✿ | sleep evades her tonight. she'd like to think it due to the chill that has swept over them as they rest and gather bountiful lungwort, but she knows it is not. golden fur smolders behind her eyes like a wildfire, warming the calm pond she usually draws on in times like these. warmth brews beneath her pale tabby pelt, and though she's curled in a tangle of lilac limbs, she doesn't sleep—tormented by a cat whole forest-lengths away, she thinks pitifully, burying her face in paws dipped in freckling white.

every time she draws close to the talon's edge between sleeping and waking, she'll think of something that banishes it to the outer border of her mind. of a comforting voice, a pelt rich with the spice of elderberry and pine, or perhaps of eyes blue and tender as a bruise. every time she tries to redirect her tired mind to think of practical things—who's up for a hunting patrol next sunrise, how much lungwort they can all carry, the children back home she should be worrying over, she circles back to it. to him.

"ugh!" she growls softly to herself, hauling upwards with a jolt to face the sun fading away to nothingness. she can go hunt, or something. "ow, ouch, what the—" bobbie's hind leg stiffens uncooperatively, aching something fierce with each hobbling step. it's as though the chilling wind stabs to her bone and leaves it with a sore pain, but only—only in her left hind leg, the injured one. the tabby sits down, lifting the leg to inspect the dimpled pink flesh, the old bite scars that loop over lilac fur. bobbie frowns, hissing lowly in mingled pain and frustration.

hopefully she can walk it off, she thinks, as she begins to hobble in small circles away from the cats who sleep (or try to).


  • ooc: tl;dr bobbie's old leg injuries are bothering her due to the cold :-) set post-discovery!!
  • 71618958_aOlL0mFnbxgyLCO.png
    x she / her ; 40 moons.
    x mother to lupinepaw, crowpaw, & drowsypaw.
    x a small, pretty lilac tabby & white cat with a fluffy mane & sage-green eyes ; sweet, sociable, and somewhat naive to certain aspects of clan life.
    x currently in an era of self-assessment and trying to figure out exactly who she wants to be.
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
He blinked languidly, turning a smokey helm in Bobbie’s direction with a crinkled brow, concern pooling into a molten eye. He grunted, gathering himself onto sore limbs, following the molly. “Yer leg, kiddo?” He inquired, tone rumbling softly, inspecting the puckered flesh with a twitch of his tail. He’d seen her inspect it.

Duskpool understood the annoyance, experiencing somethin’ like that wasn’t fun. He knew all too well, riddled with skin graphs and scars branded into his skin and bones that never quite healed right. “Can’t do much about the pain in this blasted weather” He grunted, tone deadpan. The only way to help was keepin’ it warm, and Duskpool doubted anyone was willin’ to cuddle up to other.

His expression shifted, and he bit back a tired sigh, eyelids heavy. “If ya like, I can walk with ya.” He offered, knowing well enough he should be restin’ but it wasn’t like the other gave a damn about it. He’d be fine.
thought speech

Fernpaw's inability to get proper sleep was, unlike apparently many others, untampered by faces representing pining emotions. Of course, he often thought of his ill family, considered how healthy they were- whether they were getting better or staying the same. He thought of Ravensong running ragged- of Sablepaw, nearing her warrior assessment. It had hit him a quarter-moon or so ago that she might bear a warrior name before him. He thought of Smokethroat and Cicadastar, overseeing the training of their children- of Petalnose, keeping a brave face in a time of strife like she always did.

Thoughts of his Clanmates did not lurk in the shadows and bar him from dreams, though- no, it was thoughts back to the enclosed space of the caves, the realisation of how much it had actually scared him, of how much hope he had actually lost. If there was one good thing that came out of it, though, it was that he'd forged some threads of friendship. Delving into the depths of their reasoning in the dark, he'd grown a little more comfortable around the cats who he'd been stuck with than many others.

Therefore, at Bobbie's small yelps of pain Fernpaw's bright gaze widened to attention, following Duskpool as the large tom padded over to her. Kiddo, he said, and Fernpaw wrinkled his nose in obvious confusion. Didn't Bobbie mention she had kits? Why was he calling her that?

Unlike the two SkyClanners, Fernpaw didn't bear a leg injury- (should Duskpool even be up?)- so maybe it'd be wise if someone accompanied them. "If it's the cold, maybe walking will warm you up...?" A baseless theory, really... even if he was fairly close with Ravensong, he'd not picked up any medicinal knowledge over the moons. Either way, Fernpaw himself would be happy to take his mind off of shadow-shapes that morphed into falling rocks and hopeless darkness.
penned by pin
During their time in the tunnels, her old shoulder injury had acted up. There had only been a couple nights here and there where it had given her trouble since they made it to the mountains, but it was mainly after they made the excruciating climb up the cliff. After that, she had felt as though her paws limbs were going to fall off.

Sleep was not something that had really ever come easy to her. The only time she could remember ever sleeping peacefully was her time in the nursery, with her kits beside her. She was used to functioning with little rest, so when she heard other cats stirring nearby, she was awoken easily. The red tabby lifted her head, and spotted Bobbie obviously in some sort of pain. She blinked worriedly, and carefully stood up to pad towards the three cats, hoping not to accidentally wake anyone else up.

"What happened?" she asked softly, "Did you step on something?" Unaware of the molly's previous injuries.
  • flamegal.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormpaw & Falconpaw
    — 24 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse
    — funny guy art by waluigipinball​

Hailstorm had already been stirring from his sleep and the hiss from Bobbie was enough to make his head lift where it had been resting on Little Wolf's body and he blinks the sleep from his eyes trying to figure out what had occurred. It takes a bit for his eyes to register onto the pale tabby's form as she walks circles and it seems a few others were awake now, he rises carefully from where he laid and stretches out real quick before standing next to Flamewhisker. He bites back a yawn and instead offers a slightly sleepy yet sheepish grin that falters in the slightest also having the same questions as the rest of the cats but considering that had already asked, he remains silent. Duskpool offers a walk and Hailstorm feels the fur along his neck rise in the slightest thinking about their unfortunate encounters with creatures much larger than them.

"If you do consider the walk... It would be safer to do so in a group," He suggests with a faint smile not wanting to think of anyone potentially getting snatched up by an eagle or worse. Who knew what these mountains were potentially hiding from them but he does not want to find out, the thought making him shudder briefly and if anyone saw him they would likely think he's cold. He can't wait to get back to the forest that belonged to Thunderclan, at least, there threats were familiar unlike the ones here.

  • 5_by_caviesh_dg4bkw8.png
    ✦ 48 moons old
    ✦ thunderclan warrior
    ✦ bisexual demiromantic; mates with little wolf
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✦ semi-difficult in combat; relies on strength and his burly build
    ✦ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✦ penned by bosstaurus

Magpiepaw does not want to admit he is stressed out and has been for several days but when he sees Bobbie limping along he can't help but clench his jaw in worry. Was this what burden Starlingheart carried before he helped her? A large group whose safety and well-being fell squarely on a single cat's shoulders? It was not a fate he'd wish on any cat, he supposed it was second only to the struggle of leadership - how Chilledstar was such a moody and withdrawn cat now was easy to understand when you realized an entire clan's safety and existence was their responsibility. Healing was not quite so heavy, they only had to care about cats once they got hurt, but all the same...
The black and white apprentice toddles over on uneven steps, head raised as he pushes into the group of cats and finds himself leaning on Hailstorm's massive frame for support, "Hailstorm is right, you can walk like I do...pick two cats and remain between them. It'll help. When we find a safer place to stop I can look." He didn't really want to stop right now, time was of the essence and the quicker they moved the sooner they could get somewhere they could all rest easily in.