His call for patrols, was it getting clearer? He found his voice easier, nowadays ... not that he didn't stutter and shake, still. It would be a part of him forever, inward frigidity, something like that. Whatever it was that made his bones rattle. Another of the many curses his parents had put upon him- but unlike kithood, unlike the jittering days that had given him his name, he could smile now. SkyClan would hear it in the lilt of his voice as he addressed them, despite the frayed tiredness in his tone, driven to tattered ropes from moons and moons now of his ... louder anxieties. This task, though- it was void of nervousness, by now. Relatively. "Orangestar," A nod granted to his leader. "Silversmoke, Dovahkiinwing and Duskpool will accompany you to RiverClan this- this mm-morning." Perhaps it would be nice for her yo end up there ... she seemed to have some amity with RiverClan's leader. Where it stemmed from, where it was going, he didn't know.

Wide eyes of olive found burning orange. In the tenseness that had spread between them over the lost couple moons, Twitchbolt searched for familiarity. "Figfeather, you'll take Twolegplace today. T-take Edenberry, Sangriaflame and Sorrelsong... 'n watch out for dogs." Tacked onto the end, maybe unnecessarily. Be careful, be careful, he wanted to beg the all- worry pushed insistent through him, even when he stood proud.

He'd spare Howlfire of ThunderClan, this time. "Florabreeze,at dusk you'll visit ThunderClan with Spicepurr, Drowsynose and Quillstrike." A good, strong patrol... he had to admit out of the four, his eyes lingered a little longer upon Quillstrike. A smile would be offered in gentle exchange, a hanging look. They'd be on patrol together again, sooner rather than later, he hoped.

Howlfire was not spared completely, though. Be careful... it rang through his head again. "Crowsight, Chickbloom, Hawkspine ..." A lingering look at the latter. They would be safe, they would all be safe. It wasn't a very convincing mantra, cycloning through his skull... clattering, echoing. "Howlfire will lead you all to the loner lands."

Oh, he couldn't fight it ... wasn't strong enough. "Be c-careful."

\ loner lands: @Howlfire (LEAD), @CROWSIGHT, @Chickbloom, @HAWKSPINE
PROMPT - a loner catches a mouse from skyclan that runs right over the border and into their jaws.


thunderclan: @Florabreeze (LEAD), @spicepurr, @DROWSYNOSE, @QUILLSTRIKE,

twolegplace: @FIGFEATHER (LEAD), @edenberry, @SANGRIAFLAME, @Sorrelsong
PROMPT - a twoleg made of snow lurks from a distance.
penned by pin ✧
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Passive blue eyes trace the deputies steps. At the leader's name, her ear would twitch. At Duskpool's Twitchbolt had her full attention. Odd, There was something off about Orangestar being told where to go by her Deputy. It didn't rub the warrior the wrong way - who was she to say who had power over who - but it was... unexpected, right? Her name was called, and her attention was once again split.
Twolegs...okay. The mention of dogs sent a gaggle of fleas up her spine, her eyes snapping to Duskpool at the thought of those teeth. If she could, would she change what had happened to him? She did not think so, at least, not in the way a sister should think of her brother. If something else had happened that day, would she be fine?
Florabreeze's name was next out of Twitchbolt's maw, and this time it brought a smile to her face. Florabreeze was leading a patrol again! An honor for sure - but it did trouble her all the same.
Be careful, she thought in tandem with her friend, paws itching once again for action.

↪ OOC:

She watches quietly as Twitchbolt stops to give out his patrol assignments. Howlfire waits expectantly, wondering if her name will be called for a patrol, and following along to hear his choices. Luckily, she avoids ThunderClan this time, with that duty given to Florabreeze instead. Howlfire didn't envy her fellow lead warrior's task, but the patrol was good and strong, and would hopefully encounter no problems during that patrol.

Her name is called last, leading a patrol consisting of Crowsight, Chickbloom, and Hawkspine, to the loner lands. Howlfire looked in Twitchbolt's direction, giving a curt nod to show she understood, before looking around to find her apprentice and the other cats who would join them on patrol.


Twitchbolt assigns her to patrol the Twolegplace border today; it's not her favorite, but it beats dealing with ThunderClan. 'Poor Florabreeze.' She thinks, casting a sympathetic glance in the direction of her fellow lead warrior, 'but at least it's not me.'

She's to take Edenberry, Sangriaflame, and Sorrelsong. Excitement pricks in her paws at her daughter's name, at last, they'd get to patrol as warriors together! Figfeather looks for her in the crowd to show her an eager smile, it's hard to say whether she finds her or not.

'Watch out for dogs', Figfeather nods in the direction of Twitchbolt to show she understands, "We'll be careful."

She breaks away from the main crowd before calling her patrol mates over, "Sangriaflame, Sorrelsong, Edenberry, over here! We'll head out at once."

It's always a delight to hear Twitchbolt's call for patrols. Each new call seemed to instill something unique with him, she hopes that he's getting used to it now. The patrols assigned sound reasonable to her, Florabreeze's gaze seeks out both her leader and her fellow lead warrior. She'd like to call Figfeather a friend, part of her wonders if the sunburst feline would think the same. There's always envy when others are assigned to Twolegplace for patrols, nothing festering if she had to prescribe a feeling to it then it would just be a pout. In particular she tries to find Sorrelsong out in the crowd as she's part of the patrol. The tabby had heard about the commotion stemming from her found sister, the waves and ripples she's sent in the clan. Florabreeze has considered asking about it, she's just never sure when's the right time.

It won't be today, not when her friend has a patrol to fret about. Her own name is called upon and that only convinces her further to not fret about what the older she-cat's getting up to. ThunderClan hm? Nothing particular strong comes from her as a reaction, just a beaming smile and a dutiful nod of her head. She isn't the clans biggest fan but she's not particularly bothered by it, she treats it like a duck treats water, just having the news wash over her without actually sticking.

She's curious to find her patrolmates, particularly Spicepurr. Two daylighters being there should be interesting, I wonder if they'll make another kittypet comment... Maybe I should go ask Spicepurr if she want's to make any bets on it. The thought brings her amusement, fostering a good mood long before dusk should arrive.

  • m2N73tg.png
    FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her || Daylight Lead Warrior of SkyClan || 38 moons
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Daffodilpaw
    "Speech", thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}