pafp dream a little dream // public display of affection

// please wait for @Dandelionwish to respond before posting!

The greenleaf sun is merciless overhead, but the young, new pair of mates have been able to escape it in a long shadow of a pine. They rest in camp, pressed against each other in a manner only those in love could be. They didn’t have to announce their new status to the clan, nor would they ever be the types to do so. One look at them and a cat could guess - they were no longer just friends. And the tortoiseshell couldn’t be happier about it! Since Dandelionwish’s confession, she has treasured the nights spent snuggling in their new nests, pushed side by side, and the gentle touches and licks shared between them in passing.

Butterflytuft lays on her side, eyes closed in contentment. A soft purr rumbles in her throat as Dandelionwish grooms at the fur behind her ears. Sharing tongues is one of her favorite activities, so she’s happy to spend the afternoon just like this. She’d already patrolled, she didn’t have anything else to do today. All she wants to do today is spend time with her new mate.

He was perfectly content with just lounging for the day, they had been lucky to both be assigned earlier patrols so the remained of sunhigh was left to their own devices. If you had asked him so long ago in WindClan if he would ever have a mate he might have laughed bitterly and responded with 'with what time would I find one?' for his duties there had been heavy and constant and though he humored the idea with his crush on Rosepaw it had ended in tragedy and left him hesitant to open up his heart to the idea again. Why? When it would only hurt him? When his crush on Vulturemask developed he kept it to himself and tried to swallow back any impulse to confess in fear the dark tom too would die suddenly and leave him with words unsaid.
Having a partner, maybe one day starting a family, all of that were wishful thinking in the moors; dreams he could think on but never achieve. SkyClan had saved him in more ways than one, given him the chance for these fleeting ideals he once considered just whimsy. He had hesitate to build the nerve, but when he confessed to Butterflytuft it was with the weight of every confession he had never gotten to say before.
She was wonderful, kind, a good sense of humor and a willingness to try even knowing how she lacked in some places; it was admirable and something he'd been attracted to from the start. To think he could sit here and spend his days just grooming the back of an ear and pausing every few moments to shove his nose into a spotted cheek.
"Weather awful nice fer sunbathin' ain't it? Could stay here forever."
It’s bittersweet to see Butterflytuft tucked into Dandelionwish’s side, warmed by the sunlight above and the purity of their love. Blazestar thinks briefly of the bush he’d found her in, then Gaia, a helpless and terrified kit he’d pushed onto his pregnant deputy to care for, much to her ire. How she’d hid, cowering, from her apprentice ceremony. The failure of their first ascent up the pines, of the fox he’d barely saved her from, losing his second life in the process. Her in the Twolegplace, out of her element, leered at by rogues with questionable motives.

He wonders if Daisyflight is watching her now—if she approves. Blazestar does, he finds. Dandelionwish is a true and brave warrior who’d wandered through WindClan’s hell to get here. The two of them deserve happiness together, he thinks, trying and failing to hide the smile that breaks across his muzzle. “You should enjoy the sun,” he tells the two of them, settling a few practical foxlengths away. The bitterness fades, left only with the pride a leader feels when he sees his Clanmates’ closeness.

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun

When Howlfire catches Dandelionwish and Butterflytuft curled up together, the moment between them gives her pause. She hadn't admittedly spoken to Dandelionwish much, but was pleased that he had assimilated well into SkyClan after seeking refuge from WindClan. He seemed much enough and had certainly made himself comfortable here in more ways than one.

Howlfire hadn't really suspected Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish were mates. Neither had said anything, but it was clear enough that there was something there. She was happy for them and strangely a little envious. Howlfire had always liked the idea of settling down one day and having a mate and kits of her own. However, Howlfire had never really felt attracted to any cat like that. Certainly she could appreciate how visually appealing another cat was but beyond that nothing. Perhaps she just had not found the right cat but sometimes she wondered if there was something more to it. She didn't even have anyone close to a romantic partner like Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish had. Well, she pushed that thought back down quickly.

"Wouldn't surprise me if you stayed there forever," Howlfire mewed from where she was sat nearby. There was a light teasing tone to her voice but it was all meant in good fun. "You both look very comfortable."
Angry at all the things I can't change
Coyotecrest was admittedly wary of the concept of love. There were too many individuals he's seen go through the agonizing stages of broken heartedness and he certainly did not wish to taste it for himself. But as he strolls past and notices both Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish cuddled up closer than a burr buried in a cat's pelt he can't help but to emit a small huff laced with amusement. Perhaps there were beautiful moments connected to this love thing. Maybe, to some degree, it was worth trying out. His gaze drifts periodically to Howlfire before darting back to his fellow former windclanner. "I think this is the happiest I've ever seen you, Dandelionwish." The spotted tabby jests light heartedly, allowing a small warm smile to touch his lips. Starclan knew the sepia tinted tom deserved all the happiness in the world after what he has endured. "The sun does feel amazing today." He admits, laying down while expelling a content sigh.
When you're lost in the universe don't lose faith
Fireflypaw can feel the sun's rays on his face as he steps from he medicine den, Mother's kisses peppering his face with warmth- a loud rumbling purr could be heard by anyone close to him, in fact. The sound of his sister's voice, alongside his fathers and Coyotecrest's, catches his attention during his sunbathing; not that he minded the chatter. In fact, he quite liked it when his clanmates all got along. He found himself standing soon enough, walking over with a jiggling stomach and kind eyes.

Coyotecrest mentions something about Dandelionwish being happy; why would he be the happiest he's ever been in this moment? Curious, the tom inhales the scents around him until he finds the cause. Butterflytuft, the pretty molly he'd been so enamored over as a young apprentice. She's a pretty molly, from what he could remember. Shy, skittish- but gorgeous and kind and loving. Someone like Dandelionwish, who always spoke with a soothing, calm voice.. He was kind, too. Perhaps they were made for each other.

But that didn't stop the little tinge of disgust inside of him. When he thought of love, he thought of the misery his parents went through after Morningpaw died. All of that love, love that resulted in a litter of children- it all ended in separation. In pain. His heart twinges painfully in his chest as he settles in alongside his father, almost childishly curling up against him with his legs tucked under his body. His head lays on his father's shoulder, burying his nose into the pine scented fur there.

It was warm, indeed..

"So, the two of you are mates now? Congrats, you two are a lovely couple." He meows with a genuine smile, pushing his own distaste for romance aside in favor of properly congratulating the newfound love the two warriors created together. His mind idly wanders off then, to white and orange fur- to beautiful evergreen eyes. His best friend, he wished he was around in this moment so Fireflypaw didn't feel so lonely; Greeneyes always brightened up the forest when he was around.

Right, that's all it was. Friendship. That's all.​

The sun’s warmth is no stranger to greenleaf afternoons, hot and beating down on thick fur as Greeneyes works. But today, its golden light is welcomed by the tom as he returns back to camp - a stretching of limbs under rays that give way for ample opportunity to rest beneath them. Sunbathing will be his next task, after dropping off the bird he carries between his teeth; a successful hunt made.

After making his contribution to the fresh-kill pile, he turns away from it, only to catch a glimpse of flaming patterns in light-filtered shade - oranges and whites swirled in a way he’s known since birth, that of his older sister beside pointed fur he’s still getting acquainted with, but never seems to leave the tortoiseshell’s side.

He blinks at the two, a head tilted to the side briefly, before aiming to continue his day. They’re friends, Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish; Greeneyes expects them to be spending their time together. Just as he does Fireflypaw, who he moves to settle nearby beneath the flickering sunlight.

His ears twitch at his own friend’s question to the two of them, a lifting of his gaze toward his sister and the WindClan refugee. Mates? Had he missed something? Something in the way they lay close to one another, in the way Dandelionwish buries his muzzle in her fur...

And love is an odd thing, isn’t it? He loves his family, loves his friends. But, Greeneyes can’t see himself settling down with someone, he doesn’t think. Perhaps he's too young still - still gaining his footing in warriorhood - to think of settling down, but he’d be happy just spending his days alongside those he already cares about: those already important to him, those he still has left.

An image of pointed fur at his own side - darker than that beside Butterflytuft - sits in his mind, but it’s only the usual, something normal between the two of them already. He thinks. It’s normal, right…?

They’re best friends. Of course, it’s normal to think of him.

Mates...” he repeats slowly, tilting his head, as if in assessment of the pairing.

A tom that Greeneyes had been wary of upon his arrival, the orange tabby doesn’t find any of those soured emotions towards Dandelionwish as he watches the pair. Only happiness for Butterflytuft, for Dandelionwish. A small smile sits on his face as he observes the two of them, a final nod in approval at his new family member. "Congratulations, you two!"



♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Figfeather had thought she had found a flicker of love once, but with the events of the world flying by she finds she does not have time for it. Or well- maybe she doesn’t even want it… After all the heartbreak it was difficult to want to grow attached to another cat, to learn to love them and depend on them, only to inevitably watch them hurt too.

For now, Figfeather is content in being the best SkyClan warrior she can be. She dreams big and dreams of reaching the high branch of her mother’s pawsteps one day. Ambition is the only thing in her veins that kept her going in these difficult times.

As for Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish it had been difficult not to notice the two growing close… The past several nights even more so, with the way they cuddled close in their shared nest. It was odd to hear, officially now, that Butterflytuft had found a mate in the brown-masked tom. Just moons ago it felt like Figpaw was throwing pranks and purposely trying to unease her timid sister- but now they both were grown up.

Figfeather is nearly passing by, she’s not one to stand idle and gawk when cats showed their affection to one another. But if Greeneyes had, she should probably show some approval too.

”Yes,” She meows, a hint of uncertainty in her voice, ”Congratulations.” A dip of her head and a smile before walking away to give the new couple their space.
Butterflytuft purrs her agreement as the greenleaf sun warms her fur, only opening sunflower-hued eyes to see Blazestar when he speaks. For a moment, she feels flushed, a brief feeling of embarrassment washing over her as her former mentor settles nearby the snuggling pair. She’s never been one to enjoy the attention of a crowd, and she and Dandelionwish have unintentionally attracted many eyes. Feeling bashful, she sits up slightly, but remains pressed against her new mate, smiling softly at those who comment about how nice the weather feels and how comfortable they look.

She pricks her fluffy ears when Fireflypaw speaks, congratulating them on their union. Her brother and sister speak next, meowing their congratulations, too. Heat rushes to her cheeks but, remarkably, she stays calm. Loved ones surround her; why should she be nervous? In a rare show of (quiet) confidence, she trills, “Thank you…we’re very happy.” Eyes shining, she turns her head to look at Dandelionwish and presses her black nose to his cheek, purring. For once, she feels her fear of being looked at melting away.