DREAM OF PERFECTION [ ✦ ] nightswarm

When her kits were set to be apprentices, Starlingheart feels that twist in her chest that she is certain all mothers felt on that day. Sadness. Anxiety. Fear. All of these emotions sprinkled in with pride. She would miss curling around them while they slept, would miss murmuring bed time stories to them in the darkness of her den and then when the sickness hit, the nursery. She was also afraid, afraid that they would get mentors who were ill fitted. Someone like Ferndance or stars forbid, Betonyfrost. She was beyond relieved when the two of her kit had been apprenticed to family, to her siblings. Nettlepaw in particular had been one she was worried about. Her son was ever curious, ever questioning, and she knew that whoever would end up being his mentor would need patience. Nightswarm would make a good teacher to their cinnamon furred nephew though, she is certain of it.

"Nightswarm!" She calls out to them across the clearing, tail flicking high in the air above her as she makes her way over to them from the medicine cats den. "Do you-do you have a-uh a moment?" the question is asked when she draws closer and she gestures to the fresh kill pile with one paw "I-I thought you uh you- you might like to share a- a meal with me" she had a spare moment after all, and it had been a long time since she had sat down with any of her siblings and just talked.


The thought of mentoring their own kin had been dwelling in their mind for some time now even after the meeting, they suppose that it was better that it was them and Lilacfur that had gotten both nephew and niece as their apprentices than Ferndance or Betonyfrost. The thought is enough to make a snort slip from them but their attention shifts over to the mother of the now apprentices and their younger sister, both of their ears perking forward and they stay where they stand as if frozen to the spot. A part of them believing that they should probably go off on a hunting party or patrol so Nettlepaw could learn a few things but the other part yearns to even steal a moment of their sisters time especially with all the currently sick cats that were cluttered into her den at the time being.

Nightswarm turns to her completely with a nod of their head and replies "Yes, I have a moment." A rare smile appearing on their maw as their gaze shifts over to the freshkill pile and turns to their sibling once more "Any that catch your eye? Also... How have you been?" Their nonexistent brows knotting in concern for Starlingheart, so many things were happening around them and there wasn't much they could do until the journeying cats return. If they returned. They shove the grim thought away and let a low sigh leave their slightly parted jaws.

  • beez2.png
    ➼ 34 moons old
    ➼ shadowclan warrior
    ➼ child of briarstar & amber
    ➼ asexual demiromantic; single
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ➼ semi-difficult in combat; relies on stealth, their agility, and strategy
    ➼ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ➼ penned by bosstaurus

She is happy when the black and white warrior agrees to her proposal and the ghost of a smile even appears on her lips. For so long she had been estranged from her siblings, growing apart from them not just because of the circumstances following her mothers death but her brothers as well. Loosing Briarstar had been hard but loosing Pitchstar had been worse. He had been her mentor, her protector. She can only hope that he is still occupying that same role in the stars, looking down on her and guiding her paws along with all of ShadowClan. "I wouldn't mind a uh a-a muh-mouse" truthfully, her appetite was not as great as her sudden urge to converse with her kin "But if you're more hungry than-than that feel free to pick-pick something else" she had learned early on in life that one could not afford to be picky where food comes from, instead one must be grateful there is any prey on the pile at all. Her slender form is a testament to that.

How she is is of little concern to her also, she is much more interested in another topic after all. But they had asked to be polite and she did not wish to be rude so with a swish of her tail she answers "Busy" she says simply "Truth-truth be told n-now that Magpiepaw is leaving I-I'll have even less free time then before" she would miss him not only for the company he provided her but also the extra set of paws that she had come to rely on would be gone as well. "Buh-but enough about me" she quickly changes the subject as they settle down in a nice shaded area of the camp, prey of choice settled between them. "How is Nettlepaw's training coming along? Is he- is he doing good?" and there it was, the real reason she had pulled her sibling aside for this chat. To inquire after her son. She fixes the warrior with her green gaze, full of hope and pride. She is sure the cinnamon furred tom is doing just fine but it would be nice to hear of his progress.