down with the sickness | check-up

He had spent most his morning preparing for what was going to be an absolute mess, after quietly observing and not a single stubborn soul coming to get checked out-he decided he was going to make the rounds himself. He had stopped at the apprentice den first, head poked in and asking them to come to the front of his den when they were able; it was early still and he felt bad rousing them all but it was necessary he felt. Dandelionwish could feel the stress headache already coming on and he grit his teeth around his wheat stem as he roamed the camp, poking and proding cats and stopping anyone with a sniffling nose, anyone who dared sneeze in his presence, forcing them to go to his den to be looked at properly. After a moment's hesitation he had even stalked upward to Sootstar's den, nudging her awake and demanding she see him once she was oriented enough to do so. No one was spared his bossing around, no one was ignored in his scrutiny. If they so much as even had the thought of sneezing he was shoving and shouldering cats to his den one way or another whether they liked it or not. A quick stop to the nursery to ask Echolight to bring Daisykit with her for a checkup was only briefly delayed by a quick game of mossball before he had to get back to focusing on the task at hand and he hurried his way to return to his den to what he hoped was a crowd of cats waiting to be examined.

"I'm not sick." Wisteriapaw demanded when he wandered back to begin the first checkups, but the silver tom was so shaky and his nose was so runny it was the most blatant lie he'd ever heard. "I don't need your help!" And before he could even protest the tabby was bolting away to the edge of camp to vanish through the tall grass; he raised a paw to his face and dragged it down in exasperated annoyance at the display. Why did no one in this clan want to let him fix them? Why was everyone so foolish?

"Ah don't care if ye think yer fine-that's not yer call to make! It's mine! Line up and wait yer turn and if I tell ye to eat something and go rest YE EAT IT AND GO REST. Ah'm not ASKIN' YE!" The freshkill pile wasn't doing the best, but it could manage for a day so he could ensure his clanmates weren't all seconds from collapsing into a heap.

Ooc: IC Thread where Dandy is going to figure out almost half the clan is sick and tries to give medicine to who he can, since he's using chickweed over catmint there's a chance it won't work-so I've made rolls in the WindClan Discord to determine who is cured at Whitecough stage and who advances to Greencough! Greencough cats have already been messaged!
If you want your cat to get sick later outside this plot you're welcome to! But keep in mind I may not have the herbs to help-so feel free to message me!

Tagging everyone who filled out my form, but this is an open thread:
@SOOTSTAR | @WEASELCLAW | @nico (Palethroat) | @Mantissong. | @Jasperglare | @coalfoot | @GHOSTSTRIKE | @Twistedstep | @Thunderpaw | @SORRELPAW | @Periwinklebreeze. | @Larkkit ! | @daisykit !


Dandelionwish was putting up quite the fuss and the blue smoke doesn't understand it. What was the big deal? No one had much for injuries and those who were wounded were already treated, yet here WindClan was, obligating the orders of their young medicine cat.

Sootstar believes this is a waste and time, she mumbles and grumbles that to a few warriors. She has the power to ignore Dandelionwish and chooses not too, perhaps because she had faith maybe he saw something she didn't. When she arrives at the front of the line she doesn't do much but stand before him, "This won't take long will it?" she debated going on a speel about how busy she was... but the tom-cat likely was not interested in hearing it.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 32 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. romantically interested in Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to windpaw & sootpaw
╰ ‣ mentor to sootpaw & coyotepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

—————————coalfoot | windclan | male————————
Coalfoot knew very well that he was sick. What kept him avoiding Dandelionwish worry more than anything. He didn't want to be confined to a nest until the coughing went away. WindClan couldn't afford it, and with the scarcity of prey, they needed hunters more than ever.

The sepia tom knew something was up, however, and it was only a matter of time before he was caught coughing near the edge of camp like a kit sneaking honey. He was sputtering before he even knew what he was trying to say, choking on another cough, but it was too late. The other had already moved on.

With a sigh once he'd caught his breath, Coalfoot slunk over to the gathering group, where Dandelionwish stood shouting.

[penned by its_oliverr].



Jasperglare was limp in the middle of camp staring off into the distance. At first glance, the raggedy red tom looked dead. But he was not. He was simply vegetating.

He had no energy. He wanted to hunt, but his body....Just wouldn't. And so, here lies he, miserable and without his usual smile.

He groaned loudly in frustration.

"Why must life be so cruel to me." He dramatically spoke. "I can't even smell the fresh kill pile. Truly, a tragedy."

It finally clicked that Dandelionwish was doing something. He still didn't know where his mentor was. He didn't feel like moving, and so, he did not.

He kept his ass right where it was.
————————————⊰⋅ ⋅⊱————————————

There wasn't much that could keep the energetic kit down, not even the sniffles. The sniffles were still the sniffles, however, and the slight cough that had begun to follow was a cause of concern. Even still, she wouldn't let Dandelionwish go so easily, utterly gleeful when he joined her for a bit of back and forth with a moss ball.

As Daisykit was ushered out to heed the call, she looked up at Echolight as they walked. "Why's Dandy yellin'?" she asked.

// obligatory @Echolight . tag

————————————⊰⋅ ⋅⊱————————————

When Daisykit’s sniffles had first begun, a foggy-brained Echolight regretfully did not take much not of it, the two-toned child often spent much of her time outside, or aiding Dandelionwish, cold-induced sniffles were nothing to worry about, right?
Then, the coughing started, and Echolight was finally brought to her senses.
Gently, she noses her daughter out of the nursery until Daisykit could find a steady pace on her own.
The walk is short, but Daisykit manages to squeeze a question in as they approach the medicine den. "Leaf-bare is a very serious time, little bunny. Cats get ill, and it’s Dandy’s job to help them and make sure everyone is healthy- sometimes he has to yell to catch everybody’s attention" the queen explained quietly as the duo neared the growing line of cats. Softly, she’d nudge Daisykit ahead of her, "you’ll go first, he’s going to ask you some questions, it’s important you tell him about your coughing and sniffles, okay?" She explained, her tone honeyed but with a twinge of seriousness.
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

He's not been close enough to anyone to notice their sickness, beside Coalfoot, who had been visibly and audibly fatigued after chasing a rabbit the other day. Weaselclaw does not share Sootstar's nest anymore, and he keeps to himself aside from the duties Duskfire assigns him. He's even been somewhat distant with Aspenpaw, knowing she's likely despondent after her mother's exile. He walks alone, hunts alone, suffers alone.

Does he hurt? Oh, yes, but he bears his wounds with dignity. Should a cat cast him a nasty glance, he will return it tenfold; his chin remains lifted, his gaze steady, no matter what the mouse-hearts in his Clan think of him.

But it's become apparent to him that his wounds must be worse than he thinks. The ear, yes, the ear has thrown his balance off, and the clawmarks down his flank have only stopped seeping days ago... but is that why his head aches, why his nose won't stop running? The chills, well, it's bitterly cold outside, and he refuses to take to any warrens or badger sets. He won't sleep like prey.

He listens to his other Clanmates gripe and complain with nothing but a snort. He swipes a paw across his nostrils, feeling the dampness and thinking nothing of it.

- ,,
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( ) Unlike her new clanmates and her new leader, Vixengaze felt perfectly healthy, of course, that could be contributed to the fact that she stuck to her own unless the need to socialize arose. Her ear would flicker as the healer began to order cats around for a check-up of sorts and while the chocolate chimera slowly blinked at the display with disinterest she rationalized that perhaps this would be an opportune moment to try to get a paw through the entrance of the hearts of those gathered.

She slowly makes her way forward, tail held high in her usual confidence as she takes a seat beside Weaselclaw, offering the former lead warrior a warm smile before meowing to Dandelionwish, "Anyway I can help, healer?" Her voice perfectly kind and considerate.


He could already tell right here that a few of the cats seemed to be poor off: Coalfoot and Jasperglare easily needed something though Coalfoot seemed to have been avoidant and Jasperglare less so-although he wished he'd been; couldn't stand that guy. Daisykit was a bit snifflin so he was grateful Echolight thought to bring her this way herself though he made a mental note to check the nursery on its own again later. Sootstar, of course, wanted this done as quickly as possible and for once he was in agreement but less out of having things to do and more born from worry; he didn't want the entire camp sick. She seemed to have had a bit of a rasp herself lately.
"Naw, should be fairly quick I reckon. Determine if yer sick, give ye somethin and let ye go. If it gets worse ye just come back later..."
He hoped the cats not present were not actually sick and avoiding this, he hoped they were well and fit as a fiddle and he didn't need to worry about them; but chances are some were stubbornly ignoring him or off on patrols and he'd need to do this again later. One of the newer rogues approached him and he smiled at her in greeting to her offer, still not entirely sure what to make of this pack of cats Sootstar brought in from the two-leg place but she seemed nice enough. "Thank ye kindly, but I got it covered-though I won't say no to any help rounding up anyone ye think might be sick still wanderin'." It was then he spotted the brown tabby ex-lead warrior wandering over and saw red.
Of COURSE, surprise-! Weaselclaw's ear got worse cause he didn't get it looked at as his medicine cat had told him and the sepia point slipped past Vixengaze to go right over to the tabby and reach up, a paw very lightly attempting to turn the tom's head so he could see the shredded ear more easily. Infected. There was a faintly sour scent that was almost undetectable when all this sick smell was present in the clan.
"Yer a right dingus, get a nest and sit-I'll fix this in a bit and it won't be comfortable." He wasn't brave and noble for suffering in silence, he was stupid, but the point tom kept that to himself. He didn't want to pick a fight right now more than he hd to already.

"Daisykit, ye lil darlin'-you first now! Let ye lead by example for the other cats." He pat the ground by him with a chocolate-dipped paw before plucking up a fuzzy leaf from a pile next to him that had a partially ripped white flower to clinging to it with a carefully stuck claw. He presented it to the kit with a smile, "It'll have a real funny feelin' on yer tongue but chew it up real good and it'll go down quick. Can get ye a lil drop o'honey after to get rid of the taste." For kits he would be merciful, everyone else would need to go get some honeysuckle of their own and chew if there was any left still growing in the long vines near camp.

————————————⊰⋅ ⋅⊱————————————

Daisykit's eyes were wide with attentiveness and curiosity as Echolight answered her question. Leaf-bare was serious! She could be serious! With another sniffle, she put on her best serious face and nodded vigorously.

When nudged ahead, she twisted back to continue looking up at her when instructed on what to do. Her tail lifted high, imitation at a serious expression melting away with her eagerness. "'Kay!" she chirped. It was just then that Dandelionwish called her from behind, the kit whirling around and trotting forward when summoned.

Leading by example! Like Sootstar?! She wanted to be like Sootstar! "Leader!" she parroted excitedly. He plucked a leaf from the ground and set it at her paws. For a moment she raised a paw to swipe at it, but paused when told to chew it up and eat it. Oh, it was one of his herbs! They made cats stop feeling bad!

Daisykit gave Dandelionwish a firm nod, nose crinkled in an attempt to look serious. She was leading! She had to show them all what to do. He was counting on her! With that, she turned to face the gathered crowd. "See, like this!" she announced, scooping it up and beginning to chew. All at once, the kit froze with a shiver and a whine, looking up at the sepia tom pleadingly. "It's icky..."

She wanted to spit it out, it didn't taste good at all. She couldn't spit it out. Dandelionwish had told her to show them what to do, and she wasn't supposed to spit it out, but she wanted to spit it out! With a sniffle that was decidedly more teary than moments prior, Daisykit did her best to choke it down, desperately licking at her paw to rid herself of the taste as soon as she could.

————————————⊰⋅ ⋅⊱————————————
one sneeze.

it was just one sneeze that got him dragged (quite literally, dragged) over to the migraine-inducingly aromatic tunnel by the country bumpkin doctor guy. i'm not sick, palethroat had griped, like a kit being sent to bed and complaining that they are not tired in the middle of a yawn. his nose is crusted with mucous, every breath whistling, but he is not sick. he's perfectly healthy! the sniffling is just from the dry leaf-bare air irritating his nostrils! that's how that works, right?

but this dandelionwish guy, he corrals palethroat into his stinking den. "this isn't fair," the cream-furred tom whines, flopping over onto the ground dramatically only to wince as he dirties his coat. "my mate just broke up with me, and you're gonna make me sit here in this smelly hole and eat bitter plants? where's your sympathy?" nightmare had been the love of his life, the light in his darkest days, and now she's gone. well, not literally gone, she's probably somewhere in the camp now, slobbering over a hare or something. but she's gone metaphorically! never would she warm his nest again... all because he'd accidentally let an 'ew' slip when she'd drooled on him this morning!

"i mean, can you believe it?! i suggest that maybe she should stop producing so much saliva, and she practically treats me like i'm crowfood! she-cats, am i right? you can never make them happy- hey, what are you giving the kid?" palethroat's rant trails off as dandelionwish urges a kitten to eat some fuzzy-looking leaf. the kit makes a show of scooping it up and chewing it, but she recoils at the taste. icky, she calls it. palethroat doesn't want to have to go through that. does this dandelionwish even know what he's doing? eyeing his 'herb' store, they all just look like random plants and flowers to palethroat! he doesn't see how a stupid mixture of weeds would help anyone.
( ) The pale albino had, fortunately, already been in the den, leg wrapped carefully in order to stave off infection. She lifted her tired head as she observed the others start to flood in, wincing as her tired body shifted. She felt gross currently, her fur felt grimy, unkept. She wanted nothing more than to pluck and preen her beautiful ivory fur until it shone like usually, but her entire body ached from the tips of her ears to the very beds of her nails, only made worse due to the very sharp pain in her mangled arm.
Pale lavender-hued eyes watched disinterestedly as Dandelionwish flitted between different cats until one made a comment that made her grimy pelt seemingly spark in annoyance. Gaze darting to an overly dramatic ginger cat, she clicked her tongue, looking down her nose at him. This creature was the one making comments on she-cats when he barely could stomach a few measly plants? What an absolute kit. He didn't even deserve a retort from her. Afterall it'd be a waste of her precious energy to even give him such attention. Cats like him-like her-always sought out attention in some way, and the only way to really get under their skin was to not even grace them a glance. Instead, she smirked, rolling her eyes and letting a 'tsk' slip from her fangs before going back to boredly watch the others.
Unlike the others, she didn't quite appear as sickly. Maybe tired, fatigued and lethargic from healing, but otherwise her eyes remained bright, sinuses clear, so perhaps, Mantissong thought, she'd be fine and would avoid whatever disease these lesser creatures had. Afterall, she was better and she was different, therefore she'd obviously not get anything.
periwinklepaw | 04 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically easy (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff

Between his already aching wounds and now this it takes all of peri's effort to hobble just that bit closer from his place already within the den. "s-s-sup-pose you c-c-can ch-eck me t-to," he mumbles sleepily. It all feels like to much lately.


He smiled broadly, even through her little kitten tears and unhappiness Daisykit was certainly a trooper and he couldn't be more proud. Now if only the adults of the clan could act with a little more sense but they all trudged onward without so much as hesitating even when their noses were dripping and throats clogged.

"Right, even a kit can do it. Ye got two options, ye take some chickweed like I told ye or ye go the other route and just die somewhere I ain't gotta see it." As rough as the comment was he didn't mean it, but Palethroat's whining was certainly not making him any friends in this instance. Dandelionwish rolled his mismatched eyes and turned to offer Perwinklepaw a nod, carefully placing a paw on the younger cat's nose and giving him a light sniff; probably also sick but hard to tell if it was whitecough or just Perwinklepaw being prone to normal colds often.
"Well, ye can take some anyways to be safe. Never hurts." The only thing it harmed was his herbstock and he felt like he had sufficient chickweed at least. Once he had dispensed the plants to those who volunteered and showed symptoms he would go and work on Weaselclaw's ear-the idiot.

(Ooc: If you character is going to actually take their medicine give this post a (y)and you can just post later at your leisure! I'll just deduct the herb stock now :3)