twolegplace DREAMING OF YOU // open


Sep 30, 2022

Jinn let out a soft sigh as he was walking along the fence in search of his so called friend who he had manged to lose sight of yet again. Talon really loved running away from him apperantly. Of course he didn't meant that literally...probably. Anyhow he always managed to find them in the end all he needed to do was to search for them in the typical places. Along the way during his search however Jinn ended up to take witness to a situation that happened down below. Down there he saw a young tom not even close to adulthood who was up against a fullgrown stray who stood over some food. It always ended up being about that.

" That's my food!, give it back!" The young tom would snarl through their teeth, claws out and looking ready for an battle despite already being in a such dire state full with bruises and bleeding scars all over their body. Even a fool could tell what was going on how this two was fighting over some scrap of food.

Jinn would stand there on the fence for a while to watch as the young tom kept on getting beaten down by the stray but kept on getting up, over and over again. He could tell this piece of food was more importand than to simply feed one mouth. Curiosity flashed in the glowing eyes before finally the poor young tom had been defeated, too weak to get back up this time. The stray would laugh in victory before they turned tail with the food to walk away.

The story could have ended like that. Jinn could just have moved along it would have been so easy yet he didn't do that.

The silver tom jumped down from the fence to land right in front of the stray giving them a bit of a startle in the process. " What the!! - who are you?!." The tom snarled through thier mouth full of food. Jinn let out an amused snort before liftening his head up to cast a side glance down at the abuser with a sinister-like smile. " The one who is gonna take your food." And then the battle beginned.

Snarls and cries could be heard in the alley, blood got spilled from both sides as they fought one another. The one who ended as the victorius though was nobody else than Jinn. He stood over the food he had won while watching the stray flee the scene with hisses that got left behind. Jinn had not come out from the battle unharmed though. Blood was running down his body from the wounds left on his body, but beside that he was fine. Nothing to concern himself about.

It didn't took long before he turned, picking up the food before he walked on over to the young tom and dropt the won food at their paws. Jinn would over a kind smile to encourage them to take it. The young stray hesitated before they quickly took it after mumbling out a 'thanks' and then they run off going stars knows where. All he did was watch them go before turning around to walk the opposite direction.

Some time later Jinn was sitting on a fence yet again to lick his wounds after the fight to get ride of the blood stains from his stunning fur.

"That soft heart of yours is gonna get you killed someday." Talon remarked as he hopped up onto the fence in order to join Jinn. He had witnessed everything of course from one of his hidden vantage points that he liked to frequent when he wanted to be alone whilst still watching the world like some shadowy guardian. What he had seen had been admirable, and it had reminded him that Jinn and himself weren't all that dissimilar in nature. Maybe that was why he tolerated the other tom as much as he did.

He wasted no time in drawing closer so he could assist with grooming the tom to rid him of the bloodstains that marred his elegant fur. Eventually he spoke again. "The kid made it back to his sister with the food. Just thought you'd like to know." He had tailed the younger stray from the rooftops in order to see the story through to the end, and to ensure that the kid didn't run into further trouble without Jinn's watchful guardianship.

However, there was one thing on his mind that he longed to share with Jinn now that they were together in a single spot. Something that related to his continuing itch for the wilds. "Jinn, this might sound crazy but I wanna give living in a clan a go. I was hoping that maybe you'd like to join me in the venture." It was a tall ask, he knew that, but he didn't really want to leave Jinn behind. Not only that but he knew he'd fair better if Jinn was around to translate his harsh way of talking into something softer and more friendly for the SkyClanners.


Look who had decided to come out of their hideout. In truth he was a bit suprised to know that his friend had played the role as an auidence to the performence he had down back then. He guess he should get himself hurt more often if this was the trick to lure them out. Something to remember for the future. " Would that be such a bad thing?. " He stopped cleaning his wounds so he could cast a glance over at the stray with curiosity. Jinn didn't view himself as a soft-hearted cat but it seemed like that was the picture Talon had gotten from spending time with them. Maybe the reason he had decided to step in to defend that young stray was because he did not wish to bedray that image.

Jinn blinked his eyes in wide-bewilderment when Talon advanced closer to assist with cleaning the blood off from his fur. This action had completely taken the traveller off guard who was not used with such a kind gesture. Flustered by a such bold move Jinn turned his head away to contunie cleaning his own wounds on the otherside of his body while pretending this was normal for him.

It didn't surprise him at all that Talon had made sure that young stray had made it back home with the food to feed his family. Jinn had caught signs of Talon's true character before during their time together knowing for a fact that Talon had a bigger heart when he wanted anyone to know about. Out of the two Jinn genuiely believed Talon was the one with the big heart. " That's a relief to hear. I'm glad they made it home safely." Jinn had just finished cleaning his fur so turned his attention back to the tom to give them a warm smile of gratitude for what they had done. The one who really should be admired here was Talon not him.

What his friend decided to say next however came as a huge shock. At first he even had to think it over one extra time just to be sure his ears had heard right. " I thought you hated the clans." So what had changed his mind about them?. Why such a sudden change of heart?. Jinn couldn't hide that he was taken a bit aback by this. What shocked him even more however was that Talon invited him to come along with them, to join together. That was something he never had even dared dreaming about. Not even once had it crossed his mind to join the clan life as he had been satisfied with his life as a traveller... until recently anyway. Lately he had been staying here longer and more often not disappearing for his travels as often. He already knew the reason to why that was but he had never expected anything out of it.

" If this is what you really want Talon i will happily come along with you." He would smile warmly at them, before that same smiled changed into a mischievous smirk. " Not like i would have let you get rid of me that easily anyway." he playfully winked at them before his previous well-traced smile returned. Of course he would join them. Jinn would follow them to the end of the world without hesitation.

"I do hate the clans, but I hate not being out there more. I got a taste for it, the wilds beyond these hard stone dens and the troubles within them. If the clans have staked claim to the forests and the moors then I guess I have no other option than to play by their rules. If joining a clan grants me free access to what I want then so be it." Talon wouldn't deny his feelings about the clans, and more than likely he would always despise them and refer to them as being greedy for their pushy land ownership. However, he was willing to do whatever it took to feel the soft forest floor once more.

Instinctively he found himself looking out in the direction of where the forest would be behind the twoleg dens, and he did so with a sense of longing. He might have been born on the harsh streets but he knew where his heart longed to be. Maybe somewhere in his lineage there had been wild forest cats, not that he would ever know for certain but it was nice to think it so.

A genuine laugh escaped him as he heeded Jinn's words about being hard to be rid of. Now that was very much true. It had been many moons since they had met, and despite all attempts to be free of the tom they had managed to stick by his side. A glow of amusement shone in his green eyes as he looked over at the beautiful tom next to him on the fence. Where would he be without him? "Glad to hear that I can depend on you yet again. So, what do you think our fancy future clan names might be? Bet yours will be somethin' like Moondance or Swanheart, whilst mine is fuckin' Talonsnapper or Talontooth, or some shit like that." As long as he didn't lose the root of his name he supposed he might be able to live with a slight name change. "So, got any business you need to wrap up before we head to SkyClan's border? I won't go until you're ready, Jinn."


Talons reason of wanting to join the clans was a bit amusing considering he was willing to live among cats whos lifestyle he didn't agree with for the sake of more freedom in the forest. It was all for personal gain. He wonderd if that would be good enough to keep Talon to follow the clan rules and laws. Only one way to find out. If anything Jinn was sure it would be a fun adventure to join in on to see where this would lead. " So you're willing to restrain yourself to the clan rules for the sake of freedom in the wild. That's...gonna be a challenge for you Talon. I cannot imagine seeing you take orders from anyone. I cannot wait to see it." he would tease lightly, an amused smile lingering on his maw but his eyes showed that he understood the sacrifice he was willing to make. Jinn was originally raised out into the wild and once getting a taste of the freedom it was difficult to tame yourself for anything less.

Jinn watched his friends gaze look longingly out across the two legs home and out into the forest where the wildlife existed. His own gaze softened as he realised how much Talon most miss getting to be out there before the clans claimed all of the territory out there. It awoken something inside of him, his own desire to make sure they succeeded to join a clan so Talon could get what he was longing for to have.

Suddenly Talon started laughing much to Jinn's bafflement. He had never heard them laugh before and it was not like it was rare of him to playfully joke around now and then, maybe he had succeeded to crack out a snort out of them in the past but nothing like this. Only time he had heard them laugh was when they where mocking their enemy which wasn't really the same thing. Stars, Talon was full of surprises today, wasn't he?. It was almost like he was wondering where the old Talon had gone of too. It was not like he thought this Talon was bad though. Not at all. Talon had an enjoyable laugh to listen to. Jinn hoped he would get to hear it more often in the future. All he could do was smile at them whilst his eyes was unable to leave them...not until Talon turned their gaze back at their direction that was. Only then would he look away to face the sky instead to pretend he hadn't been staring at them with awe.

He chuckled warmly at the potential warrior name suggestions Talon had for him. " Moondance or Swanheart.... it does have a nice ring to it...especially since i love the moon." he said as he stared up at the spot in the sky where the moon would have been if it was night now. He highly doubted elegent names like that was worthy on a cat like him though. He was just too out of reach for beautiful and elegent names like that. Any names would be better then he current name though. He chuckled again over Talon's own name suggestions to himself which was less charming then his had been. " Aww come on, Talonsnapper is a rather...cute name." he teased as he attempted to nudge Talon's flank playfully with his tail as his yellow eyes had returned back to watch them. " I think a fire name would fit you for your fiercy and bravery like...Talonflare or Talonblaze... or why not Talonflame?. I think that one is my favorite. "

" So it's skyclan we are going to try our luck with then."
his ears seemed to perk up at hearing that clans name. He had been wondering about which clan had been on Talons mind. He liked that choice personally since he had heard they where the most accepting and tolerant to outsiders who wanted to join them. Besides that, Jinn really looked forward to get to climb trees again. It always made him feel like he was flying through the skies when he was jumping through the branches. He would shake his head at them, his smile still lasting. " I don't. I'm ready whenever you're my friend. he would confirm. There was nothing for him to leave behind. So he was ready to begin this new chapter in life together with his beloved friend.

Clan rules. That was going to be the hardest hurdle to get over, alongside the notion of following a leader. He'd never been great at following orders, but perhaps with Jinn at his side he stood a chance at conforming to the best of his ability. The main goal was staying out of trouble just enough to get by in life. "I've lived by my own rules for much of my life, so I guess I can manage to adapt to someone else's rules. But I'll need your help." Though he didn't have much intention of entirely abandoning his own standards either. Hell, maybe he could even influence the clans in some way.

So Jinn held a love for the moon then? He made a mental note of it for later, or rather tried to despite the distraction of the nudge that made him sway atop the fence. Though it seemed that he wasn't the only guy who held a creative flare for names, given the suggestions being made by the other tom. "Talonflame? Yeah, I like the ring of that one. I like it a lot." It held a strong appeal and he fully intended to have a word with the clan leader to ensure that he could lay claim to it.

No further business to attend to, no remaining connections to deal with. A new life stood ahead of them and he fully intended to take it in his stride. At least he wouldn't be walking the path alone, not whilst he had Jinn at his side. Internally he couldn't help but laugh at himself as he came to realise that he was breaking two of his own rules; depending only on himself, and to never trust another cat. Great, what chance would he stand when it came to that of clan rules? Only time would see he supposed. "Then let us be off, friend. Maybe those clan cats can help tend to your wounds too." Such a strange word, 'friend'. He'd never viewed anyone in such a way before, nor referred to any cat as being a friend of his. That made Jinn truly something special. Something worth protecting.

The spidery tom leapt down from the fence and set off in the direction of the forest, weaving through the alleyways and gardens with ease. Maybe this time his attempt to be truly wild and free would go a little better.

//I'll get their joining thread up soon for you :)