// @Sloepaw
This is a thread for dog scouts. Only warriors who are notably skilled in stealth and/or climbing are allowed to post here + those warriors' apprentices! They will encounter a dog in this thread.

Silent white paws creep across the forest floor, seeking out the best course through the brittle, dead twigs. At her side is her apprentice, fully grown but still learning. She trusts him enough to be here; he must master the skill of sneaking through the forest if he is to be a warrior, after all. Still, her heart pounds in her chest despite not reaching the area surrounding Sunningrocks yet.

Howling Wind glances skyward, searching for moving bodies in the branches where clanmates may be traversing through the trees to spy on the hounds. Her gaze then shifts to the side, towards those that creep through the undergrowth with her. She prays that, maybe today, they will find stale scents. Maybe today, the dogs have moved on. Stars, her clan can't continue to live like this. Not in fear of the slobbering jaws that threaten to take their lives like they took Emberstar's. They can't continue to live in fear in their own territory! Drawing in a breath, she nods to her companions and to her apprentice before continuing forward silently.
Limber legs would stride forth with taut shoulders, shifting his weight evenly as he glided through the foliage beside Howling Wind and Sloepaw. The forest around them lay quiet, the air stagnant and heavy as if the forest held it's very breath for what was to come. Apprehension was palpable around them, rendering them silent for this scouting patrol. These hell hounds resided by the river now, cleaning their wounds that Emberstar gave them to remember her by before trekking to her journey to StarClan. Stormchaser's head remained at length with his shoulders, muscles coiled to strike like a viper lying in wait for it's prey. His plumed tail was barely kept off the ground, twitching with a light nervousness. What would they come across this time? How many of their clan mates would have to suffer with these mutts residing in their territory?
His heart thundered wildly in his chest like a green-leaf storm, pounding so loud that Stormchaser had to inhale deeply to help quiet the sound down in fear everyone else could hear. Shadows passed over the splotches of bleak sunlit patches along the skeletal forest floor, indicating of more scouts above them in the safety of tne trees. The warrior did not envy them, climbing was never his forte. It wasn't as if he couldn't, but rhe looming heights had always given him chills and the apprehension that he'd land on a branch they'd give under his weight and send him plummeting down to the hard soil beneath them. Blue-tinted fur prickled uneasily across his spine, tiny shudders passing through his body. His apricot eyes cast sideways, lingering on Howling Wind for a moment. He wondered if she was feeling just as nervous as he was.

✦ ★ ✦

Sloepaw's focus had been narrow since Emberstar's death, a steadfast tether to the tangible and ordinary tasks of the day. If he thought too deeply on any of it, his mind grew absent and blear. Stalking through the undergrowth was a perfect fulfilment of this, the thought in each footfall giving him a good distraction. He didn't have to think about what it all meant, what his mentor becoming leader changed, how much pressure- A mildewed fern coaxed his thoughts clean, the dour leaf brushing his whiskers. It was always going to happen eventually.

The apprentice remained close to Howling Wind, his slim frame drawn long like an evening shadow. His paws quivered slightly, just like his first stealth training sessions. Dogs in the forest was not good news. As a kittypet, their presence was softened by their tethers and panes of ice but beneath the oak trees there was a crippling sense of openness. Like teeth could hook him from his hiding place at any moment.

The slate shape of Stormchaser crept along his vision. Sloepaw gave the larger warrior the tiniest of nods, careful to leave enough space between them. He watched his technique briefly, as though last-minute learning could help him.

ThunderClan was not particularly known for its climbing skills, but as the scouting patrol heads out in search of the dogs, Flycatcher finds himself among the trees. The added height gives him a good view of the surrounding area, though even with the additional height he cannot see any sign of the dogs yet. A slight frown creases his features but he continues on ahead. Flycatcher eyes up the next branch carefully before jumping onto it, the only sign of his presence above being a small bit of twig falling soundlessly to the floor.
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
His upbringing within the mountainous lands of his former home left him relatively comfortable in the trees. Sheer height did little of sway his leap from branch to branch and the gentle give of their bow reminded him of loose stone that could give way any moment. Silently he trails behind Flycatcher pausing to glance down at Howling Wind to take note of her nod to continue. He returns the gesture with a silent nod of his own, gaze pivoting over his shoulder to peek at his apprentice. He'd given her the choice to follow him in the trees or remain on the ground. This was a tense operation and he did not wish to impede on her comfort by making her stick strictly to his own regimen. Grey eyes look forward again, delicately leaping upon another branch as they make their way towards sunning rocks. (apprentice tag @MOUSEPAW !)
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road
Howling Wind meets the gray warrior's gaze at her side before her gaze shifts once more up to Silverlightning and Flycatcher. Soon, they'll be approaching the area around Sunningrocks. They just need to get closer-


The stench of canine washes over her. The tabby freezes, fur bristling in alarm. They shouldn't be this deep in the oak forest! They shouldn't have smelled them for some time yet. Her breath hitches as she shoots a wide-eyed look at her apprentice and Stormchaser, words dying on her tongue as barking erupts into the air. "Climb!" She yowls, already scrambling towards the nearest tree. She latches her front claws into the bark before looking over her shoulder for Sloepaw, needing to ensure he is climbing before she leaves the ground.

nightbird weaved from branch to branch in graceful motions. her stature was barely enough to sway the thicker limbs as she moved, only when she stopped to scan the area did it dip. all seemed quiet enough, a small part of her wanted to hope the dogs just decided to move on, that this living situation was not worth it anymore.

she was a fool for the thought. timed almost perfectly, the canine stench reached her nose. her gaze darted to the ground where howling wind stood, but it seemed like she was already aware. the tabby's fur was spiked and soon after came her command to the rest of the cats on the ground. her jaw was clenched tight as barking drew closer and closer. the rest of her body threatened to freeze, but she wouldn't just watch more thunderclanners get mauled. sharp claws dug into the bark as she slid down the trunk far enough to help any stragglers up.
[ ☾✩ ]


Since following Howling Wind, her mentor, and the rest of the scouting patrol out of the camp, Patchpaw's fur prickled uncomfortably with apprehension. Rabbitnose had strictly ordered her to stay up high in the trees where the dogs couldn't reach her scrawny figure, and high up in the trees she was. The ground looked awfully small below her and made her head swim, so instead, Patchpaw focused her sights on finding the strongest branch ahead of her that could bear her weight. It took everything in her just to be able to glide from tree to tree and keep up with Flycatcher and Silverlightning, though thankfully, she was starting to get the hang of this. It was easier to think of it as an impromptu tree lesson, rather than the dreadful fate of what laid at the end of their patrol. She couldn't bear to think about it any longer than she has already, when Wildpaw lingered at the back of her mind with each shaking leap.
Twice she had lost her footing, once midway through the first jump and the second time on a piss-poor landing. It sent her limbs astray and knocked her jaw hard enough to draw blood from her bit-down lip, but despite the offers from the other warriors, she refused any and all as she hobbled up to the tree.
There was no use fussing over a broken lip--or aching legs--when there were dogs to be found, Patchpaw reasoned to herself, and she continued on without a singular complaint.
Maybe the dogs left Sunningrocks... Patchpaw hoped internally, but these hopes were quickly dashed as Howling Wind's frantic alarmed yowl echoes into the tree canopy.
Oh no--had they found the dogs already?

With a sudden burst of speed, Patchpaw leaps up to a higher branch to give room for other cats and peeks out as her hackles stand on end, her tense claws dig into the bark, and her eyes dart around scouting for any sign of the monstrous beasts. Every part of her was on fire, screaming at her to run back to camp and hide in the apprentice's den until the next morning, anything but trapped up in the trees where one fall could cost a cat their life--but she couldn't leave. She couldn't abandon them now.
Please don't let it be the dogs, please don't let it be the dogs... there can't be any more death--not today, please StarClan, watch over everyone here, PLEASE!

He was on edge. Moreso than he had ever been before. He followed Howling Wind through the undergrowth and kept his ears pointed and his senses alert. Each step was carefully taken, each glance given with purpose. He had told Patchpaw to stay in the trees where it was safe, he couldn't bear to lose her to those dogs.

He was familiar with their savagery. He had lost his tail to one, after all. He couldn't help but wonder if he would lose more than that today.

The scent hit him about the same time Howling Wind had picked it up. His heart sank and his fur bristled. She didn't have to tell him twice to climb.

Quickly, he scampered up the tree to join his apprentice.

"They're getting deeper into the forest...." He said quietly to those in the trees. "I hope we can handle this before they find out camp....." His voice was laden with worry.

He couldn't let that happen. He was terrified of the scene that would unfold. He was terrified of what could unfold here. He feared for everyone's safety, especially Patchpaws. If anything happens, he would tell her to stay up here.

He prayed to Starclan that nothing would happen.

when it came time for scouting patrols to be formed fawncloud, alongside many others, had volunteered to root around close to sunningrocks to inspect whether or not those beasts have truly fled back to wherever they came from after the incident or if they still lingered. now there was a handful of cats who streamed silently through the dense undergrowth of the forest while others such as himself took to the trees for a bird's eye view. chocolate striped limbs led the senior warrior nimbly across gangly branches that dipped and shivered beneath the weight of those who he bounded after and every so often he'd peer back to his apprentice who he hopes is having no trouble following.

there's a sudden unpleasant scent that drifts from further in that immediately has the patrol prickling in alarm. dogs. howling wind wastes no time to bellow out to those still on the ground to climb and fawncloud watched in trepidation as clanmates are scrabbling desperately onto the trunks of trees to avoid being caught in the pathway of one of those mutts. "this is too close for comfort..." he mews beneath his breath, body crouching slightly closer to the branch he stood upon whilst flicking his gaze momentarily towards rabbitnose after he shared his similar worries. if those dogs get any closer to camp they'll be in a world of trouble.

▪︎apprentice tag ! @PEBBLEPAW
Her climbing still needs work, unfortunately, and Silverlightning must know that, because he gives Mousepaw a choice to remain on the ground with Howling Wind or to follow her mentor along the branches. Mousepaw elects to feel earth between her toes, to have the comfort of the forest under her paws. She follows the ground portion of the patrol with uneasiness.

In casual settings, like on hunting patrols or border patrols, she can forget about Emberstar. She can forget about the monsters stomping about in their territory. She can lose herself in banter, chit chat, play, training.

But this is a mission, and she's meant to keep herself contained. Quiet. She knows Silverlightning would be disappointed in her if she started running her mouth on Howling Wind's patrol.

Even worse, she knows that any missteps could lead to one of her Clanmates -- or her -- being killed. She gives Rabbitnose a longing look, wishing she could hide in his white and gray fur, wishing he could save the day like in the stories.

Instead, her thoughts are interrupted by the raucous barking of demons. Howling Wind orders the ground-dwellers to climb, and she hears the biggest footsteps she's ever heard galloping closer to them.

Acid-green eyes go wide. "Climb?!" Her voice is shrill with fear. She doesn't want to end up like Emberstar! She's not brave like Emberstar! She can't fight a dog, not by herself!

She's paralyzed for a moment, but only a heartbeat, before her limbs obey her brain and she's swift as lightning, angling her body up the nearest tree trunk. Her claws sink into the bark, and her movements while clambering up towards the others is slow, clumsy, uncoordinated. Her heart feels as though it's going to climb up her throat and leap from her mouth; she can barely breathe by the time she makes it to the lowest-hanging branch, far away from the idiot hounds.

Her ribs show as she sucks in air. "Why are they all the way out here?" She wails. "I thought they were by the river... I thought they were gonna leave!"


CW// Description of acrophobia - fear of heights and anxiety

A pungent stench wreaked havoc within his nostrils, every hair within his pelt standing up with apprehension and alarm. Howling Wind's call rings out to climb, causing the alarm to spread throughout the patrol. Stormchaser's heart drops to his stomach, immediately it pounds like a wild drum within his chest cavity as apricot eyes flitted around for a looming behemoth ready to snatch them up. "Go, go, go!" He commands, his eyes following his clan mates as they scamper up the tree. He gulps harshly, attempting to swallow the boulder of a lump that was latched into his throat. The musky scent of hound was everywhere, strong and it almost made him want to wretch as it violated his nose.
But he's stuck between two fears here. Climbing was never his expertise, heights sent a cold chill down his spine and he feels like a helpless kit that strayed too far from it's mother. The vision of him missing a step, or a branch somehow giving up his weight that sends him plummeting down to the unforgiving surface below. He backs his hind quarters by a tree trunk, his breathing becoming labored from fear. Either be possibly torn apart by dogs or risk falling to his death, or better yet falling straight into the depths of slobbering teeth? Stormchaser feels trapped, but at least on the floor he had a chance to escape right? Right?! His jaw clenched harshly, incisors piercing the inside of his lips till he could taste the iron tang of blood. He had to make a choice.
With a deep inhale, Stormchaser takes a massive leap up the tree trunk and latches on like velcro. He scales it slowly and uncoordinated, occasionally losing his footing. "Dammit!" He hissed as his ears flattened along the slop of his cranium, trying to readjust himself. He makes the mistake of looking down and suddenly feels nauseous, his mental images of him falling flashing through his mind once more. Blood rushed to his head and now he feels dizzy, his body clutching to the tree trunk even harder now. "I can't...I can't do it." The warrior whispered with a trembling voice, squeezing his eyes shut tightly to avoid the tears that threatened to fall. What kind of ThunderClan warrior was he? He felt so weak as he crumbled in front of his clan mates, feeling their eyes pierce his blue fur.

You have to. It's either climb or end up dog food. Your choice. One step at a time.

Breathe. In. Out. In. Out. Don't look down. You're already half way.
Stormchaser takes in another shaky breath before climbing again, focusing on anything but what he was doing. He finally comes to a lower hanging branch, hauling himself up by the base while digging into the bark with a steel grip. His eyes were wide and wild, limbs as shaky as a newborn calf learning to walk. The warrior waits in silence, listeningto nothing else but the thrum of his own heart beat. Where were tne dogs now? Did they hear them or smell them? Were they on the way? Stars, I hope not.

✦ ★ ✦

Howling Wind’s bristling fur almost an extension of his own, his shoulders reared to an inky garland the instant his mentor’s did. Sourness choked his muzzle and he questioned how he had not sensed it earlier. It draped insidiously across their path, a sensory warning tape.

Fire flushed the toms muscles, pushing him up out of stealth. Climb. Right- he had to do that. Barks bit at his mind, their bellows stealing the air from his chest. He just had to get moving, up, up like he had on that snowy day. Sloepaw bundled his legs beneath him, punching them into the earth with urgency. There’s noise above him, clanmates in the treetops called to action.

The side of the oak reared into his grasp in a breath, a blur. His eyes met Howling Wind’s, seeing her hesitation at its base. She was waiting- for him? His next breath hurt. The sooner he was up, the sooner she would follow. Claws latched onto the bark, he began his ascent, thoughts awash with ’can’t fall- won’t fall- can’t-‘

The goose-pelt apprentice wrangled himself to the canopy, cropped tail making his path inelegant. Round amber eyes tallied the rest of the patrol amongst the branches before returning to his mentor. She’d make it, he knew she would. Absently, the tom rasped out a quiet, "Dunno, but this isn’t looking good," in response to Mousepaw.

The patrol continues at a relatively steady pace until the sound of barking cuts through the air. Instinctively, Flycatcher tenses at the noise and has to stop himself from looking around, as he knew it was impossible for the dogs to even get into the tree. Down below Howling Wind orders the cats down below to climb, and soon the cats who were in the trees were joined by several panicked clanmates. "Everybody stay calm," Flycatcher urged, looking around at the worried clanmates. "Just mind your footing and make sure you have a good sturdy grip on the tree." The lead warrior then looks around for the deputy, finding her gaze and asking, "What's the plan, Howling Wind?"

The situation had changed so quickly. Pebblepaw's heartbeat was erratic as he followed after his mentor, eyeing each 'wrong-looking' leaf with suspicion. His shoulder still stung from events prior, but it hadn't affected his ability to serve - they'd made sure the whole clan knew that. His paws softly crunch against leaf litter and at first, he believed Howling was shouting at him for making a noise, but then he saw his clanmates scatter to the treetops. Oh, oh fuck. Refusing to waste anymore time, the apprentice darted after them, clambering up the side of a tall tree with little decorum. He met a low branch and decided it wasn't enough, climbing higher and higher until he was certain that the dog wouldn't be able to detect him. He hadn't seen what this particular beast looked like, but if its jaws were strong enough to cut through all the lives of a leader, he didn't want to meet it face-to-face. The lilac tom's felt the blood in his veins run cold as he stared toward the forest floor, his forepaws scrambling uncomfortably to try and find the best grip on the branch. Nothing felt safe. "I'm gonna die.... I'm gonna die..." He backed up into the trunk, letting out a surprised whimper at the rough bark scratching against his spine.