camp DREAM BIG (( ☽ )) "escape"


――|⤙‹ (( ☽ )) ›⤚|――
Nov 9, 2023
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With each day that passes, with plenty of breaks for playtime and naps inbetween, Pumpkinkit slowly ventures out further and further from the nursery. The camp was big, and there was much to see, but it felt as though there was hardly enough time to see it.

There were new faces, new smells. So many of them, too! It was a difficult choice between sticking by Springkit to explore it together and branching out to see everything it had to offer all at once.

It had only drifted from its sister for a moment, mismatched eyes locked curiously onto a gathering of cats that were mouthing at each other near the edge of the fern-walled camp. They were standing near that hole in the wall, the one it had sometimes seen cats come and go through. Even Cricketchase had gone through there! Maybe the camp went even further?

Little tail stuck up high, Pumpkinkit set off toward the group in time to see them turn and begin to head for the hole. Wait for me! it thought to itself, jaw tightening and trot quickening to a bound. Only after it had caught up to the rear of the group did it slow, eyes bright with anticipation and smile wide. It wanted to go with them! It would be fun!

The group abruptly halted in its tracks, but Pumpkinkit did not, set on that tempting peek at the world even further beyond the nursery. They only managed to take a few more steps before suddenly there was a paw in front of them, barring them from going any further. Immediately their smile fell away in dismay, round eyes turning up to the owner of the paw.

Several faces peered down, many stern and unhappy, many more mouthing at it at once. Why? Did it do something wrong? Quickly it stole a glance to the tunnel again, rounded ears tipping back. It thought it could go see everything now that it was big enough. Why wasn't it big enough for this?

No longer looking at any of the cats around them, Pumpkinkit let out an angry mewl when one of them began to nudge them away, and swatted at the paw. Where was Springkit? Where was mama? They just wanted to go see! Stubbornly slumping to the ground when nudged again, the mismatched kit let out another drawn out cry.
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  • // feel free to have been saying anything to it! it will seem as if pumpkin was ignoring them completely and is now throwing a bit of a tantrum
  • image.png
  • (( pumpkinkit )) of skyclan, sibling to springkit ; npc x npc
    ↳ its/they/any pronouns, doesn't care about gendered terms
    ↳ AGAB undefined ; intersex ; gender unlabeled, it does not yet understand the concept
    currently 2 moons old, ages every 1st
    completely deaf. unlikely to understand anything said with words alone.
    ↳ this is not currently known, most just believe it to be quiet or slower to develop speech
    likely to respond to situations based on the expressions of others.

    a scruffy, shorthair chimera kitten that is a distinct and striking combination of glossy black fur and bold red stripes. it has bright, mismatched yellow and copper eyes. for its age, pumpkinkit is of average height. it smells of dry leaves and springkit.
He unwillingly got slapped with last-minute babysitting duty when a Queen needed to use dirtplace. All because he decided to walk near the nursery today. Yet in his lackluster job, he somehow managed to lose said child in nearly an instant. Foxdung. Shock registered clear as day on his face while Fogbelly stumbled up to their paws. Awe-struck at how an entire being could just blip from existence. Cursing aloud, he followed the meager scent trail out of the camp's entrance. "Dang it, kid." Frustration welled in the warrior's face as the little rascal got out of control.

Thankfully, it hadn't gone far and his heart palpitations could thrum to a steady rhythm. Confronting the wandering youth, his eyes glared down sternly as he nudged Pumpkinkit along. Voice low and direct as he continued to urge the other to budge. "You know you're not allowed to be this far from the nursery." A whiny voice like nails on stone to the smokey tom rang out. Please, for the love of everything, be quiet. Humiliation ran down his back like spiders as the cats nearby stared them down.

Now he was left with an insolent kit and a head full of worries about what that Queen would do to him if he didn't get them back inside ASAP. Annoyed by the fussing, he sighed and bent down, aiming to scoop up Pumpkinkit and carry them.

  • Took a bit of a creative twist to it rather than him being one of the cats! If this was a bad call lmk and I'll fix up my post.
  • gayboi.png
    ∙ Large and muscular
    ∙ Slow when running/jumping
    ∙ Fast when kicking/hitting
    ∙ Hind legs are his most powerful asset
    ∙ Impressive and nimble climber
    ∙ Egocentric and snarky
    ∙ Love's a good joke or prank
    ∙ Dislike's any cat that talks for too long
    ∙ Hate's being mistaken for a riverclanner
    ∙ Enjoy's the taste of squirrel legs
    ∙ Chaotic neutral
𓆝 . ° ✦ Circe felt bad for making the kit cry. Her eyebrows furrowed, her expression soft.
"You can't be out here, little one." She cooed, looking for another cat who dealt with kits - maybe this one's mother?- to appear after this one. Her words fell on deaf little ears as the kit contuined to squirm and shout.
"Now now- hey! ow!" Her muzzle crinkled in annoyance as the kit began to swat. Even so small, it's little claws hurt. Her tail flicked in confusion. How are you supposed to pick little kits up? Before she could try and work it out, a smokey blue tom came in. Circe's ears perked in relief but quickly pinned back after his sharp words at the kit, remembering her own childhood. Circe bit the inside of her cheek as the large cat attempted to pick up the little kit.
"Sorry little one. You've got to stay in the nursery for now." If the kit showed any signs of resiting, she would lean closer to the kit and say "Hey, hey. How's about we race back to your mom, yeah? I bet I can beat you."
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:

    Once a rather pretty brown smoked molly, Circe is unnaturally lithe and is missing large chunks of her fur. She has an oddly muscular and feminie build and small paws. — physically easy && mentally easy — Attempting to learn Sky Clan's ways — NPC x NPC : Sibling to Duskpool, Shadowfire and Smokefang
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While Pumpkinkit was off attempting to sneak out of camp and Roseblaze was off using the dirtplace, Springkit was napping in the nest she usually shared with two others. When she woke and she was alone she was confused. She looked around the nursery, blue eyes wide and full of worry. Where was Roseblaze, where was Pumpkinkit? Had they decided to leave her? Suddenly feeling extremely distressed, she pushes herself to her paws and quickly slips from the nursery, tiny shadowed paws leading her to the camp where she blinks at the harsh sunlight. Dazed, she glances around the camp, looking for familiar orange and black fur.

She hears them before she sees them. They are wailing, clutched in the jaws of a cat she does not recognize. Alarmed, she rushes forward, tears pricking her eyes. "Noooo! Let them go! Please! Whatever they did they didn't mean it" She does not hear the kind words, only hears her siblings cries, only sees them trying to fight back against their supposed assailants. Tears are staining her cheeks now as she joins in Pumpkinkits cries "Please dont take them! please, they don't understand!" she wants her mom to be here. Roseblaze would be able to explain, she would make everything better. "Please!" she says again, choking out the words through tears.

  • Haha
Reactions: Sorrelsong
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Rather than be left alone as it wanted, Pumpkinkit jolted when jaws closed around its scruff and plucked it from where it lie. Feelings sparking into a flame along with the leap of its heart, the chimera kit let out a squeal that radiated fury and distress. For a moment small paws churned in the air, but it swiftly and instinctively fell still, tucking them close as it's carried away.

One of the bigger cats is smiling at them, almost sad-but-not. The warrior's apology is met with silence. It's only when the gathered cats collectively look away that they do too, and their eyes widen as they fall upon Springkit. Springkit! Springkit! Relief and desperation clawed at them, jaws parting and paws reaching out.

It's then it realizes she's crying. Discomfort swells into something nearing panic, an insatiable itch to be at her side, to purr until it could feel it rumbling in her chest too, but it's stuck. It's stuck, lifted high into the air with no way to get down. Put me down! Put me down!

Falling limp, and no longer sure of what to do, Pumpkinkit's own voice joined its sibling in her wailing cries.
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  • // OOC
  • (( pumpkinkit )) of skyclan, sibling to springkit ; npc x npc
    ↳ its/they/any pronouns, doesn't care about gendered terms
    ↳ AGAB undefined ; intersex ; gender unlabeled, it does not yet understand the concept
    currently 2 moons old, ages every 1st
    completely deaf. unlikely to understand anything said with words alone.
    ↳ this is not currently known, most just believe it to be quiet or slower to develop speech
    likely to respond to situations based on the expressions of others.

    a scruffy, shorthair chimera kitten that is a distinct and striking combination of glossy black fur and bold red stripes. it has bright, mismatched yellow and copper eyes. for its age, pumpkinkit is of average height. it smells of dry leaves and springkit.
When he was younger, he had always been the type to stand up for his siblings when something went wrong. He was the eldest of all of his siblings, and he made a point to make sure everyone knew that. Though he cannot understand the caterwauling of a kit over being denied access to the world outside of the den, he figures it's just a matter of kithood. He gently rises from his nest in the medicine den and walks out, milky blue eyes searching the camp sightlessly for the source of the cries.

"Oh dear, oh dear.. Everything is okay, little ones. It's o~kay." He sings softly, head leaning down to smile at the young kits whom cried out for each other. "When you're big and strong, you may come out of the nursery. But for now you must st~ay." He chimes, tail lifting up to search for Springkit's head to attempt to gently pat it. "We're your clanmates. Our job is to keep you safe and protect you.~"
He had paused a moment to see if the rowdy kit would take off, but no dice. They ignored the offer of a race, it seemed, even as he hoisted the squirming child. Another cat chimed in, and as if on cue, wailing joined the voices. Great Starclan, just my luck. Fogbelly's rounded head whipped to the side, grassy eyes nearly bugging out. Not again! His paw lifted defensively as Pumpkinkit went deadweight in his mouth. Holding the kitten up, Fogbelly tried to figure out what to do with the babbling one. Fortunately, Fireflypaw's familiar pelt approached, voice melodic and soft, attempting to soothe the panic-stricken Springkit.

His shoulders loosened in relief as gratitude filled him. Yet the defeated whine of the brown and orange kit made him pause. A twinge of guilt uprooted the momentary relief. I could've been a lot nicer about it... Aw, jeez. Leaning down, he carefully placed the limp Pumpkinkit back on the ground. Sighing audibly, he addressed the crying duo. "Look, Fireflypaw is right, and I ain't abductin' your brother." Idly, he aimed to playfully squash the top of Pumpkinkit's head with his paw, hoping to ease the tension. "Roseblaze put me in charge, so I'm supposed to keep ya inside." He looked down pointedly at both kits. "Now, if ya'll get outta line again, I will have to pick you up." Despite his stern tone, Fogbelly's green gaze was as soft as fresh moss.

Tail low and ears half-mast with pity, he gently aimed to pat the top of Pumpkinkit's head once more. His own head moved in a back-and-forth motion to indicate the direction of camp. "Let's head in, okay?" This time, he waited for a response from the kittens. Forcing his expression to appear calm and neutral. Trying to take a page from seal point's own methods of handling the youth.

  • gayboi.png
    ∙ Large and muscular
    ∙ Slow when running/jumping
    ∙ Fast when kicking/hitting
    ∙ Hind legs are his most powerful asset
    ∙ Impressive and nimble climber
    ∙ Egocentric and snarky
    ∙ Love's a good joke or prank
    ∙ Dislike's any cat that talks for too long
    ∙ Hate's being mistaken for a riverclanner
    ∙ Enjoy's the taste of squirrel legs
    ∙ Chaotic neutral
Far from a comforting, soothing figure, Slate is sure to keep his distance from the nursery as some of the warriors try to calm a pair of wailing kittens. Apparently they had attempted to make an escape, only to throw a fit when they didn't get their way. Stars, Slate hoped for a slower kit season during leafbare.

"One of you get those kits to stop cryin' before I get a headache." The lead warrior commented from his place on the side of camp, mangled ears pinned against his head to try and muffle the irritating noise.

    —— he/him; lead warrior of skyclan; former rogue
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles