camp DRAMA QUEEN // intro


Feb 7, 2024

This was so unfair!. He had been waiting for this day like forever even counting the days down and now when he finally was at age the stupid adults had decided to change the apprentice age!. Just when he had turned four months old!. Strawberrykit would have been a paw now if it not had been because some certain warriors in this clan not could keep their apprentices alive or whatever!. Why did he have to get punished for somebody else's mistake?. Strawberrykit had been complaining and sulking about it all day long to his momma who had been nothing but comforting even agreeing to the unfairness. But what could she do?. It was not her decision to make, sadly.

Finally, the kit had decided to leave the nursery den with a angry hiss to give his mom some much needed time for herself because complaining to her about it didn't get him anywhere!. So he had to try something else anything to get Blai-Orangestar to change her mind and realise he was more then ready to become an apprentice. Not one more day he wanted to stay in there and be bored to death!. Not one single day more he wanted to try to entertain himself with playing with some stupid moss balls as he pretended them to be the enemy!. He wanted to be out there going on real adventures that the elders kept on telling him about and kicking the bad guys butts!. Not trapped in camp doing the same thing every single day, seeing the same faces.

Strawberrykit had reached the middle of camp until he made a stop with a dramtic stomp of his front paw. " I'm not gonna stand for this!. I have my rights too!." [/B] he complained to no one before he with a sulky look sat right down on his rump on the cold snow with a dramatic huff. " I'm not gonna move one step further until i'm made into an apprentice!." [/B]That was his brilliant plan as he called his vow out with a dead serious glare. Puffing out his chest the kit would close his eyes as he pointed his nose to the sky as he sat there, still and unmoving. He didn't care for how long he had to seat here he refused to move until his clanmates admitted their wrong doing against him and made him into an apprentice like he rightfully deserved!.

He could seat here day in and day out if he had too. That was fine with him!. Anyone who know Strawberrykit knew how stubborn he could be. It was difficult to change this kit mind once he had set his mind onto something.

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Fluffykit knows about the warrior code. She knows Blazestar—before he went to StarClan forever—had changed it, too. Lots of kits were upset by the new rule; some of the warriors were, too. She knows something real bad had happened to Howlfire’s kits, and she feels deeply sad for them. Blazingpaw has always been nice to her—they all had, even if they’d been noisy and rambunctious while sharing a den with her. She wishes they’d never gotten hurt, but admittedly, she’d only felt relief when the new rule had become established. The very idea of becoming an apprentice and possibly getting injured like Blazingpaw, Hawkpaw, and Wolfpaw is terrifying. The idea of leaving camp at all is terrifying. So while she sympathizes with Strawberrykit, she can’t exactly relate.

She pads toward her denmate on soft, hesitant paws. “You’re gonna sit there for two moons?” Her voice is barely above a whisper, soft and blurry. She keeps her gaze on her forepaws while she speaks, then lifts jade eyes to flick nervously around her, trying to survey who might come up on either side of her. “You, um… you might get cold, Strawberrykit…” She blinks, hoping to take any perceived sting from her words.

  • ooc:
  • imfwvC1.jpg
  • Fluffykit, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 3 moons old, ages realistically on the 9th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — skyclan kit. butterflytuft x dandelionwish, gen 3.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh chocolate tortie/cream chimera with jade eyes. frightened, clingy, anxious, gentle.

"Well, feel free to. My father listened to all of the Queens and parents of this Clan and made his decision, and it was right, Strawberrykit." Fireflypaw speaks calmly as he pads over, trudging through the snow with hefty paws. His voice holds no scolding tone, merely calmly informative as he sits right beside the tom. Owlishly blue eyes stare wide at the sky, never blinking, before it snaps down to Fluffykit in amusement. "You won't catch a cold so easily, right, mister ready-to-be-apprenticed?" He chuckles softly to Strawberrykit, a soft mrrow of laughter leaving his chest. He could understand wanting to be apprenticed early- he himself was excited, but after Morningpaw's death, and the skirmish at the border that left young apprentices injured.. He didn't want to have more cats in his medicine den over something that could have been prevented with just a little more patience.​

It was quite a display... Strawberrykit stood proudly, fierce, determined to be an apprentice. Twitchbolt himself had not been apprenticed until he was five moons old, his parents' forgetfulness having largely dictated that part of his life... the restlessness, he could relate to somewhat. He'd been fiending to get away from his mother and father, though- while also striving to do something to get their attention. It had been a confusing time, one he was in no rush to reminisce about...

He wondered, had this rule been enforced when he was a kitten, who might have had something to say about it. Figfeather, maybe... amusement glinted in his eye. The stubbornness Strawberrykit displayed was quite impressive, if not... probably quite inconvenient for anyone who was walking this way. There was no trace of jesting on his face- he was completely serious, as far as Twitchbolt could tell.

You might get cold... Fluffykit's voice was wobbling uncertainty, soft concern... Twitchbolt nodded his head to agree with her. "I, I think he should be more worried about- about getting hungry," he murmured softly, but- just loud enough for Strawberrykit to hear, too. Rounded eyes flickered to the protesting kitten's face, watching for a reaction.
penned by pin ✧

No offense to Fluffykit or anything but she was not the one he had wanted to catch the attention of right now. She could do nothing to solve his problem but he suppose he could accept her company until somebody more importand showed up who would take pity to him and give in to his demands. " Yes!, that's exactly what i will do." he answered as he opend one eye and cast it sideway to the other kit. It was true that he might get cold but that was of no concern of his. Strawberrykit had to stand up for his rights! even if it meant he might get a bit cold. " I will be fine, the cold has never bothered me anyway!" he stubbornly had convinced himself not only hoping for that to make Fluffykit stop to worry but also see how strong he was!.

Fireflypaw arrived which was an diappointment...beside their medicial knowledge the medicine cat was rather useless in his opinion!. All they did was force him to eat disgusting leaves. He was convinced the medicine cats actually were evil!, and secretly plotting their next plan to get him to eat more of this disgusting stuff!. But no, he would never give up without a fight!. Kicking and biting as he did everything in his power not to eat the poison they were trying to feed him. Next time for sure he would win!. " I'm not like the other kits!. This rule obiviously shouldn't include me!." he was determined to fight back against any arguments they had thrown at him. With a snort Strawberrykit closed his eye again.

He opened it again when Twitchbolt appeared and...was disapppointed once again. Twitchbolt was not exactly the bravest warrior fac he was kinda weird with that eye twitching and all. Still he was the best option he had right now!. If anyone could change Orangestar's mind around it would be them!....probably. Strawberrykit had been hoping for a 'oh poor you!' remark but no, instead the lead warrior brought up food!. Strawberrykit was about to protest that he was not hungry but his stomach bedrayed him as it started to growl, and suddenly he realised he hadn't been eating since this morning!. Crap.

The kit looked down at his belly as he put a paw on his stomach before casting a glance at the freshkill pile that was so far away!. He would have to get up and move to get himself there which he obviously couldn't do. What to do?. Strawberrykity turned his attention over to Fluffykit. " Fluffykit, could you bring me something to eat?." He had no choice but to relay on them right now. She would help him right?, to support his rebellion, right?.

  • Haha
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