camp DOWN IN THE DELTA - short replies/moss ball


weather changes moods
Nov 27, 2023
Thornpaw had wrapped up most of her duties for the day, and as of late, her mentor seemed to be impressed with her progress. For now, she had been sent off to rest, but the molly hated having to lounge about. Especially when it was hardly mid-day, but she didn't want to ruffle any feathers and obeyed the request. Upon entering camp, a small ball rolled between her paws and before her stood a band of playing clanmates, watching her expectantly. "O-oh, sorry." Blinking away the surprise, she swatted the moss ball back to the eager few.

// Short replies only for this game! No more than 8 sentences per post 😼
She supposes playing games will at least fill in her free time. Snowypaw is more than eager to join the mossball game when she's welcomed to it - however soon after she does, the mossball rolls astray. Thornpaw seems to catch it, though. And with a grin, Snowypaw shouts, "Come play with us, Thornpaw!" to her psuedo denmate. The more the merrier! Regardless on if the dual toned molly pitches into the game, Snowypaw hooks the mossball w her claws and flings it to the next cat.​

The apprentice's eyes tracked the mossball as it bounced across the clearing... and straight into a denmate's paws. The promise of another playmate caused her pupils to grow wide with glee, instead, Thornpaw seemed to hesitate. Her sister speaks first and the cinnamon tabby hopped to her side in support, a toothy grin flashed towards the older chimera. "C'mon apprentice, join in!" She called after Snowypaw did, hopping in anticipation.


Ah, mossball. While Scorchfrost was agile enough, he wasn't that old, he was a bit too worn out to participate. The idea of running back and forth after working was a bit much. The senior warrior lounged in the background of the game, just far enough away to not get hit or run into. He'd monitor if they wanted, referee maybe.
YOUR MOOD IS LIKE A CIRCUS — normally, she'd be nappinng around now, but the sound of the big kids shouting to each other caught the young girls attention. her eyes watched the little moss ball, before she puffed up her chest to seem bigger than she way, and pranced her way over. "can i play toooo? pleaseeee?" she asked, batting her eyes up at the apprentices. surely they couldn't deny her, right?

  • wye3c6qnlg4.png
    chocolate tortie / fawn chimera with low white, green eyes
    3 moons old; ages the 24th every month
    orient. unknown ; currently not looking
    daughter of eggskip and blazeclaw
    kit of shadowclan
    easy to befriend ; trust gained very easily
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
I WISH YOU COULD SEE THE WICKED TRUTH — Ever since she had become a paw, she had tried to avoid childish games like mossball. She had been trying so hard to come off as mature, not wanting to disappoint Avocetfall by acting like a kit instead of their apprentice. Still, Onyxpaw couldn't be blamed for a few moments of relaxation, right? Especially when everyone else seemed so eager to join in, including the tiny form of Slugkit. She hooked her claws into the mossball once it came her way, tossing it over to the kit without hesitation. "Here, make sure to hit it hard!" Hopefully she didn't whack it so hard she sent it rocketing out of camp.

  • 75034637_eiCvVhxv9vQNT6l.png
    shorthaired tortoiseshell point and chocolate point chimera with blue eyes
    6 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; crushing on yellowpaw
    daughter of monarchroot and sleetjaw
    shadowclan born; silently loyal to her home
    difficult to befriend; shy to most except yellowpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Shadepaw took pride in their new rank and the minor responsibilities that came with it, but they still could not pass up a chance to play a good old game of mossball. They watched with attentive eyes as the mossball bounced from one cat to another- Thornpaw, Snowypaw, Onyxpaw, then Slugkit. Their tail lashed with excitement, whiskers tilted forward. After Onyxpaw gave her advice, Shadepaw chirped, "Yeah, try sending it to me!" in hopes that aiming for a specific target would help Slugkit from sending it careening into somewhere bad, like the brambles. Lesson learned about those.​