
illuminate the cosmos ✧・゚
Jan 24, 2023

As Fawnpaw paced around camp, she was nervous. Ever since she joined, she felt as if she..didn't belong here. Her first night consisted of reorganising her nest again and again. Sure, the twigs were poking in her fur and the mud was..hard. At the end she took some moss. The night was comfortable, she slept well. She never knew moss was soft, she though it was wet and slimy yet it was very..dry. She could sink into it. Her sleep was tranquil, quiet. She awoke early to the sounds of other cats exciting the den and she got up. a warrior asked who her mentor was. What was a mentor? Stars, she had many things to learn. With her belly grumbling, she thought she'd hunt. She caught a few garden birds in her days as a kittypet, and she caught a fish as she joined. With a sigh, she pulled herself out of the apprentice's den. "does anyone want to hunt with me?" she called, in the clearing. She flattened her ears in embarrassment as she saw other cats look at her. She wasn't used to this. She was usually alone in her house, never interacted with much cats.


  • ily <3

    ー named for her soft features and heart

    ー。 cis female - she/her
    ー Cream tabby short furred cat with brown eyes
    ー Scottish fold x Japanese bobtail

  • none today

Gloompaw had been pleased to know Fawnpaw was joining their ranks, Cicadastar's decision would hopefully prove worthwhile. There was something to her that made Gloompaw protective -- something she knew but wouldn't dwell upon. It'd probably be the other way, one day, as she remembered how steadily Fawnpaw had held her ground. How she'd succeeded in catching the fish, a skill that some apprentices still needed to hone. She certainly didn't envy the situation the other was put in, but she would've loved to have that kind of talent.

She hadn't been able to see the new nest nor give a tour, with her paws full, but she could pipe up as the cats in camp turned to look at Fawnpaw the following morning. A hopefully quick save as the newcomer's ears flattened. "Me," she agreed, before blinking, recalling the feeling of empty paws. Maybe there'd be something on the territory to collect, at least... "Oh. I can walk with you."
He was envious of the other apprentice. Fawnpaw seemed to be doing much better than Ravenpaw had been. He had not been there at her joining, and so did not know exactly of her heritage, but they shared the same kittypet roots. The gangly and tall black apprentice had not fully immersed himself into the Clan, despite being here for moons. His status as a drypaw did not make hm feel any better about himself.

"Where are you hunting?" His voice was curt and aloof as he sat a little while away, tail curled over his paws.

when talk had reached the deputy on a child by the name of fawn on the border, buck had moved further away from it. too enveloped with her own grief, unable to distinguish the fact that children can have shared names. she does not want to know that one's fawn had lived, while her's is no longer. it was too cruel, and perhaps she is too cruel.

she stares upon the new apprentice, silent. too afraid to approach, scared she may speak of a subject that the younger does not need to know about. yet. gloom offers her companionship easily. ravenpaw is more reserved, aloof with his question. he does not approach either. but she cannot let a bunch of apprentices just wander the territory. it isn't safe, nor would it be right.

she swallows thickly, downing her grief and letting it sit dormant in her stomach. it can feast on whatever she's eaten, and she'll deal with the sickly feeling sure to come later. "with the waters free, you can fish. i'll come with you." spoken softly, perhaps more than when she speaks with the other apprentices. the girl is new here, new to this life and it will surely feel isolating. she supposes it's a part of her responsibilities to make sure the other is welcomed here. otter had been of domestic life, and had still been beloved by his clanmates. she will be too.

A head popped up, the cat she saw when she first encountered these warriors. She never caught her name before. Yet she seemed soft and curious. She blinked gratefully and was about to meow a thank you before another cat sidled up. the tomcat had dark fur like the night and a sharp tongue. Even though she could hear the sting in his question, she refused to let that ruffle her fur. But suddenly she realised. Where would they hunt? She had no idea how far this territory stretched. The last thing she needed was to encounter a fight against another clan for stepping on their border.

"I don’t exactly know.." she stammered then she blinked in surprise. A she-cat made her way over, offering to join with a soft voice. She made fawn feel reassured, and she immediately liked her. She saw that she cat around the camp, organising patrols. suggesting she was important. She nodded gratefully. "thank you..!" she meowed softly.

  • ♥︎

    ー named for her soft features and heart
    ー。 cis female - she/her
    ー Cream tabby short furred cat with brown eyes
    ー Scottish fold x Japanese bobtail

  • aaahhhh you guys are so sweet <33

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