camp Down with the sickness || Fever

Frostbite had been trying to relax his nerves. Even though he knows it's for his own good, he can't shake the feeling of impending doom looming over him like he were a mouse. He was scared. Part of him wanted to go back to that trash heap and drag that tom back by the scruff and make him deal with this too. It was a very entertaining idea, actually. He was heavily considering it. Perhaps when the kits are born he'll go over there and get his ass.

But he would handle this, it was his fault, and he would deal with the repercussions of his actions. But something was different today..... He felt sick. Not sick in the way he was when he found out he was pregnant, but.... Actually ill.

That's no good....

He couldn't stay in the nursery, like this. He didn't want to get anyone else sick. So with aching limbs and a throbbing headache, he wobbled unsteadily from the nursery to a more secluded spot in the camp. He shakily set himself down for a moment, looking towards the medicine den. Should he go to Starlingheart?? He didn't want to get her kits sick...

Perhaps it will pass. Then again...Should he risk it?

Either way, he needed a second. Perhaps he'll catch Starlingheart as she's leaving or entering camp. So, he would wait, his head rested on the cool floor to hopefully soothe his headache.

(( @STARLINGHEART . but no need to wait! ))​
‎‎‎‎‎‎‏‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎Heavybranch knows a sick cat when he sees one.
Frostbite comes stumbling out of the nursery, looking every bit like he's trying his best to walk on legs made out of the thinnest part of a willow branch, and settles his way over in an out of the way spot. Heavybranch sighs deep from his chest. He knows a sick cat when he sees one, and he's also unfortunately familiar with someone whose in their head about it.

‎‎‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‎‏‏❝The sun finally started thawing you out, huh?❞ Heavybranch says good humoredly as he settles at Frostbite's side, ❝And here I was hoping for a bit of snow to last through Greenleaf.

‎‎‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎Heavybranch sits as if he had been invited, white paws folded politely beneath his plume of a tail. There is a moment where Heavybranch considers prodding Frostbite's flank just to make sure he rouses, but the impulse passes without Heavybranch's acting on it. If Starlingheart's reaction to a bit of blood in one of Heavybranch's sneezes is anything to go by, then she'll be all over treating poor Frostbite as soon as she notices.

‎‎‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎❝You waiting for Starlingheart?❞ Heavybranch asks in the sort of tone that suggests that the only acceptable answer is yes.
P. 14

Though Nettlekit knew his mother was well-liked, he also very much knew it was not simply because she was kind. Of course, she was kind- Granitepelt was doting, and she smiled at him all the time, and everyone regarded her well- but, her job was the primary reason everyone came to visit. Nettlekit was not sure when exactly he had learned that Starlingheart was a medicine cat, or what it meant to be one- it felt like something he had always known. Was in his blood, and therefore ingrained in his brain. Engraved there. He was certain, at least, he would not forget it.

When a warrior mentioned his mother's name, sat beside a white pile of fur that Nettlekit soon recognised as another cat, his ears angled to attention from the medicine den's entrance. Waiting for Starlingheart? Did you have to wait for her, normally? "Do you want me to get her?" he called, hoping his voice would carry. That would be a good deed, wouldn't it? They'd like him, then. Whoever they were.
penned by pin ♡

the leader's brows furrowed worriedly at the new addition to the nursery. he didn't look too good at all. they walk towards frostbite, gaze slowly drifting over the sick tom cat, briefly looking at his stomach before they speak up.

"yes... getting starlingheart and magpiepaw might be a good idea. you don't look to well. have you eaten? are you hungry? would you like some water filled moss?"

they can't help the worry that comes with queens. they can't help it at all, but especially for someone like frostbite who seemed to not feel very good.

"i... don't quite know how to help seeing as i am not a medicine cat but i will do what I can."

// @Magpiepaw too ❤️
He isn't by himself for long it seems, as Heavybranch sits beside him and comments about his current state. He certainly felt like he was melting, and oh how he wishes it WOULD snow in Greenleaf.

"Hard not to melt in this weather." He says to Heavybranch. " Perhaps it's the heat getting to me .." it's no secret that Frostbite was better equipped for cold weather. Look at him. He could hide kits in his fur.

He's correct in assuming he's waiting for Starlingheart. It was pretty easy to assume, he guesses.

"Yeah.... I'm waiting for her to pass by. I don't want to get her kits sick." He answers.

His gaze catches on Nettlekit as the kit speaks out. He gives him a small smile that quickly fades as if he barely had the energy to maintain it.

"If she isn't too busy..." He replies.

Chilledstar approaches and Frostbite takes a brief moment to realize that he's cared about. He wasn't used to being fretted over.

"I ate earlier..." He said. "But I suppose some wet moss might help." Surely some cold water would help him feel less gross. "Hopefully."

Stalking back into camp, tail held high and mouth full of sticks, Magpiepaw paused as he saw the cats collectively nearby the medicine cat den watching it as though waiting for something and his head tilted lightly in confusion. What was going on? What was all the focus on? Did something happen? His pace quickened and he wobbled he way past the other ShadowClanners without so much as a pause or hello, intent on getting into the den and making sure Starlingheart and the kittens were all okay. Mostly Starlingheart. He would not be terrible bothered if one of the horrible creatures nestled at her side vanished under mysterious circumstances. Seeing everything seemingly okay his sticks were deposited and he stepped back out to approach them all, specifically to Frostbite who seemed to be making a face as though he had eaten something unsavory. He was with kits, if Magpiepaw remembered correctly, and given how uncomfortable his mentor was while carrying hers he imagines it is unpleasant and related to expression and stare at the medicine cat den.
"What ails you? Is it kit sickness? I can't help you with that and you must suffer it for bringing more of them to the clan regardless." A befitting punishment for having the audacity to put more trip hazards around him. He always struggled to walk a straight line as it was.

It was hard to juggle her duties and her kits, but Starlingheart was, somehow, managing it. One day at a time. She heard voices drifting into her den from the hollow that made up the camp, her name among them. For a second, she is afraid. Are they saying things about her that she does not want to hear? For a moment, her ears pin against her head and then she hears her son calling from the entrance of her den 'do you want me to get her' she knows she is needed for something.

She stops where Nettlekit stands, licks the top of his head and presses her nose to that soft white fur. "Go-go pl-play with your siblings little one" she says quietly before making her way out of her den and into the green-leaf sun. It was a harsh contrast to the shadows of her den and she has to blink a couple of times to adjust but when she does she makes her way to her apprentices side, flicking his shoulder in silent greeting before turning her green gaze to land on Frostbite's snowy pelt as she too waits to hear whats wrong.

When the medicine cat duo arrives, he realizes he has to actually explain in words how he's feeling. He is, however, defeated by Magpiepaw's words. Damn. what's he supposed to say to that.

"....You got me there." He answers him, admitting defeat. He's not truly bothered by it, though. He knows Magpiepaw must still be reeling from knowing the truth about childbirth.

Thankfully, Starlingheart is here and wont verbally dunk him in a mud puddle like he just was.

"Well.....Everything aches. My head hurts... The thought of eating is enough to make me want to empty my insides..." He lists. He pauses, thinking and listening to his body. "I feel....Warmer, than normal, disregarding the weather..." He adds. "This isn't....Morning sickness, or just general pregnancy feelings. I think I'm actually sick." He continued.

He was no medicine cat, but that's his diagnosis. And it worries him. "And here I thought I was being careful...."

He couldn't shake the feeling of impending doom. He already struggled to get his anxiety and stress under control, and now it was skyrocketing to new heights. He was stressed, anxious and sick, all a recipe for disaster for both him and the kits. And no matter how hard he tries, he cant reign it in. He can't convince himself that everything is going to be fine. Because it's not going to be fine. He's alone. He has no support, no one to lean on, to cling to when things get scary.

But he would persevere, just as he always has.​