private dream a little dream // naming

// @Dandelionwish and IF THE KITS WANT @weedkit @FLUFFYKIT

Six days. For six days, she has been a mother. For six days, she and Dandelionwish have been bonding with their new brood, learning their personalities, watching them wriggle about. For six days they've discussed countless names. Finally, she thinks she knows what she wants to name them after all this time. "I really do like Weedkit," The tortoiseshell begins, blinking lovingly down at the ebony tom that suckles at her belly. "I want our son to have a name that reminds me of you. And weeds like dandelions…they're strong, and resilient…like you." Butterflytuft looks at her mate now, tilting her head and smiling. She nods again, "Weedkit, for his father." It's finalized, and the cheeky grin she gives Dandelionwish says so. Queens always get the final say.

"And for her…" She moves onto her daughter, uncovering her with her tail where she'd previously been blanketed. Her thick pelt is fluffed out, and she already looks much different from the slick newborn she'd been the night of the quarter-moon. "I think I've decided. She's Fluffykit, for sure." It's such a cute name, and she needs her sweet, quiet daughter to have the most precious name of all time.

She smiles at Dandelionwish again, relieved. It's like a weight has been lifted off her shoulders. Their kits are named!
The tiny she-kit snuggles close to her mother’s flank, tiny cream-colored, dust-striped body wriggling in a vain attempt to secure herself to Butterflytuft’s body once more. All around her, all she’s known, is softness. The voices the cats above and around her use are quiet, hushed, and she likes that, likes when she’s being talked to in a voice low and rich with love. She likes less the intense squeals that come from a noisy littermate, but she is easily soothed by a mother’s tongue, a father’s nose.

The vibrations, the noises, that her mother makes are meaningless to her in this moment, but just like that, she she-kit transitions into a fully-named member of SkyClan. Fluffykit opens her mouth in a wordless mewl, then shifts her face firmly against a warm, fleshy flank.

, ”
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Reactions: butterflytuft
𓆝 . ° ✦The little pink-pointed face of Weedkit conveys no knowledge or emotion as he wriggles about beside Fluffykit. He does not understand the significance of his name, nor having received it and growing closer to being a real SkyClan cat. The nursery is warm and quiet, and it's much nicer than the world had been when Weedkit had first entered it mere days ago. The world the kit lives in for now is only concerned with sleeping and nursing, but he still enjoys hearing the familiar sound of his mother's voice. Perhaps because of instinct or other intrinsic knowledge, he remains quietly beside Fluffykit and curled up beside Butterflytuft. He kneads the tortoiseshell happily as if he understands the importance of her words.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:

    longhaired black tomcat with low white spotting. born 11/9/23 and ages realistically 1 week every Thursday. Follow along with his growth here!
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Reactions: butterflytuft

They had discussed some names, he did not have as much to suggest as you might think given his love of all things nature and medicine and cats who once knew and loved, but in the end Butterflytuft had suggested plenty that aligned with his own preferences and he was more than happy to let her take the reigns on picking and choosing; in the end she did have the final say, but it was nice she considered him so much when she did make her decisions and he smiles warmly down at the newly christened Weedkit with amusement, "Oh, he'll be a tenacious lil'fighter then with such a name. Reckon it'll do'em good."
His name had been a testament to his own survival, it was sweet Butterflytuft thought to honor his struggles to get to this point; his escape from WindClan and the life he'd rebuilt here with her. The second name was not quite so meaningful but was perfect all the same, who could look at this wispy little scrap of fur and not think 'fluffy' suited her perfectly.
"Ain't heard a better suggestion in m'life. Weedkit and Fluffykit."


  • 57913544_fd4KPYbSvxBDtGJ.png
    —⊰⋅ Warrior of SkyClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Cream/Chocolate Chimera w/mismatched green and orange eyes.