backwritten dragging your feet in the face of creation [ pebble ]


Lichenpaw has been doing all that he can to help, after the dog attack. He wasn't badly injured, but he didn't do all that much to help, either. So he's taken to visiting the cats in the medicine den, providing some companionship for those who are worse off after it. They could all use a bit of company right now, he thinks.

Lichenpaw pokes his head into the medicine den. He spots Pebblepaw first, clearly restless and messing with his nest, still-healing tail wrapped in whatever it is Berryheart put on it. Lichenpaw can't say they know much about anything the medicine cat does. Pebblepaw looks gloomy. They can't say they paid him much mind before the fight with the dogs, preferring to steer clear of his kittypet-born clanmates lest he say something he'd regret. But Pebblepaw fought valiantly against the dogs, clearly gave it his all. Lichenpaw can't help but respect that. So he pads closer, friendly smile upon his maw. "Hey there! Pebblepaw, right? How've -- how've you been, uh, holding up in here?" He takes his place beside the tom, oblivious as ever to personal space, actions lending a confidence that his awkward words lack.


  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 8 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by sunnyday.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, medium-high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • Untitled82_20230206025231.png
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Pebble's tail felt like it'd been dowsed in fire. Each movement felt unnatural and burned worse than the time he'd run into his twoleg's radiator. He'd been praised heavily after the dog attack for his bravery, even being assigned Howlingstar as a mentor after Fawncloud's joint issues started. It was supposed to be a celebration of skill and yet, it all felt too much to the lilac tom - unearned in a way that he felt most of his life accomplishments were. Anxiety gnawed in his belly in preparation for the day when Howlingstar would realise that his engagement had been a fluke, quietly chittering to himself as he bounced a forepaw up and down. He looked unnatural in a nest too big for him, curled up as if trying to disappear amidst the flood of other injured warriors and apprentices, pushing away dry moss and grasses. Being stuck was.... difficult. Moons of incompetency had already resulted in him being far behind the other apprentices his age, yet here he was, forced once more to watch as they grew stronger without him due to a situation of his own making. If only he'd been faster, stronger, braver, if only he'd been Flycatcher.

Hey there!

The voice broke him out of his self-depreciative episode and he whirled his head around, his fur ruffled in surprise. The whites of his eyes showed as he was greeted with a near-stranger, his mouth dry until he racked his brain for the other's name. "Um, hi... that's me..." He glances over the other's splotchy pelt and eventually asked, "Lichenpaw, right?" The newcomer that Emberstar had taken in just prior to the dog attack. He shuddered at the memory, a sympathetic smile cast the other apprentice's way. Poor guy, having to join in the middle of it all. A question is asked and the lilac tom is taken aback but offered a repetitive nod of his head. Lichenpaw sits next to him and he moved to sway his tail, cringing when the action caused a jolt up his spine. 'Ow.... instant regret...' He decided not to protest the other's closeness verbally, it was an honour to be in the presence of someone who didn't dislike him. "I'm fine, honestly. Some cats got out worse than me, I have to be grateful it's just my tail that hurts." His eyes briefly wandered in search of Berryheart and, upon recognising that the medicine cat wasn't present, his shoulders slackened.

At least Lichenpaw wouldn't be told off for taking up space. "You didn't get hurt by the dog? That's good, it must mean you're a good fighter. I guess I could stand to learn a thing or two from you." He beamed, his nervous chuckle oddly pessimistic despite his attempt at lighthearted banter.