private drama queen // chickadeepaw

"It's not much..." Skypaw drops a pigeon down at his friend's paws, tail twitching behind him, "But it's better than any rat to catch out there," he finishes. Hunting in the Carrionplace, as he's sure Chickadeepaw has noticed, is dreadful, and damn near difficult to avoid getting bit in return. Skypaw's thus far narrowly avoided being attacked by the rats that inhabit the trash-filled dump, though he's not sure how many more hunting trips he can take wherein he'll be as lucky.

Regardless, he tucks in beside his friend, nudging her shoulder with his, "You take the first bite. I've already sent a mouse off to ShadowClan camp, so consider some kittens fed," it's not like any of them are aware of if and when the queens, kits, elders, and so on are being fed, after all. He can only assume ShadowClan won't be greedy and abuse the extra hunters like this, "Plus, I'm not as good at defeathering a bird. You've been better at it lately," he jests, hiding his fatigue by praising the other apprentice.​