pafp dreaming about the future | pondering


sometimes I lose my way
Sep 7, 2022
Angry at all the things I can't change
A squirrel dangles in his jaws as he makes his way back to camp after hunting on a patrol. Spotting Snowpaw the cream colored apprentice slows his stride, dropping the tree dwelling rodent by ivory paws. "Hey." Coyotepaw greets as his lumbering form slowly lowers to the ground. He had the intention to share, should his friend want any. But there was more on his mind that enjoying a simple meal with a trusted friend. Leaning his head down he takes a bite and stares across camp, watching as busy warriors and leads alike went about fulfilling their duties for the day. Warriorhood loomed ever closer, sitting just on the horizon. The clan has been rather accepting of him as of late. He no longer fears for his place amongst them as much as he used to. So it leaves time for his mind to ponder what his warrior name would be. A few more seconds pass in silence as he swallows his mouthful of prey. "Have you ever thought about your assessment? Or what your warrior name will be." Coyotepaw asks quietly, tone almost wistful as he turns his attention back to the dappled tom by his side. (@Snowpaw)
When you're lost in the universe don't lose faith

He blinks, lifts his head as his thoughts are interupted by Coyotepaw's greeting and subsequent drop of prey and he offers a smile to the other, tail slapping the ground in a gesture for him to sit. It had been a while since they'd talked; to think they had started with claws and teeth and were now far too old for such trivial things like petty squabbling. He didn't know about Coyotepaw but missed warrior ceremony or not: he felt ancient. Tired.
"Thistleback already runs me ragged, I can't imagine what kind of assessment he'd give me. We were supposed to have one before know. Haven't figured out when we're doing it yet."
Snowpaw pauses to steal himself a bite of mouse, chewing thoughtfully to the next question with genuine investment. Names. Names...
He thinks to the day before the shelter incident, his siblings mulling over names and his mother seeing his apprehension and silence and offering suggestions of her own for him...Snowpath. Snowspine. He wishes he had asked her why she picked those, but it was too late to do so now.
"...I don't know. I trust Blazestar to pick a good one but...I don't know what it could be." His siblings had gotten very good names really. Figfeather, Greeneyes, Violetnose; all of them suiting, all of them perfectly befitting the cat that owned them. He thinks of literal names....Snowspots. Snowdapple. Snowfoot and its all he can imagine...anything with meaning just doesn't cross his mind.
  • Sad
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♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Figfeather has bore her name for two moons now. It had been given to her in a dark time for SkyClan, when many of their clan-mates sat trapped in twoleg cages. That had included Snowpaw. Her brother had been meant to get their warrior name with Greeneyes, Violetnose, and her, but the clan had needed warriors and at the time... there had been no telling he was even alive.

Now that he was back, his warrior name was something the clan would get to see. Though she grieves for the ceremony she could've shared with him, she's excited to be able to watch every moment of his ceremony and to chant his name amongst the crowd. "Whatever name he gives you," Figfeather had snuck into the conversation uninvited, "it's going to be great! You're probably going to get something super cool... like Snowclaw or Snowpounce." She imagined her brother with a strong warrior name, for the strong cat that he was. Blazestar had done the rest of Daisyflight's litter well, he'd not fail for Snowpaw.

Coyotepaw was now warrior-aged too. Any meeting and he'd be called forth to receive his warrior name, at one point the thought would've made her spiteful... but now she looks to him with a soft expression. "What do you think your warrior name is going to be?"