private DREAM SWEET IN SEA MAJOR \ sablemist

When he'd returned to RiverClan and found out that Sablemist had been made a warrior in his absence, Ferngill had felt an overwhelming amount of guilt, and had started wracking his brains for a way to make it up to her. And he knew Sablemist was much kinder than to hold physical inability to attend her warrior ceremony against him, but still.

She was one of the most supportive cats he'd ever known. A shoulder he'd learned to cry on at any opportunity. They had both lost siblings to Yellowcough, and... of course, it would have been easy to approach her about that. But Ferngill had other ideas, had happier ideas. If he could not turn back time to stand at her ceremony and cheer her warrior name, he would create a ceremony of his own.

The dusk was setting in, the sky alight with the colours of sunset. This beauty wouldn't last long.

"Sablemist," he called to get her attention. On his feet, the ginger tabby was visibly fidgety. Only moments ago he'd speed-walked into camp, beelining straight for the black and white molly the moment he had seen her. "You got a moment? Or like... a while. I want to show you something." A quick glance was spent over his shoulder.

\ @Sablemist !!
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Ebony paws carefully plucked old pieces of bedding from an elders nest, nodding her head along to the tom's story. "Oh really? Did you manage to catch one bigger than that?" She murmurs in response, briefly pausing to look up at Reedstalk. His grandiose tales were always amusing as he spoke of days before clan creation. While she personally enjoyed the spectacle, everyone knew the truth behind his stories were often skewed. "Sure did! I helped the group lug a big ol' ten pounder right up the bank there. I aint get the title o' grand fisher for nothin'." The elder laughed, leaning back in his nest as a few surrounding them shook their heads. Judging by their looks the fish in question was far from ten pounds.

Not long after an opaque ear twitched at the gentle call of her name, beckoning the molly's attention from her task. Periwinkle eyes pivot to land on familiar bright green and a smile instantly touches her lips. "Ferngill," She enunciates the new latter half of his name with a purr. Pride surges within her chest over how he's grown leaps and bounds, tackling challenge after challenge. She was proud of him, and she knew he must be overjoyed with his warrior name as well.

The smile overtaking bi-colored lips falters a bit in light of his fidgeting. Was there something wrong? At once she is on her paws, posture taking on a slightly more serious tone. "Y-yeah of course." Turning to face the storyteller, Sablemist gave a polite nod. "Excuse me," Briefly she glanced over the ginger tabby's shoulder but found nothing but the burning sunset sinking below. Dainty paws carry her outside the elders den where she lowers her head to avoid knocking her ears against the top. " everything okay?" She murmured softly after some time. Concern was beginning to leak into her tone after witnessing his initial nervousness. Surely nothing ill mannered befell the clan? They were all finally making strides toward normalcy.

≖≖ riverclan warrior / thirteen moons old / she/her ≖≖

Meeting her eyes, his face fell into an easy smile. Ferngill, she said. He was beginning to really get used to his name, now- his warrior name. Was he supposed to thank Smokestar for it? Tell the leader how much he appreciated it, how much he liked it? To his memory, Iciclefang, Darkwhisker and Steepsnout hadn't done that with Cicadastar, had they...?

When he looked at Sablemist, he saw a gleam in her eyes- he might be lucky enough to call it pride. But he couldn't let himself get distracted, now- not when he had a mission, and probably a time limit. "Yeah! Yeah, everything's fine. I just- have a surprise for you," he said, and lowered his voice as he admitted it, as if it was some awful, grotesque secret. Excitement and anxiety bubbled together, a violent concoction, in Ferngill's eyes. His silken tail flicked in a sunset-blurred beckon, and he exclaimed, "Follow me!"

It wasn't a long journey- just to the riverside. The water shone orange, a perfect mirror of the sunset, bespattered with sunlight sparkle. The river looked the most gorgeous at these later hours, but in the golden light of sunset particularly- he hoped Sablemist would appreciate it. Even though the water itself was a sight that stole breath, Ferngill had peppered a little extra; by the riverside sat two meals, one fish each. It'd been a task to arrange without breaking the warrior code, but... he'd managed it, at least.

He turned to look at her, grin sparkling like new snowfall. "Surprise!" And oh Stars, he hoped it was a good one. "I couldn't be at your warrior ceremony, so... I wanted to celebrate another way."
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The ginger tom's quick response easily quelled any form of worry attempting to weasle its way into the atmosphere. But the words that followed suit were met with several round blue eyed blinks. He fashioned together a surprise? For her? Dark ears abruptly edge forward with a sense of wonder and humble, yet buzzing, curiosity. The two were known to gather gifts for each other. Unfortunately, it was always in wake of some horrible circumstance to help cheer one another up. This time, however, there was no rain cloud hanging over either head. "A surprise?" She parroted, allowing the beginnings of her excitement to leak from her otherwise laid back demeanor. A pleasant smile overtakes her two toned maw once more as she follows him away from camp.

Their trek didn't last long. leaving her paws to settle upon the sandy banks of the river. Frog croak and cricket song greet them as she stares wide eyed at nature's beauty. The crest of golden waves ripple upon a mandarin canvas, the sun a ball of fire from this angle in the sky. It was a breath catching sight to behold. One that made the very air in her lungs pause for several heart beats. Her gaze then caught a glimpse of shimmering fish scale just below her line of sight. And it is here that she notices two neatly placed fish before nature's splendor. "Surprise!" Ferngill exclaimed, stealing back her attention. ""I couldn't be at your warrior ceremony, so... I wanted to celebrate another way."

Warmth spreads from the base of her ears and covers the circumference of her face as a bright, albeit sheepish, smile overtakes her features. This was by far the best surprise Sablemist had ever received. "Oh Ferngill, you-you didn't have to do that." The molly began. It wasn't his fault that he couldn't make it to her warrior ceremony and she would never hold it against him. But a selfless act such as this placed a strange flutter in her chest she couldn't quite comprehend. It made her stomach churn, her heart stammer, it made keeping simple eye contact near impossible. But she managed, despite it flickering away. Twice. "B-but thank you, this is a lovely surprise." From there she lays on her belly, patting the spot beside her with a thump of her tail.

≖≖ riverclan apprentice / fifteen moons old / she/her ≖≖

Ferngill felt like he was watching every inch of her face, every single little twitch. Would she like it? was it patronising to have caught her a fish, acting like he was better than her or something? Had he ruined the niceness of it all by rushing her over, so worried about his left-out fish attracting predators or some bumbling lonesome hunter? When she smiled, though- he mirrored it naturally, brightness blazing upon his face. She was smiling. That meant she liked it, right?

You didn't have to do that. "I wanted to, though," he protested brightly, starting to feel quite chuffed with himself. It worked! She really, really liked it- and the celebration for her warrior ceremony, albeit a moon or so late, could finally begin! And he could tell he'd surprised her, because she was still taking it all in, her eyes darting all about the place- right, left, looking right at him. Sablemist found her way toward the meal, and at the pat of her tail Ferngill took the invitation, lying beside her.

"It's getting a bit too cold to swim, but... I thought we could watch the stars appear on the water together," Ferngill hummed, offering her a bright smile before lowering his head down to take a bite of his fish. A silken tail flicked languidly behind him, the initial thrill beginning to wear down into comfortable pleasentness. A long, whispery sigh slipped past his lips, woven with reverie. "I'm so glad to be home. I missed you loads, you know." he sighed. "I saw some purple wildflowers, and I swear I would've brought some back for you if I hadn't already had my mouth stuffed with lungwort." It had been a swift punch of disappointment the moment he'd realised he wouldn't be able to bring Sablemist back any gifts- they'd always given each other gifts.
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