private dream drift - ferndance

Shadowclan... It hasn't been so long since they've all returned to their respective clans. Although his time had been short, he quite enjoyed the time he had in Shadowclan. He will miss the clan cats complaining about the prey they had to eat in order to survive. Seeing the awkward patrols formed with the cats they had that weren't injured. Then, the apprentices chatting with each other. It was strange but it was nice to see everyone (almost everyone) together throughout the whole ordeal. To fight for a common goal. Even Windclan out of all the clans put in their own fair share of work. Although, it seems like Windclan had their own goals. Goals that harmed everyone else. To claim highstones is to take Starclan away from all of them. While warriors had no business in visiting other than protecting medicine cats, leaders and especially medicine cats needed access to the highstones most of all. Breathe.

Green eyes close as he takes a deep breath in and exhales. Shadowclan. He can't help but think of Ferndance. A pretty she-cat that stole his breath away. She was odd, but charming. He can't help but feel a twinge of guilt recalling what he had done to the toad she asked him to destroy. Technically they did eat it, so no harm? For some reason he can feel the spirit of the toad in question judging him at the moment. She wouldn't be here. She's back in Shadowclan. Just like she should be. A small part of him hopes she would be around, that he can see her one more time. It would be unlikely, but one can dream. After all, their clans were far from one another. Meeting was not easy. Are you doing better now?

Without all the clans in Shadowclan lands, she would have more food. Or at least he thought they would. Shadowclan news is not something Riverclan hears much about in the first place. I'll wait here a little while longer. He begins to lay down and rest his head on his paws, looking in Shadowclan's direction.


She had not been invited to the Gathering that moon, a decision by Chilledstar that threatened to throw a wrench in the cinnamon tabby's plans. Luckily, she was a cat born from chaos, she had adapted to the restrictions placed upon her by their leader and the camp guards - she had snuck out to go meet the cat who had taken her breath away a mere moon ago. It hadn't been easy to forget him, but it'd been crucial to her survival, she could not afford exile while pregnant. Tonight, with the cold wind a reminder of her isolation and the distant stars as her only company, she allowed herself to remember that there had been a connection with the RiverClanner that had been absent from all but Needledrift within the marsh. By the time she arrived at Fourtrees, the clans had dispersed, leaving all but a solitary figure, peering at ShadowClan's territory like a lost kitten. Her heart skipped a beat in recognition, she knew that solitary figure peering at ShadowClan's territory like a lost kitten. Pikesplash had stayed behind, presumably for her (or, perhaps he had just really liked the tar-black mud and sense of despair her home gave to all those who did not belong).

Ferndance slunk out of the brambles, purring at the way that they raked at her itchy spine. "Boo," she spoke monotone, an impish little smile stretching upon her wedge-shaped muzzle. The tabby rose to her full height, features more rounded than once before, eyes just as heavy from the fatigue of expecting. Her mama hadn't talked to her much about kittens, even as she had seen sisters give birth and clanmates complain, there was nothing to truly prepare oneself for how uncomfortable it was. It was difficult to believe some of her clanmates envied her choice, believing it to be one made so she could have a lazy leafbare - this was harder than hunting any frog or fighting any rogue. Ferndance swayed forwards slowly, pressing her muzzle against the crook of his neck tentatively as if expecting Pikesplash to be a ghost. He was nothing of the sought, he was just the same old cat he was last moon if a little better fed now that he was not relying on ShadowClan's 'charity'. He was more beautiful than before, with his fur shining like Silverpelt. Stars, she hoped this would not make her news any more difficult.

"You're going to be a dad, by the way." Nope, it didn't make it anymore difficult to say. She lacked the smile that was often the predecessor to her jokes and tall tales, she lacked the little mischievous twitch of an ear or tail, despite her airy exterior, her tone spoke of a sincerity that was seldom in Ferndance's conversations. "Ta-da~" She whispered.

Comical it would be for her to see him startled and yelp, fur standing on end. The silver tom would look around frantically only to find Ferndance and oh how his surprise morphed into pure joy. "You got me," he chuffs. Then, he notices how different she looked. It wasn't too long ago since he went back home. You look tired, maybe I should help you get home? As far as I can anyway. She also looked a bit rounder than usual but that only brought relief. Shadowclan had been struggling with food, so this served as proof that the clan wasn't struggling as much with food. At least he hoped that was the case. He's certain that he looks different to her. His pelt is glossier than usual with petals and duck feather decorating his fur. She wouldn't know it, but this was not typical. Riverclan just decided to go all out for this gathering. As soon as she rests her muzzle against the crook of his neck he lets out purrs in content. "I missed you," he mews while leaning into her. I want this moment to last forever.

Unfortunately, life threw surprises.

I-i'm going to be a d-dad?! Her news startles him, she without a doubt could feel him jump. A father. He would be a father and she would be a mother. The silver tom has no idea what's on her mind, what her worries are. If she was afraid he would be cross with her or tell her to abandon her clan, she would be wrong. What right does he have to tell her to come to Riverclan? And what right does she have to tell him to abandon his own clan. Their own leaders would be displeased as well. Worst case scenario throw them both out for breaking the law. Yes, both of them knew it was wrong. They weren't allowed to be together or even entertain any relationships with those outside their clans. Had they listened both of them wouldn't be here. There would be no kits on the way, nor would there be a discussion on what to do.

It was too late to change the past and he found himself not wanting to in the first place. Even if it was wrong and this might be the last time they could meet in awhile, considering she would have to move into the nursery, then he wants to be honest. He leans away from her, to look into her eyes and smile, "I'm happy, Ferndance." There is no regret in his voice. "What I'm not happy about is that you didn't say you're going to be a mother," he adds playfully. It was obvious. I mean come on, duh! Who literally came to fourtrees to tell him he was going to be a father? It's beyond stupid to say and he's aware of that, but the need to make her smile is his first priority. No one said this had to be sad in the first place.

He would place his tail atop of hers, additional reassurance. "It does make me sad. That I can't be for you or them. Not as often as I'd like. I can't bring you all something nice to eat every day or help you when they're being the troublemakers that they are. We can meet I know, but I know it's up to you. I'd love to meet them if you'll let me." Maybe he's overstepped. These kits will be raised by her in Shadowclan along with all the other Shadowclanners. Whether or not they knew their father was a Riverclan cat was all up to Ferndance. I won't hate her if she doesn't want to tell them about me. Or maybe she was shocked that all his regrets are that he can't look after her and their kits. He isn't sure what's typical. Perhaps she was expecting him to tell her it was a mistake and good luck.

The tom would push more boundaries, pressing his own muzzle into the crook of her neck. Nothing is said. That is until he suddenly chuckles. "You know? When I first saw you, you didn't even know who I was yet. I always wanted to visit Shadowclan and see how beautiful it was. I was told by a friend a little bit about Shadowclan and ever since then I've wanted to see it for myself. And... I did. I saw you. You're beautiful Ferndance and I'm still surprised you would even look my way." I'm not the most charming cat there is. Everyone in Riverclan knows that. He's changing bit by bit and he hopes that his clan won't see him as weak. Maybe not as weak as before.

"How many do you want? And do you have any names for them yet?" A sudden shift he knows, but he is curious about how many she wanted and the names she thought of for them. If you asked him how many he wanted he would answer as many as she wanted. If names were brought up he might not have an extensive list as her considering he just learned they were on the way. All the names he could think of the moment would be in honor of his Riverclan friends and family. Snakekit, Lichenkit, Petalkit, Ravenkit, Bonekit, and... No, whatever names she picks will suit them. They'll be amazing, I know it.