Dreams do come true [Bananapaw]


Just not built that way
Apr 2, 2023
Dreams were something that had fascinated him since he had been much younger. The landscapes he'd seen of meadows and forests of colors he'd never glimpsed in his mortal life. The sun had risen but still he stirred in his nest, climbing over hills and chasing squirrels that always seemed just out of reach, it was frustrating. Still he kept on, sprinting through the tall grasses until he awoke suddenly. The tom was panting heavily, he'd almost had it that time. With a sigh he'd stand, stretching his forepaws out ahead of him, hoping he hadn't stirred any of the other warriors.

It was still early, the sun just having crested the horizon and he yawned. If he wanted to go on a hunt, he'd have to do it alone.
This wasn't something he minded but with all of the abductions, his normally peaceful lone hunts had become a source of stress.
Still thinking about that, he'd head out of the den.

Making for the center of camp, he'd note the freshkill pile. It had been growing steadily as they departed Leaf-bare and entered New-leaf.
Still contributing something wouldn't hurt.

"I'm going hunting, if anyone would like to tag along."


.°☀ But every time I see you cry

The day was bright and new, the sun had started to rise by the time she had gotten to camp and she had hoped to have been earlier. She had been wanting to go on the morning patrol today for some stretching of her legs before anything else! Bananapaw had graduated her assessment nearly two sunrises ago so not it was just a patient game! She was waiting for a meeting to be called or what have one that Blazestar decided to do. Hopefully it would be sooner rather than later, but one could hope.

Tawny and white fur bristled slightly at the cold that breezed through the clearing for a moment and shivered slightly. While new leaf was here, the cold was still tempting early in the morning and she was still adjusting to being outside after being home all night. With a shake of her short coat, the young cat looked up at Pigeonsongs' voice and tilted her head to the side. He was up early too!

While it wasn't the dawn patrol like she had hoped for, it was definitely something! She gave a grin and bounded over to the tomcat with a wave of her tail, "I'd love to go hunting! Maybe we could go by the sandy hollow or something? I heard its filled with critters!" She rambled onwards with a happy giggle before twitching her ear slightly. Reel it back, too much energy for the morning.


With these wings of mine I'll stay awhile .°☀

  • //
  • BANANAPAW named by her mother Alice
    — she/her, 12 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight apprentice, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
Into the barren clearing strode the familiar face of Bananapaw and a warm smile crossed his features. "Hey, good morning Bananapaw." The tom would call cheerfully, ruffling his fur as a slight ghost of chilly air passed them by. Although he didn't know her particularly well, the times he'd interacted with her had always been amicable.
He had no reservations about her joining him, especially since it seemed not many of their clanmates were properly awake yet.

"Yes that's a great idea." He'd chirp, "I had this great dream I was chasing after these big fat squirrels!" Pigeonsong was very much hoping that they might perhaps stumble on more existent prey.
"I imagine they're just waking up so maybe we'll have better odds at catching them unawares."

Jeez he was talking a lot, he hoped that he didn't overwhelm the apprentice. He couldn't help it though, he was excited to get out of camp and into the forest.
Tail raised high, he'd make way for the tunnel, a smile plastered on his features.

.°☀ But every time I see you cry

There was a soft chuckle from the she-cat as he rambled on about this dream he had, "It sure sounds like a great dream, not going to lie," She mused back to him as she trotted happily after him. The almost-warrior cat bounded up beside Pigeonsong and waved her tail behind her in her own bout of excitement, "I had this really weird dream where I was a big as a badger and was very upset cause I couldn't pick up moss anymore with badger paws,"

Bananapaw pushed through the gorse tunnel out of camp and shook out her fur to dislodge any leaves that clung to it. Then white paws drummed along the floor as she sprinted away in an impromptu need to zoom around Pigeonsong. "Catch me if you can!" She crowed in her little immature way of starting a game of play. Hunting was all fun and games, but they had plenty of time between then and now to find something to bring back to camp!

The tawny and white cat then bounced away into a throng of foliage and popped up on the other side covered with cobwebs. She shivered slightly at the sticky feeling it left behind on her body and she gave a squeak in not being able to fully express disgust verbally.


With these wings of mine I'll stay awhile .°☀

  • //
  • BANANAPAW named by her mother Alice
    — she/her, 12 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight apprentice, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
"A badger?" The tom would echo, he'd never dreamed about being another animal before. How odd, not that it bothered him, he was more curious than anything. It was then that another thought struck him. Perhaps he hadn't been himself in these dreams and that was why he never seemed to catch anything. That would actually explain a lot.

Realizing he was zoning out, he puffed out his pelt. "You're so on!" The tom would call to her, giving a quick stretch as he pelted after her. When she hit the foliage, he wasn't as quick and he smacked his face into a lone branch, getting a mouthful of tart leaves in the process. Luckily for him she cleared the cobwebs and so he avoided them.
With a small ptoof, he spit out some stray leaves, his face scrunched in distaste.

That frown quickly inverted as he caught sight of her, covered in cobwebs.
"Oh, jeez." He'd mrrow, having to cover his mouth with a paw to keep from laughing. "Here."
He'd use one of his forepaws to try and whisk them off of her, ignoring the creeping suspicion that he'd likely encounter one of the spiders later, probably at the most inconvenient time.
He was grinning the whole time like an absolute baffoon though, she looked so funny with all those webs on her.

.°☀ But every time I see you cry

Ears flicked back against her head, thankful Pigeonsong was at least trying to not laugh at her and was helping her get out of there. Chrysalispaw would've called her an idiot or something akin to that while Quillstrike would've just laughed at her. When finally free of the web, Bananapaw shook out her coat once more to rid the shivers that threaned up her spine like she still had a dozen more on her. That feeling was going to take a while to go away!

"I apperciate the attempts at not laughing at me, even if done so poorly," She mused to the tabby tomcat with a flick of her tail before she crouched to the ground. A little white paw lifted, sheathed of course, and she aimed to playfully bat at his shoulder, "I'ma put webs in your nest yet, bird boy!" There was a squeal of joy before she skittered away to avoid being hit back.

No one was usually silly with her. Chrysalispaw was always so serious about everything that he never seemed to wanna play around or anything like that. Quillstrike was always busy with Twitchbolt now and also too busy with warrior duties to play with her anymore. That or maybe he just- out grew her in a way. Yet Pigeonsong seemed to have a playfulness to him despite being a warrior- so what made Quillstrike different? Then again- he was also very serious a lot of the time cause he didn't understand how to play till he came to the clans.

Bananapaw gave a laugh as she bounced in place in her crouch, before sitting up straight with an nicked ear twitching. She looked beyond Pigeonsong for a moment like there was something there- something she could see. Then the tawny and white cat bapped the tabby cat on the shoulder before running off, "You're it!"


With these wings of mine I'll stay awhile .°☀

  • //
  • BANANAPAW named by her mother Alice
    — she/her, 12 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight apprentice, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
Truthfully he hadn't expected to have such a good time when he'd woken up and more or less supposed he'd end up hunting by himself. Now though, he was having a blast, he didn't really know Bananapaw particularly well but he had seen her on occasion. It was nice to have a friend he could be silly around, it seemed that those days usually ended for most cats when they'd become warriors. Pigeonsong found it rather silly that warriors were expected to be serious all the time.

When she gave him a slug, he made a funny face at her.
"Hey no way, I'm already gonna have spiders in my nest after this." He protested humorously.
When she crouched down, he braced himself, fully expecting to be launched at but instead she bopped him again but this time she was running.

He'd played tag as a kit before but it had been so long now that it took him a moment to process what had just happened.
"Hey wait, no fair, you got a headstart!" The tom yowls playfully as he tears after her. His heart thrums in his chest as he struggles to keep up with her. She wasn't much younger than himself but she certainly seemed to have a lot more energy in the morning than he did.

"I'm gonna getcha!" He calls, gaining on her slightly.

.°☀ But every time I see you cry

The yowl echoed behind her and she slowed for a moment to look back at Pigeonsong with a laugh. Then he tore after her and she realized she had started to trot before scuttling back into a run. Pelting through the trees at top speed for a few good tail lengths before her chest started to hurt. Wind started to become harder to intake and she was forced to slow down a little bit. Then a little more, and a little more until eventually she braced for impact on being tackled or what have you.


With these wings of mine I'll stay awhile .°☀

  • //
  • BANANAPAW named by her mother Alice
    — she/her, 12 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight apprentice, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
His energy was waning but he noticed that she too had begun to slow down and that gave him the burst of energy that he needed to gain slightly on her as they pelted through the woods. His tail was held high in the air above and did not stream stealthily behind him as it would when he chased prey. Excitement rippled through his pelt and he began to ready himself to pounce.
And then she slowed and braced herself and that caught him off guard. In his excitement he had failed to slow down enough. He was going to barrel right into her.

He braced himself and tried to skid to a halt, his paws failing to find purchase against the long dead leaves from last season and he just barely managed to avoid slamming into her.
He skidded by her, mouth agape slightly and managed to stumble and then unceremoniously roll to a halt a couple of paces past her.

When he got to his paws, he was dusty but he started to laugh, realizing how stupid that whole thing must've looked from her perspective. His muscles screamed at him in protest from the sudden and arguably early exercise but he was still smiling, still laughing at his own hubris.

"Sorry, I almost barred you over just then. I didn't realise how much you were slowing down."
He manages at last, a smile still stuck on his features.

.°☀ But every time I see you cry

It was coming- she knew that. Bananapaw couldn't possibly keep running from the tomcat as her lung started to hurt and so did her paws from hitting the ground so hard in her sprinting. Though she underestimated how quickly Pigeonsong would catch up too her and then slammed right into her afterwards. Watching him skiddering to try to stop but it was futile and they went rolling in the grass. Pigeonsong rolled a bit further from her and Bananapaw blinked a few times as her vision swirled slightly.

With a shake of her head, the white and tawny cat lifted her head from the ground as she was laying on her side. Vision finally returned to normal as it stopped spinning and her dizziness disappearing allowed her to get back up onto her paws. The tabby tomcat approached her then with a statement of not knowing how much she was slowing down and she gave a meek smile in response.

"Sorry about that! I couldn't keep going, my lungs where starting to hurt," The response was soft and shy as she pawed at the ground before her for a moment, "You're not hurt are you?" She looked up at him with rounded eyes for a moment in her realization. Bananapaw got up quickly from sitting to nose the other Skyclanner worriedly, "You don't smell like you're bleeding or anything," She seemed to talk more to herself that time than directly to Pigeonsong.


With these wings of mine I'll stay awhile .°☀

  • //
  • BANANAPAW named by her mother Alice
    — she/her, 12 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight apprentice, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
Not realizing at first that he'd actually hit her, his friendly features dampened, a look of concerns crossing his face. "Am I hurt?" He'd echo, looking himself over, for a quick second before his gaze swept over her."I hit you pretty hard, are you okay?" He'd ask, sniffing at her after she'd done the same to him. Pigeonsong didn't think he smelled blood but she'd looked pretty dazed for a second there.

Guilt hung heavy on his expression and he began to groom down some spiked fur on his shoulders. He was more than a little dirty after his tumble but he felt mostly fine. Honestly the dog that had attacked him during Slate's argument had knocked him quite a bit harder.

He wasn't quite sure that he knew Bananapaw's mentor but he'd certainly owe them an apology. "Sorry about that, I didn't realize how hard it was to stop when it's all slippery out here." His words were sincere but his expression lifted lightly into an apologetic smile. Luckily she seemed more or less okay from his perspective.

"Maybe we should sit a moment and rest, you're really fast, I didn't think I'd be able to catch you."

.°☀ But every time I see you cry

There was a little bit of a giggle from the she-cat as she was also sniffed by the tom, and she shook out her coat with a nod, "I'm alright! You didn't ram into me any harder than my fall from the tree," Bananapaw seemed rather proud of this notion. Her warrior assessment had been a few days prior to this engagement and she had knocked herself out of a tree. The fall wasn't the worst thing but definitely the shoulder pain was one of the more annoying aspects of the fall.

A shrug of lithe shoulders came from the tawny and white cat as she waved her tail behind her, "I didn't either to be honest with you! But we both came out alive so," She mused to him with a grin. The ground was still a bit muddy from the pervious snow falls as the heat hadn't dried it up yet and the fresh dew on the grass didn't help either.

Pigeonsong then suggested that they take a moment to sit and relax and she nodded in agreement. Then they could continue on with their hunt afterwards, and she sat down on the grass where she stood with a few laps at her own white chest fur. Bananapaw didn't deal with silence very well and she looked at the tabby tomcat with a small smile, "Sorry about ruining your hunting expedition, I couldn't help myself," She put a paw to her maw to stifle her own little laugh.


With these wings of mine I'll stay awhile .°☀

  • //
  • BANANAPAW named by her mother Alice
    — she/her, 12 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight apprentice, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
Pigeonsong had to stifle another laugh when she pointed at that they'd both survived. He was honestly having a great time hanging out with her, it'd been awhile since he'd had a friend he could just goof around with. Most of the other warriors were super serious or at each other's throats all the time. Slate and his rivalry again at the forefront of his mind. What a mess.

Letting the thought go, he'd begin to groom himself and noticed her doing the same. He let out an airy relaxed sigh and sat on his haunches, gazing up at the morning sky. It was still a bit chilly, but the sun shone through the clouds, daring to rebel against the chill that had been present since last season. It felt good and it was nice to be able to just sit for a moment and take it all in.

When she spoke again, he looked a tad embarrassed, not realizing he'd spaced out.
"Ruined it? Hardly, I'm having a great time, it's still early and we have plent of time." He'd assure, before realizing she was trying to stifle giggling and he laughed again.
"I thought you were serious for a moment there!" He mrrows humorously, feeling a bit silly.

.°☀ But every time I see you cry

The young cat thumped her tail against the ground as Pigeonsong sat down on his haunches, and assured her she didn't ruin anything. That relieved her slightly as she wouldn't want to ruin his plans of a hunt. There was just so much to do in the day that a break was always nice, right? The tabby cat then spoke about thinking she was serious and laughing with her, which made her give a wide grin, "Stop it!" She playfully mused to him and lifted a paw to push at his shoulder playfully.

Bananapaw gave a soft sigh in contentness and moved to lay down in the grass for a moment, tucking her front paw under her chest and looked up through the trees. The leaves where coming back in and started to cut out the light of the sun. It dappled the ground warmly and as the sun rose the dew on the grass started to evaporate. Deep green eyes moved from the sky above to the sandy tabby cat beside her.

"You know, you're a lot nicer than Chrysalispaw is," She pointed out to him with a soft smile gracing her narrow muzzle, but that was like pointing out the sky was blue or the grass was green. Very obvious statement but she didn't know what else to say and it just kinda- popped out. Bananapaw looked down at her paw for a moment and then asked him rather- questionably, "Where do you think the missing cats are going? Do you think they're still alive?" She looked back up at him but seemed to avoid his more murky green gaze.

Bananapaw worried for the missing cats. Howlpaw was a fellow apprentice and friend, Ashenclaw a respected memeber and her brother in law, Twitchbolt her fellow clanmate and Quillstrike-Quillstrike. Her emotions often showed on her face rather easily, she was terrible at keeping a serious or guarded expression, and it showed in how she flattened her ears to her head. The possibility of cats dying was something she'd never thought of till now, and it made her heart sink. Would she never see Quillstrike again?

A frown tugged at her pale face and her tail tip twitched with her need to surpressing crying, once again. It was always the same; sudden and uncalled for. Bananapaw sighed through her nose rather annoyed with herself and pawed at her own eye with the back of her paw. She didn't need to do this. There was no real reason to! Quillstrike and the others' where fine! They had to be. "Twolegs wouldn't be as cruel as to kill them off right?"

Her voice was soft, scared almost, as her gaze moved back to Pigeonsong with a few glossy blinks. Bananapaw didn't want to believe it. That twolegs could do something so unsual and cruel. Her twolegs loved cats, loved her and Cloudberry, didn't other twolegs like cats too?


With these wings of mine I'll stay awhile .°☀

  • //
  • BANANAPAW named by her mother Alice
    — she/her, 12 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight apprentice, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
Pigeonsong laughs along with her and they sit in amicable silence for a moment before she pipes up again.
You're a lot nicer than Chrysalispaw.
He can't put a face to the name but he takes the compliment, although he's a bit worried now.
His brows furrow at the question that follows, confirming his concern.

"I heard it's to a place called the shelter." The tom would answer, shifting his gaze to hers, finding worry in her eyes and quickly changes his tune a smidge.
Things had been going well, they'd been having a good time but it had all been while their clanmates were missing.

Her ears fold back in concern and she seems to be grappling with something he is unable to grasp entirely.
He'd had no friends stolen so far and so it seems far away to him. However, Bananapaw is his friend and that's close enough for him to feel pangs of sympathy for the poor girl.

She wipes tears from her eyes and he moves closer to her, resting his pelt against her own.
He hadn't much experience with twolegs but the encounters hadn't been negative at the least. They'd mostly cooed and tried to coax him to their weird paws.

"Of course not!" he assures, the words leaving his muzzle before he can properly censor them. He doesn't know that for sure but he can see how much she needs to hear some kind of reassurance.

"I think the existence of the daylight warriors is proof enough. However misguided their intentions are, I don't think they'd hurt us on purpose."
He finishes, allowing a silence to pass between them.

"They'll be okay, we'll get them back."

.°☀ I'll believe it all

The sympathy across his tabby face wasn't unwelcomed, but she wished it had been brought on by what she was saying instead of her stupid easy-to-cry self. Banana then felt a pelt brush against hers as Pigeonsong leaned into her and she found herself finding comfort in that. Then he went on to say that daylight warriors proved that Twolegs did like cats and that the others' would return safely. Banana never had a chance to talk about the whole situation, trying to keep things light and happy in camp, so this was honestly very welcomed. Being able to voice how she felt and find someone who would comfort her instead of laugh or get upset.

The tawny and white cat gave a small nod in agreement, sniffling slightly as she tried to compose herself, "You're right, they're gonna be back before we know it," She echoed back with another nod this time a little more enthused. Banana gave a small chuckle and looked down at the ground for a moment, "Thank you for listening to me. Sorry for the sudden turn, I cry at a bug dying I swear," She gave an eyeroll in response to the idea as that has happened. She cried over a butterfly being smushed she had been playing with as a kit, and she had been the one who smushed it.

Banana bit her lip for a moment before sighing slightly, "I also just- haven't talked about the disapperances to anyone, realy," She admitted softly. She was keeping a lot of her emotions to herself recently or trying too and she didn't know why. She didn't wanna bother anyone with what she thought or felt. There was more things beyond herself that mattered more.

She shook out her coat quickly to dislodge the feelings that clung to her pelt like heavy snow and she offered a meek smile, one that didn't quite reach her eyes, "Oh did you hear? I got yelled at by Lichenthoat earlier today- almost risked my ceremony cause I talked 'rudely' to him," Banana rolled her eyes at the notion and huffed at the memory of the warrior threatening her along with her own cousin!


There's nothing I won't understand .°☀

  • //
  • BANANASPLASH named by her mother Alice and for her spirit and confidence
    — she/they, 12 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight warrior, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png