camp DRAGON TAILS ✧ gift

It stood out between the carrionplace’s rubble, the prize he now precariously carries between his jaws. Brightly colored and feather soft, Eerienight brings it back not for himself, not to place neatly around Friend (though, if he finds another someday, he just might), but as a gift for another.

Caterpillarpaw’s been having a rough time after all. With all the happenings surrounding Siltcloud, a mentor turned traitor, Eerienight knows the little shadow is mourning. She needs something happy, something good — and when he saw this strange, tail-like object, he immediately thought of the apprentice. Though more worm-shaped than caterpillar, it seems fitting enough. And, while she may not be able to see its bright orange hue and odd-moving eyes, she might appreciate its texture at the very least. Something soft and comforting. It might help.

At his arrival, dark eyes dart around his home, searching for patchworked fur. “ Caterpillar — “ he calls for the apprentice when he spots her, flagging her down with an instinctive-wave of the tail. He moves to greet her, placing his gift at her paws. “ I got you a gift. I found it. “ He nudges it forward so that it makes contact with her paw, letting her know where it lies.​
  • // PROMPT: Carrionplace is full of many odd things, you find something that reminds you of someone. Maybe it would make a good gift.

    a worm on a string (minus the actual string) for @CATERPILLARPAW. !
  • 74597010_gbJle40pG2JetDM.png
    ── Warrior of ShadowClan

    ── ??? x ???
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A spindly black tom with unblinking, dark brown eyes.
    ── Mentored by Spectermask
    ── "Speech"; Attack
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caterpillarpaw was struggling to say the least. the sound of marblekit asking where her other mama was lingered in her head and she just couldn't get it out. the sound of siltcloud's final words spoken aloud, or the entire conversation before it. she can still feel the blood seeping on her. feel the way her former mentor stops breathing, in spite of her trying her hardest to make it stop. it was just an accident. it was just an accident, gone horribly wrong. no one really seemed mad at her, but that doesn't make her feel any less wrong about this. she flicks her tail as she sits in camp, trying to clean her fur as best as she can without help. her ears only perk when she hears eerienight speak up, making her stand and turn towards his direction.


she asks, as eerie speaks again. she moves her paw to touch the thing and pulls it back when it feels odd under her paws. curiously, she leans down to sniff it, blinking a few times. what was this? it feels funny, and... she likes it.

"i don't know wh...what it is but its... i like it. thank you, eerienight."

she takes a step forward and gently rubs against the tom cat, offering the best smile that she can.