, is this why you left?" Wasn't it scary leaving behind the only home he had known? And how had he known to come here of all places she wonders. "Oh I do hope you like it here... WindClan can be quite beautiful when the ground is not scorched and black. Just you wait it'll come back and all will be right with the world." She had been around on this earth for quite a few moons and had seen fires aplenty. Always the forest came back, the moors would not be any different. "Surely, too there were things to love about the mountains?" It couldn't have been all bad, she imagines. Otherwise why would cats live there in the first place?

    A feisty she cat with a heart of gold. Her appearance is befitting her tunneler status, as she stands shorter than most, and her sleek black fur excels at repelling the dirt that she shifts through. Her eyes are such a light blue color that they appear gray and upon her pelt she wears many scars, testaments to the battles she has fought in her lifetime.
    Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted, no killing, maiming, or injuring without permission
    Skilled & experienced in combat. Fights dirty.

A wave of relief rushes down his spine when Mossthorn replies she does not know of the creatures he spoke of. ”Thank the heavens. I’m glad to be rid of them here.” Territorial with bottomless stomachs, they had not been above preying on him and his group-mates. There was nothing more frightening than hearing their hellish growls in the night. It was a noise he was content with never being upon his ears again.

Hawks, he’s familiar with those beasts too and nods understandingly. Dogs he was unfamiliar with, having lived far away from twoleg sanctuary most of his life. On his journey here he had caught glimpses of them and heard them yowling in the distance. He’s never seen one in action but can only imagine the damage their powerful maws could do. What he doesn’t know of are these twoleg fire sticks the she-cat speaks of, his fur prickles with intrigue. ”Firesticks?” He echoes back to her, ”Is that how your heather was set ablaze?”

Ukalek believes it when Mossthorn assures him that there is just as much beauty in the moors as there is danger, ignoring the scorched earth. He sees it already and can only imagine what the land looks like in full bloom, a shame the fires took that away. Perhaps in twelve moons time he’ll finally be able to see it. ”Yes, there were beauties in the mountains too. Nothing could beat standing at one of the peaks and gazing into the horizon. The land stretched further than the eye could see… I could see forests and rivers, plains and valleys.” It fascinating him how far the land they walked upon really stretched.
  • » Ukalek
    » Loner
    » He/him . AFAB
    » An oriental-featured chocolate point with unusual blue eyes
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A poor fighter who uses his wits to trick his opponents.
    » Excels in smarts and using it to get his opponents where he wants them.
    » Fights defensively and at the order of his leader..
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing