sensitive topics DREAD-BOLTED THUNDER \ death

Sleep came easily for the first time since he had fallen ill- and despite the chill, he had moved closer to the entrance of his den, into a patch of slightly-warm sallow that lit the floor, the midday sun giving him respite. Berryheart sank into dreams, still feeling the eyes of the stars upon him, feeling no better and no worse. His breath, most of all, had stayed short- on account for an ailment that had hounded him since kithood, he would guess. Recovery in stasis, but no worse, he found no reason to worry.

Oh, how he should have been more careful. How he should have suspected that the fatigue had to swoop in from somewhere. And when it hit, it would impale him- with icy claws, constricting grip. How he should have known, and now will never forgive his foolishness, sleeping with ice in his chest.

Breathlessness wakes him. Berryheart's eyes shoot wide, and are already bloodshot; he does not know for how long he has been gasping, for how long the coils were tightening and shrinking his lungs. There is no space anymore for a breath- and faintness eclipses his vision with flashes of shadow, relentless. The air is too cold to gulp, his lungs are too frozen to hold any air. It has never been this bad before, he knows it- knows that greencough's deadly tendrils had wound down his throat and pierced him deeper than catmint could reach. Permanence.

And the air is thick with it, with permanence, and the knowledge that it is over. Knowlege has never been so reviled. Berryheat's mind is choked, bruised- he cannot think straight, and does not wander toward his herbs but toward the exit of his den. Half-in, half-out, he plummets to the floor. He cannot see, he cannot breathe, he cannot-

A pathetic teacher, a pathetic healer, to wither away like this. Spirits sprawl toward him, and he is not prepared, white-toed paws twitching as if to grasp something that might, might be there. A thread of life that keeps evading him, and will soon split forever. It is no way for anyone to die, and- and his voice is drowned blue as he chokes out, "Please," and does not know what he begs for.

'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — The snowy giant had gone out to gather more poppy seeds and marigold seeing as they had been getting a bit low due to the new arrivals that had been injured, the medicine cat apprentice scouring throughout the snowy forest and a few puffs of white would leave his jaws as his large paws sank into the snow and slush that lay around. Both of his ears perk forward when he sees the familiar flowerhead that held the seeds that he had been searching for and a breath of relief pushes out against teeth, a small grin on his maw as he collects it carefully and wraps it in a laurel leaf. He hadn't found marigold but this is good nonetheless and he presses further into the woodland that makes up Thunderclan's territory, his mind wanders, and it doesn't take long for him to return to camp. He nods his helm with crinkled eyes seeing a patrol doing his best not to drop what he has gathered, a snowy dipped paw steps into camp and the choked out plea is the first thing that catches his attention.

Berryheart half-in and half-out of the medicine den, the sight itself making the fur raise and prickle in every direction, he immediately bolts over to drop the bundle off to the side before focusing on his mentor and his friend. "B-Berryheart," He breathes out shakily but nothing to compare to the rattling breaths that shook his friend now, his own paws trembling as he tries to figure out what to do but the sight itself shoves him back onto the mountains that he had journeyed to and how the cold air feels harsh in his lungs, and a raven pelted broken body laying in the snow flashes in his mind. He hadn't been able to do anything he was helpless and now with the mottled tom's condition, he feels like it once more. He isn't even certain if he can do anything. Berryheart said to rely on instinct but he finds himself stumped, he wants to desperately ask his mentor what to do but he knows that he won't receive an answer.

His clanmates would snap at him if he didn't act and if he didn't do anything but he feels frozen in place and his ears press flat against his skull, he had saved Berryheart once before. He's uncertain if he could even get to the herbs since the tortoiseshell was blocking the entrance, the medicine cat apprentice too afraid to move him in case it worsened his breathing. Please Starclan... Not again. He pleads quietly feeling his throat tighten with emotion, he wants to apologize to Berryheart if he had been there perhaps... I'm sorry, I'm so sorry...


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿❀❀❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ❀❀❀❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • hail.png
    longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    hail is a very warm individual (despite his name) and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, gentle, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    52 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed/not interested; mated to little wolf
    currently being mentored by berryheart
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
  • Crying
Reactions: waluigipinball

Foxpaw had only been coming for some mousebile to coat the elder’s fur with.

The den practically radiates the stentch of illness, at the entrance of the medicine cat’s den she can see Berryheart laying in the pale light. The tom-cat is terribly ill and curled up, she’s never seen a cat look so… frail, so weak. He’s almost scary to look at.

Hailstorm is with him, the large tom is in despair with ears folded back against his skull. Slowly backing up she hopes her presence was never noticed, now wasn’t a good time for that mousebile… It can wait.

Traveling towards a group of apprentices a frown tugs at her maw, ”I just walked by the medicine cats den and… Berryheart isn’t doing good. It’s- I think it’s bad.” She whispers among them, her eyes glancing back forward the medicine cats den. Surely, StarClan wouldn’t take the tri-colored tom from them? ”Do you think he’ll… die?” Though not a child of green-leaf, the kit was still young and naive not knowing the full permanence of death. She cannot comprehend the weight of her question.
  • » Foxaw
    » ThunderClan Apprentice
    » Mentored by Roeflame
    » She/they . AFAB
    » A red tabby & chocolate sepia she-cat with orange eyes.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » An incredibly easy foe with no combat training.
    » Likely to swat or flee depending on the size of foe.
    » Fights defensively and to save herself.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
  • Nervous
Reactions: waluigipinball
Marigoldpaw for once was chilling with some other apprentices, conversing normally. Trying to be more social is not exactly fun, but it feels like a necessity if he wants to be taken seriously. Friends might be nice, too… but as always, his luck is absolute mouse-dung.

When Foxpaw approaches, he wonders if she’ll stammer out something goofy as she tends to do, but that’s quickly shot down as she explains what she heard passing by the medicine cat den. Berryheart, dying? The absolutely last cat he expected to pass next was one of the medicine cats. It feels so wrong… Marigoldpaw blinks, genuinely in shock. “Dead? No… he definitely won’t die. …Right?” He thinks back to the game that they played when he was younger, as if his life was flashing before his eyes like he would be the one to perish instead.​
  • Sad
Reactions: waluigipinball

ROEFLAME — I fell in love with the fire long ago.

With a dissatisfied huff, Roeflame pushes the thin-feathered bird away, celadon optics flickering instinctively towards a familiar tawny pelt that emerges from the medicine den.
With a glance towards the prey between pale forepaws, Roeflame shifts to her paws with a subtle shrug. Perhaps Hailstorm had been able to nurture Berryhearts appetite back.
Barely has the warrior adjusted the bird properly in her jaw does Foxpaws whispered gossiping nestle hauntingly into her ear drums as the tabby strode by.
Bird forgotten, Roeflame steps to Foxpaws flank with a sharp gaze.
"Don’t spread rumors like that, Foxpaw." The warrior firmly states, gaze flickering back to the dimmed mouth of the medicine den.
Surely she’s just exaggerating..
Fear and doomed hope are what bring Roeflame through the darkened entrance, the air is sticky with disease.
She can hear him. She can hear his breaths, shallow and fading. Patches of brindled fur are bathed in light, and Roeflame freezes, as though afraid to disturb his sleep.
Horror etches deep within rounded features as she finally drags her gaze to Hailstorm.
Yet… yet she had survived in a state like this, so why can’t he?
Look at me. Look at me. In a rhythmic of fear her mind demands Hailstorm silently, selfishly.
Tell me you can fix this.
He won’t, she knows he won’t, but life still clings feebly to her friend’s limp form.
Head thrown over her shoulder, Roeflame steps away.
"Foxpaw and Marigoldpaw, fetch Howlingstar and his kin, now." There is no room for opposition in her tone as she orders the apprentices to find the healers mother.
If she was selfless, if she was better, she would go herself. Yet, the lead warrior doesn’t move, her desperation flawed in all its glory, Roeflame found herself too selfish to dare leave the tortoiseshells side.


  • Crying
Reactions: waluigipinball
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ she had been searching for palepaw, poking around different pockets of apprentices when foxpaw's words rang in her ears. nightbird stands rigid, turning to face the ruddy apprentice and marigoldpaw. an awful uncertainty settled in her bones, sank her stomach until it felt heavy.

"what?"her delivery was scathing, wishing these children would feel its wounds for speaking something so wrong into existence. roeflame corrects them, sends them away to warn his kin of berryheart's impending death. he couldn't, hailstorm had retrieved the catmint. but her head swung over her shoulder to see the medicine cat's mottled body half out of the den, laying pitifully under his apprentice's sad gaze.

the lead warrior turned, leaving before they had the chance to scatter off and retrieve them. lead filled paws carried her straight into the warrior's den, she had last spotted racconstripe's barred pelt vanishing into the tunnel. nightbird didn't like this, her tongue was heavy and dry in her mouth, taking too much space. she had notified the clan of little wolf's death, this felt no different. "raccoonstripe..." she faltered, eyes searching for him through the dimness of the den. "you need to come now. it's berryheart." urgency flooded her tone, raised her pitch as it closed around her throat. she could only pray for a false alarm.
  • ooc ↛ fetching @RACCOONSTRIPE
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 29 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a single white paw and pale silver eyes.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / mentor to palepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
Last edited:
  • Crying
Reactions: waluigipinball
It'd been quiet... and in that quiet she'd taken great comfort. Though the noise outside never seemed to get any softer (outside of the chirping of crickets and frogs that said it may be night time), at the very least it wasn't fraught with the sounds of danger. Often enough she could hear the sound of Hailstorm moving around the den, leaving sometimes and coming back with the smell of earth fresh on his paws. Was he looking for things? Just going for a walk? Doe was too shy to ask... only really speaking to him when spoken to or to ask for some more water. Sometimes she'd hear that other one further back in the den... his name hadn't been said terribly often and she struggled to be sure she had it right. Berry... something. It suited him in his sick-sweet scent.

She thinks maybe her name fits her too... the soft browns of her fur. She'd only heard about what deer look like in stories so the confirmation would never reach her own eyes.

Today is odd in that the sweet scent gets closer... the sound of foot-falls are almost shambling but not in the same way as Hailstorm's, weighed down by heavy, fluffy coat. They are dragged... almost... with a soft, pained breath to follow. Her ears turn this way and that to try to pinpoint it, to listen to it move past her towards the entrance of the den (she thinks) until only a soft whine is left... and then more quiet.

It doesn't last long... the camp swarms with activity immediately and risking a chance to try to peek, she opens her eyes to squint in the direction of a blinding sun. The light is so white in comparison to the shadows and though she blinks stubbornly to focus, the shapes there, the shadows... they don't make any sense. Don't become clearer. There's grays and browns and swatches of black... creams and reds dance in and out of focus as paw-steps approach and then run away. Something bad was happening... and for the first time, she's glad she can't see.

"Hello?" She hisses quietly, "What's happening? What's wrong?"
  • Sad
Reactions: waluigipinball

[ ༻ 🗲 ༺ ] Death wasn't something that crossed on Icepaw's mind, never. He always thought that it couldn't happen, and that they had all the time in the world. Nor did the thought that Berryheart would leave them, he had always thought that Hailstorm and Berryheart would be there forever, their medicine cats forever. Unchanged. He thought that Berryheart would of recovered but by the whispers of the bustling folks told him otherwise.

He paused, he glanced at the crowd before looking at the medicine den with a worried look in his orange gaze. Foxpaw had said something about how Berryheart would die and he quickly shook his head. Thats impossible, something he couldn't even imagine, but everyone was already crowding around with their waves of concern, and even Icepaw felt the anxious gloom that waved through the air. Then Doepaw asked what was going on and the other looked at the other. "Berryheart... its Berryheart, apparently hes not doing well" he expressed softly

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Icepaw 🗲 He/Him , apprentice of Thunderclan, 8 moons.
    Tall blue silver tabby with high white and orange eyes
    Cloudflame x NPC
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

  • Sad
Reactions: waluigipinball
The camp's tunnel entrance rustled as one of the hunting patrols returned. A scrawny squirrel dangled limply from her jaws. There was no blaze of delight in her gaze...there wasn't much to be proud of with the squirrel. It was suffering from the same issue that they were...lack of food. She could hear hollering...orders being given. She quickened her pace, pushing her way into the camp. Her gaze scanned the clearing, watching Nightbird run to the warriors den, Foxpaw and Marigoldpaw running towards Howlingstar's den. The fur along her neck prickled worriedly, are we being attacked? They hadn't smelled anything strange on their way back home.

And then she saw him.

Laying half in and half out of the Medicine den, was her dear friend's body. The squirrel immediately fell from her jaws, landing somewhere near the tunnel. She ran towards the den, making the trek in mere seconds. He was still breathing...but barely. Her blood grew cold, and her heart roared in her ears. Hailstorm was beside her, his gaze glazed over with pure sadness. She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. The tabby didn't need to hear the Medicine Cat to say anything...she knew what was happening. "Oh Berryheart..." she finally managed to breathe, before grief pinched her throat shut. Howlingstar...please come soon...he doesn't have much time.

  • IMG_1727.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Deputy of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormfeather & Falconheart
    — 29 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse

  • Crying
Reactions: waluigipinball
↟↟ᨒI can't keep you long. Had he known, from that very moment? From even before? As he had shooed Duskbird away from his den after their talk, had he known? Which thought is worse: that this took him by surprise, or that it hadn't?

Moons ago, Duskpaw had frozen at the sight of Howlingstar's demise. The boar that carved through her fur in place of his uncle's haunted him still. And now it was his uncle. They call through camp for his kin, and the fire-tipped tom freezes once more. It would be a much kinder life if he could say that he leapt into action, comforted him in his final moments. Maybe even saved him. (It was a pathetic fantasy.) Instead his amber eyes come to the entrance of the den and his panicked gaze, and he does —


Cannot even approach him. His own chest seizes up in time with the fading tom's. Not gone. So horribly close. Is this supposed to be goodbye?

  • OOC.
  • 55613602_gyytUHFbTl2Funb.png
    ——— recently discovered his father's identity and is withdrawing into himself. seems distant and troubled, going about his duties absently as if sleepwalking his routine. seems mechanical around his family in particular, or anyone that he suspects knew the truth of his parentage. his ambitions have died quietly.

  • Crying
Reactions: waluigipinball
The death of Little Wolf had left a hole in his heart that he was sure would never heal. He had lost a big sister, someone he had trailed since he was small, but with time the wound began to slowly close with the thought that one day they'd be reunited. He shifts in his nest, staring off in to space until he focuses in once more.

Theres clamor in the camp, and at first Cobweb cannot bring himself to get upon four paws to meander over. He only tucks in to himself deeper until he hears his brothers voice, spoken like a mantra, Berryheart, it's Berryheart, he's not... He only catches snippets but its enough to rise to his paws now, a fire lit beneath them as he rushes over. Hailstorm stands there, in front of the medicine den, cats are gathered and he only weaves around him. Thats his brother, thats his baby brother! He needs to see whats wrong, he needs to-

"Berryheart...?" oh, how quiet his voice sounds, hushed; if he spoke any louder, drew in any breaths deeper than shallow it may just steal the remaining air from his brothers lungs. He is collapsed, in and out of the medicine den, Hailstorm stands frozen besides him, somewhere in the far distance Nightbird breaks off to grab Raccoonstripe, is someone grabbing mom? Somewhere else he hears Roeflame speak, fetch Howlingstar and his kin, now. Oh, its over, isn't it? It can't be. It can't. "B-Buh- Berryheart!" but he cries out, regardless, because the grief that wells within him is too strong now, a dam breaking, floodgates bursting open. "Berryheart, buddy, you have to breathe, you have-" his own throat closes and whatever he had meant to say devolves in to a keening whine. "Please." he isn't sure if he is begging Berryheart to continue his losing battle or if he is begging Starclan for just a little more time.

Fate is a cruel piece of work. He wants to curse something, anything for making Berryheart this sick, but he isn't sure what.

And now, as he sobs besides his baby brother, the cat he had watched grow up, he feels his heart crack once more. What had healed with time is raw, bloodied, he hiccups in despair because he knows from Hailstorms face, from the grim, terrified expressions of others that this is the end. Little Wolf, please guide him home. Please, make his journey easy. Like Graystorm, like Little Wolf, Howlingstar loses another child, and Cobwebtail loses another beloved sibling. Regret sets in, perhaps he should have made more time, perhaps he should have came to see him more- perhaps, in another life, they did have time. Perhaps.

  • 9678AAC9-0303-455E-9B2B-F62ED4E60E7A.png
    -> cobweb, cobwebtail
    -> cis male ,, he/him ,, 42 months
    -> warrior of thunderclan ,, former marsh grouper
    -> spindly, dainty blue and white tabby tom with half-lidded blue eyes
    -> “speech, 827aab
    -> unknown sexuality ,, single
    -> smells like oak trees & an odd mixture of smoke
    -> image by gravecrypt
  • Crying
Reactions: waluigipinball
Camp is quiet, the warriors’ den even moreso for once. Raccoonstripe is weary-pawed from patrolling, and he’s just turning circles into the nest he shares with Nightbird when he catches a glimpse of silken smoke from his periphery. He turns toward her, a smile on his lips, and his jaws part to deliver some quip about her beauty when he sees the look on her face. His expression freezes, then withers, crumples as though he is a kitten again, as though the ground under his paws is marshy and wet. “Berryheart? Why? What’s the matter?” The moisture leaves his mouth, vacuumed away by the urgency in her tone, the gleam in her silver eyes. She sounds as she had when she’d returned from the journey—like she’s delivering terrible news that she wishes she never had to utter aloud.

He shoves past her, their pelts brushing. There’s commotion outside. He can see a tortoiseshell figure slumped on the ground, half-crawling, from the medicine cat’s den. Hailstorm is crouched over him—and Flamewhisker is nearby, all the Clan is, all of them gaping, shock evident in their gleaming eyes, shock and despair. Raccoonstripe’s paws feel leaden, but he forces himself to move, to crouch beneath his littermate’s crippled figure.

The wheeze coming from his throat—like some cat has crushed his windpipe—sends a chill running through the tabby’s fur. “Berryheart—Berry—you have to get up, you have to BREATHE, damn it,” he says, and his voice rises, fever pitch. Panic begins to fray his nerves, split them apart like atoms. He gazes wildly from Nightbird to Hailstorm to Flamewhisker to his brother, to Cobwebtail, and he says, “Someone has to help him—why isn’t anyone HELPING HIM? That’s—he needs HELP!

But everyone is looking as though Berryheart has already died. Like there is no help to be given. Raccoonstripe’s claws score the earth in his frenzy. “There has to be—some herb, some berry, he’d always eat them when he couldn’t breathe right—there’s something that has to fix this—” He lashes his tail, dark gaze fixed pleadingly on Hailstorm. “Give him the berry—give him the berry he used to eat! It’ll fix him, he’ll be fine! HURRY!

He does not know how close the end is—he does not know that his brother is seeing silver pelts among the pelts of his Clanmates, but he can sense it, and it drives him to near-madness.

  • ooc:
  • 74327127_amPwOaY4eGaGkj8.png
  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 37 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring Smudgepaw ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.


there is something wrong. she can feel it in the twitch of her tail, a strange sense of urgency that begins to accumulate over the slow - bustling camp. an eye slits where she lounges nearby, just in time to watch foxpaw trot her way towards roeflame and get.. a reaction. emerald eyes pry wider, suddenly alert as cats begin to flood to and from the small herbal den. slowly she lifts, takes her time because she can’t do anything, not really. freckleflame knows berryheart is sick, knows he toils away within his den in a way she had never known. the closer her pawsteps draw the louder the coughing, wheezing becomes. she stills aside roeflame, lets her eyes adjust to the cool dark of the medicine den — family gathers, friends. she watches duskbird and her gaze softens pitifully, hopelessly, ” oh, berryheart.. “ she murmurs because it was working, it had been working, hadn’t it?

yellowcough haunts her. the sickness, the wheezing, the eminent death ; she remembers each wet patter of breath owlear had suffered, each desperate gasp from wrenflutter, each keen of pain where it had risen up from berryheart’s den — but this was whitecough. this was supposed to be easier, he was meant to rest easy, to pass in his sleep because he’d saved them, many of them. instead.. freckleflame stills, tips her head towards the sky and wonders why : it seemed such an obscenely cruel joke for their star - dutiful medicine cat. the tortoiseshell had fished them from the depths of despair and sickness by the quick of his claws. what sort of ending was this — congregated around like something to gawk at. his breaths come fast. she knows, deep down, that whatever may come past this night would lay heavy on his family.

cobwebtail appears, phantom white against the shadows and his wailing churns her belly, and then raccoonstripe, snapping like she’s never heard him snap before and freckleflame takes that time to lower her ears, take a step back away from the mouth of the den. her throat clicks. foxpaw was off to find the tortoiseshell’s kin, presumably howlingstar, so she gasps a : ” i’m.. gonna go find wolfwind. “ towards roeflame, if only to spur her own paws forward and away from the screaming, shouting. she offers a forlorn glance towards the silvery tabby, for burnstorm when foxpaw found him. silently, her mind sings for hope ; just in case, ill get her just in case, she tells herself, despite the way her eyes refuse to meet the wailing warriors — raccoonstripe, talking about a berry, a berry, someone give him the berry he always ate. she hopes, and hopes, and hopes, trotting out into the cool air, praying selfishly that he would make it until her return with his kin.

  • i. going to find @WOLFWIND :(

  • Untitled262_20231202152333.png

    f. she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. large, fluffy cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. larger than life! every part of her is broad ; wide in everything from her face to shoulders to her feathered tail, something reminiscent of her father’s kittypet heritage in the square of her chin and hulk of her figure. she appears illusionarily fluff - ridden at first, thickly pelted in shades of fire and soot, long & tangled, knotted with undergrowth — seeming soft and pudgy, and she is.. that figure curving into hard, hidden bulk along heavyset flanks and well - muscled limbs. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers.
    prone to bouts of explosive emotion. all opinions are solely in - character and during these times, often untrue or said only in anger.

.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
He had been on that patrol with Hailstorm. Herbs were gathered in his jaw, making his eyes water, wandering after his best friend back towards camp. "Honestly, Hailstorm- I don’t know how you can smell this stuff all day." Batwing spoke, careful of where he was placing his paw as he had trekked back towards camp. Through watering eyes, a shadow moved on his left. Vision swung towards a specter that vanished as soon as he saw it, the whiskers of his mother quivering.

Ears flattened as Batwing turned back forward, hurrying to catch up with his bigger friend. His tail twitched behind him, a hint of unease in his throat. As they made it into camp, Hailstorm chokes. Batwing’s vision shifted to him. "What’s wrong?" He asked. Batwing had not expected to see Berryheart spilled over, his sickness bared to the rest of camp. The lead warrior had barely gone still as he rushed after Hailstorm. The herbs deposited near the sprawled body, his ears flattening.

Vision shifted between Hailstorm and Berryheart- Batwing knew that look in Hailstorm’s eyes. He had been there when Little Wolf died, he had been there when Flamewhisker and himself had found her daughter’s body. Despair. Grief. Hopelessness. Ears flattened backwards as his daughter passed, murmuring softly to her friends. As Roeflame discovered them, as the whole entirety of camp found them.

Death was never easy. It would never be easy. Batwing had not been given time to mourn his family. He had never been given the chance to see them before they left, for someone had tried to steal even that luxury from him, his sight. Weary eyes blinked, fur pressing against Hailstorm’s flank. Warriors came and went, moving to retrieve kin, to retrieve Berryheart’s mother. Another child of hers lost. A choked noise left Batwing then.

He hadn’t been close to Berryheart, or Little Wolf. Neither time had he been their direct friend- but Leopardtongue had trusted Berryheart so, had relied so tightly on Howlingstar. Little Wolf had been Hailstorm’s closest. Batwing’s tongue was bit down on, eyes squeezing shut from where he rested next to his friend. It was not his place to grieve, he told himself, but the grief found him regardless, if for no one else but the souls watching Berryheart pass. Could Starclan cry, he wondered?

Raccoonstripe’s words are scathing, and Batwing’s head snapped up. He did not bare his teeth, or growl, for he knew the panic that lay within Raccoonstripe’s throat. He had felt it before, laying within this den a year and some ago, being told his family was dead. "Stop yelling." He whispered. Emerald greens drift towards Hailstorm, as if searching for confirmation. "Hailstorm?" He questioned. Is this it? Is Berryheart lost?

Batwing perhaps understood the weight upon Hailstorm’s shoulders. After all, he himself had to tell Tigerpaw her mother was likely dead. He had been there once- but Hailstorm would be there so many more times. In moons to come, he’d have to tell families their daughter, son, brother, mate, were dead. For that? Batwing grieved for not only Berryheart’s loss, but for Hailstorm’s future.

There's a commotion goin' on near the medicine den. Faces crowded, some shoutin' too. It seems the stars could hardly spare them a break these days. Would it be more strangers? Long lost siblings nearly caught in the claws of a rogue? Wolfwind should know the answer, already. She's a failure of a warrior, for not. Stumblin' over there now wouldn't change that, she thinks. Her paws were for prevention, not healin' what's already happened. She'd get in their way. She'd take up Hailstorm's space. Berryheart would be better soon, and then she...

Freckleflame startles her some. She doesn't admit, when one shining eye turns blazing in her direction. But she smiles, cause, uh, nothin's really wrong... " Hey, " a lazy grin, one that made her head hurt, and Freckleflame wasn't matchin' it. A raised grin turns cautious. Somethin' somber hangs in the air. Her gaze drifts past her friend's, questioning, and then with her at her side, slowly, silently, she would creep toward the crowd of cats, head tilted so her eye could see all it needed to.

It's a spectacle. A spectacle, and it should be, Berryheart slumped over like she'd been a moon ago. She'd gotten back up, though. Howlingstar had always gotten bad up. Wolfwind smiles, soft (and unsure). " S'okay, " she says. She didn't feel that same urgency Cobwebtail did, that made him cry out. The same urgency Raccoonstripe did, that made him snap at everyone around him. " Talked to him... just the other day, " she says, like that meant somethin'. (How long ago had that been now? It had been before... before he'd gotten sick. How long...?) " SkyClan gave 'im the cure. " He'll never get to see what he wanted to see, if he died here. " He'll be up. "
Palepaw had been lounging in the shade of a particularly large bush, munching on a scrawny mouse, actively avoiding her mentor in hopes of getting a few more moments to enjoy her break. She spotted Nightbird walking past and ducked down slyly, not ready to get back to her training yet. It was then that she heard the whisperings of a small group of apprentices nearby, and their words stole her breath and churned her stomach. 'It's Berryheart! He's... dying, I think? Look!' Only a moment later she watched as the smokey lead warrior sprinted back past them, towards the warriors den with an urgency that scared her. Did that mean it was true? No. Their Medicine Cat couldn't be dying of greencough, it didn't make any sense, if anyone could recover from an illness it ought to be him.

Her muscles trembled slightly as she gathered her paws beneath her and quickly made her way to the edge of the gathered Thunderclanners, though she didn't try to push her way any closer. She could see Berryheart's fallen figure well enough from here to make her feel sick, and she knew that those closest to him needed to be able to sit by his side now, not her. They came like a wave, his loved ones, each in various degrees of shock and despair. Raccoonstripe's desperate screams rang bitterly in her ears, making her eyes sting with unshed tears. "What... what do we do?" She mumbled numbly to the group, to anyone who might have answers. She looked to Nightbird, the one she always counted on to know the next step. "Nightbird...?" Were they really forced to sit there and watch him die? No. No, that didn't seem right at all.
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Just a few days ago, she had been yammering away at the patchwork Medicine Cat, keeping tabs on his well-being and taking an amicable leave as her hulking friend returned from his duties across the borders. Honeydapple was over the moon to see Hailstorm busied by work; their heartbroken state turned to duty, and he took to it like a fish to water.

Berryheart, on the other paw, seemed to be falling under the cracks. Coughs and heaves growing more ragged since catching the illness. The pale she-cat had done well to keep away, and after a few days, she was relieved to note that the sickness did not cling to her. Yet, her kind nature made her all the more concerned. Honeydapple tended to peek on now and then just to see. Though Hailstorm was like a squirrel up a tree, rushing through tasks and doting over the sickly tom.

It made the dappled molly realize that he would be perfectly fine. There was no reason to continue following after his shadow and quizzing his well-being. The Medicine Cat Apprentice's coat seemed shinier, and his eyes filled with vigorous determination. A few nights spent chattering under the stars seemed to have done them both good, easing the earlier frets into nothing more than background noise.

Today she had steered clear to give the older tom room to work. Busy with patrol work and hunting for the hungry masses, placing her meager catches up on the pile. A series of shouts and panicked murmurs cause her to whip around. Blue gaze settling onto the Medicine Den as cats crowd in left and right. What in the stars! It seemed something was blocking the way for any cat to enter.

Fear spikes up her back, and the pointed feline dashes ahead. Peering over the group to get an inkling of what's occurred. She can barely make out the struggling frame of Berryheart sticking mid-way from the entrance. Her heart drops, and a pained gasp escapes the moggy. Stepping back, she shakes her head with disbelief, and tears spring to the corners of her eyes. Oh heavens, Hailstorm!

She looks as her friend's face cracks with fresh terror, and that alone is enough to steel their shaken emotions. All the commotion and crying makes her stiffen. Enough. Determinedly she aims to push through the throng of cats and stand off to the front of the mountainous tom. Turning to face the crowd as she calls out with nerve-shaken legs. "N-now is not the time to crowd him! Please, if you're not going to help or can't keep yourself in order, then step back." Her voice trembles, but a fire has been lit beneath her paws. These words were mostly directed at one cat driven by heartbreak, but she can't find it in herself to blame them.

Looking back, her bright gaze stares softly as Batwing seeks answers. She searches the sepia tom's face. Chest quivering as Berryheart's life hangs in the balance. A gentler and airy voice falls from her pale lips. "What do you need, Hailstorm? What can we do?" She prays that there is something, anything at all, that can be done. It was not her intention to step on any paws, but time did not seem on their side. Her knowledge was pitiable at best, but Honeydapple doesn't know what else to do.
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It never ceased to amaze him how quickly word of mouth could spread, creeping like a wildfire unchecked in a dry forest. But that's how he came to learn of the horror unfolding within the camp that day. It was hard to miss the chatter among the apprentices, and then of course the frantic bustling of the warriors and lead warriors as mere rumour bubbled into something so much worse.

"Berryheart is...?"


Shiningsun arose to his paws and he hurried his way closer to the gathering felines in order to take in the harsh truth for himself. A single glance was all he needed to know that things were not good for their medicine cat. The words and yelling around him became a dull buzz as his eyes traced out every feature of Berryheart. Numbly he began to back away as Honeydapple's instruction for space reached some part of him, but so too did Wolfwind's words. "Y-yeah... we got the herbs to help him." He managed to mumble weakly, though it all felt too surreal. Had the herbs not worked? Or was this something else? All he knew was that he could do nothing to fix this, not this time.

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Howlingstar, come quick! It's Berryheart!

The young she-cat's words ring in her ears as she pushes past Foxpaw and hurries out into the clearing. The conversation from days earlier comes to the forefront of her mind as she races to the crowd that has gathered outside of the medicine den, but she refuses to linger on it. Denial causes her to shove down the words he'd said to her. Instead, she plants her feet at the edge of the crowd, ears pinned and wide eyes searching the throng of cats wildly. "Where is my son?!" She bellows, hopefully silencing the clamoring. Some of the warriors step aside, and she can see the crumpled form of Berryheart halfway outside the den.

Her breath catches in her throat, horror painting her features. For what feels like moons, she stands frozen. The memory tries to resurface. She doesn't let it. She pushes it down with all her might and shakes her head as if it would shake the words from her mind, and she blinks teary eyes at her son's apprentice. "Hailstorm, there's got to be something-" The order falls flat upon her tongue. She looks to Cobwebtail, who wails for the brother he is losing. She looks to Raccoonstripe, who snaps and snarls for the cure to help him. She looks to Wolfwind, and Duskbird, who had both grown up knowing their uncle to be the untouchable tom he had always been.

The words finally fight to the surface of her brain, clawing away the barriers until she is forced to remember, forced to face it. I worry they are lingering because...though greencough won't kill me, something else might. that something else, isn't it? Not the disease that Hailstorm had successfully cured, but the ailment that had burdened him his entire life. Except this time, he won't come back from it.

Understanding washes over her, scalding and torturous. She draws in a breath, calm as she can possibly remain, and pads through the opening her clanmates made for her, to his side. Tears roll without restraint down her cheeks as she moves to lay at his spine, and the feeling of his shuddering, strained breaths against her makes her sick. She wishes so desperately she could take it all away, all of his struggle, all of his pain, all of his fear. But she can't, and perhaps that's the most heartbreaking thing about being a mother. She can't. So instead, she drapes her foreleg across him, and pushes her other underneath his shoulder. "It's okay," She coos, her tears cascading onto his skull as she presses her chin between his ears. If she can do anything in his last moment, she will hold him.

She couldn't hold Graystorm. His life had been ripped from him quickly and violently in a moment of stupid but admirable bravery, pierced by savage tusks. Her son's body had been laid before her, broken and bloodied and nothing but a husk.

She couldn't hold Little Wolf. She'd never share tongue with her one final time, for her tiny body is buried in snow and ice in the mountains that lay so, so far away. A dream shared with her daughter had been the closest she'd gotten.

Finally, and tragically, she will hold a child while they travel to StarClan. She will hold her son, just as she had when he was little.

For a moment, while her eyes are closed, she feels lost in time. It is a leaf-bare morning, brisk but not freezing. Gray, Raccoon, and Jackdaw nurse happily at her belly, safe and warm in the thorny den they'd shared in the marshes. Gray Wolf had been gone for a couple of moons, then, and though her grief had been searing and painful, it had begun to heal with the birth of her final litter. Cobweb and Little Wolf had returned from their morning hunting lesson, but instead of bringing her fresh-kill like they typically would have, they had placed a tiny tortoiseshell kitten at her paws. Its mother didn't make it, She recalls them solemnly reporting. It's all alone. Hollow Tree and little Lily Pad had hurried over to see, she remembers. He had been so small, one moon of age just like the three at her belly. He'd been scraped up, his jaw lopsided and his mewls hungry, and he'd become hers. Berry is what he would be called, and he had been placed at her stomach in between Gray and Raccoon, the fourth brother. He'd latched to feed with surprising strength, refusing to give up, willing himself to live. Willing himself to grow up and be loved so, so much by his family.

She holds him now to her belly still, doing her best to stifle her soft sobs with a humming purr. "It's okay, I'm here. I'm here, my darling. My little Berry," Her gentle voice continues to tell him. Her gushing eyes blink up, and they look around. She is not looking at her clanmates, though. She is looking for starry figures, for the eyes of Silverpelt that he said he'd been seeing. "Are they here now?" She whispers, voice beginning to break, for she doesn't know how much longer she can hold onto her stoic wall. It is crumbling oh so quickly, cracks forming and chips falling. "It's okay to let them take you. Gray Wolf, Little Wolf, Graystorm, can go with them. It's okay. You did so good. I'm so proud of you, darling. You can rest, now." She holds him tight, and cries, pressing her face against his ears. Watch after him, my love. Guide our son to the stars, and let him bask in StarClan's warmth with endless prey and honey.

Above all else, he is sorry- a sorry excuse for a sight, and sorry that he is a sight at all. Loyal as ever, Snowy is at his side first- and though he cannot hear the rumblings of apprentices, it will not be a far stretch to imagine, when he has the time. Friends flock to his side, and bitterness flickers in his gaze that he cannot give them words, tell them anything, like Sparky had done to each of them as she had faded away. His voice was seized, barricaded behind walls of breathlessness.

His paws twitch wildly, as if he runs somewhere- his eyes roll and flit, lids skittering between closed and wide. Darkness encroaches, fringed by silver light. His brother screams. And he cannot staunch the bleeding, the weeping of voices, and- his littermate's voice is tinged with frustration and desperation. Guilt and agony both grip him desperately. You thought me untouchable.

It is awful to think that he is glad they are here- his kin, his friends. Deaf to Clamours' denial, he only knows she is near by scent. Wings, Embers, Fawny, Sunset- they are near, and do not split from him, even as Stripes screams and begs for them to help. But there is nothing to be done. He had been dead before he had awoken. It was lucky that he'd been granted these last few moments of consciousness- but lucky for who?

A dappled tail thumps on the floor, once. Distinct from the rest of his jerking death-throes, this is almost measured. It is a statement, silent and gestured. It's alright, he's saying, without saying it. Because a voice rises atop the din, asking for her son, and he knows this is who the luck was for as his mother closes in.

In death, he is a child again. Uneven eyes meet his mother's for just a moment, an iota of a moment, before darkness takes over and pin-holes his vision so tightly that there is nothing before him to focus on. It's okay, she says, and Berryheart takes a gasping breath. To an inexperienced ear, it could sound as if he is awakening from this stupor. Pressed against her fur, cradled like a kitten, Berryheart appears to sigh.

Are they here now? His head twitches. It is all the confirmation he can give. Someone is nearing. Someone who has travelled very far to get to these skies. It's okay, she says, It's okay to let them take you.

"See you..." And that is it. It's whispered and it barely means anything at all, but it's some sort of delirium-drenched promise, to her and to ThunderClan.

He loves her, he loves them all. And she is wise, and the pinnacle of wisdom, and knows what is right. If she says it is alright, then Berry will believe her, and he grips that reassurance desperately as his hold loosens on everything else. And he cannot breathe anymore. And he is glad they are here, and he wishes they weren't. In their memories, he did not want to be preserved as a convulsing mess in the doorway of his own den, but ThunderClan's prophecied gauze, to staunch the wound their first medicine cat had left.

At the very least, he manages to allow himself the dignity of closing his eyes, growing stiller and stiller. It will be as easy as falling asleep, his mother singing a sobbing lullaby.

Berry, Howling Wind's son, dies in his mother's hold. Berryheart, medicine cat of ThunderClan, dies before the Clan he had served with all his might. He loves them all, and he dies anyway.
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