ripple colony DREAMS COLLIDING [ sunbathing ]


Jun 26, 2023



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Orange specks of fur kindles in the sunlight. The humming of cicada’s sound in the distance as pebbles clatter at her water-heavy paws.

A mrrow sounds from her throat as she sends droplets of water flying every which direction. Her fur shook only partially free of water now laid spiky, nothing a good grooming sessions on the warm stones nearby could not help.

Leaping upon one of the stones she takes to spreading herself out across the rock to air dry. A dip in the prey-scarce water was welcomed on hot days like these, and naps in the hot sun after a swim could never be beat. After licking down fur on her shoulder she purrs with content and lays her head against the stone. Green eyes grow drowsy with sleep and for just a moment, the worries of the world; flooding, food, finding their next location to settle in, all fades away.

//I apologize for the “nothing” thread, need to flex my writing muscles with her
Happening upon the mollie was chance, Cougar reckoned. He wasn't looking for anyone, but the sound of greenleaf in the air, and the cat's purring caught his ears. Cougar had been out looking for something to put in his nest, spiff it up a little bit, when the sound of another caught his ear. Blue optics shifted and turned, before landing on Splinter. He paused. Cougar normally didn't admit to attraction, or they way other cats looked, but the sunlight here, the framing...

It was hard not to see Splinter as pretty right now. Sundrying, head tilted into the sun, her multi-colored pelt near sparkling in the sun. And she looked peaceful, on top of all of that. Everything that they had gone through in the past few weeks, the moon spent traveling, weary as he was. And yet, here, it didn't seem to matter. He cleared his throat- not to interrupt Splinter, but rather to announce his presence so she wasn't spooked. "Comfortable up there?" He asked, approaching the river's edge himself. ​

————————She/her | 35 moons | Ripple Colony————————
It's not often that Rye attempts to fish, especially considering they can use all the food they can get these days, but her earlier hunt had been less than fruitful, and desperate times call for desperate measures. The key to fishing seems to be staying out of sight of 'em, and thus far her broad shoulders have been nothing but a detriment, casting shadows out much farther than she'd like. Even then, it's not as though the drying river is full of a hearty meal - minnows, more like, and surely not enough to keep everyone fed. Maybe it's the wrong time of day, maybe the fish just aren't biting, or maybe she's just no good at this - either way, with nothing to show for her efforts, Rye sits back on her haunches, considering the water with a distasteful frown. Quickly, though, a small sigh wipes it away; how silly is it to be mad at the river when she's the one who couldn't catch anything? Just means going out on another hunt later today, if she can spare the energy.

Ears swivel at the sodden sound nearby, and out of the corner of her eye the molly catches Splinter, just shaking the water off from what was surely a pleasant swim. It's not exactly Rye's forte, swimming, and though she can keep herself afloat in a pinch, she just can't quite wrap her head around swimming for fun like that. Scrambling up steady boulders, or even a scraggly tree, for a beautiful view? Now that's something to enjoy. Still, as Splinter settles down, stretching out on the rocks to dry, it certainly looks alluring, water-soaked fur cooler than a dry pelt even with the warmth of the sun beating down. Certainly more pleasing than a failed fishing attempt... Seeing Cougar approach seals the deal - stepping out from the shallows, Rye ambles leisurely towards the two, pleased grin settling onto her features. "Got room for one more over there?" she asks softly, already slipping past Cougar to stand once more with the water lapping at her paws. A short rest is a short rest, whether it's back at their temporary camp or out along the river, and if she takes a break here it'll be easy to get up and going out on a later hunt.
[penned by hijinks].

deep waters hold reflections———————————————————————————————————
The heat of an afternoon sun wasn’t any good for working. You should really get your work done in the dawn and dusk of a day, because when you do the afternoon sun is there for bathing.

Goose’s short fur was already burning up with the heat and she couldn’t help but hear the small gathering of cats on the bank, glossy water beckoning her. What could be better than laying in cool water while being sunned? The other three there seemed to think similarly and it seemed like they probably wouldn’t mind another joiner. Meandering up slowly Goose slips into the water, first making sure her back got wet and then circling back onto the shoreline where she laid out in the shallow water. Relaxed eyes surveyed the other cats waiting to hear what they thought was of interest.

of times lost long ago——————————————————————penned by WriteAboutRadish