⋆。°✩ Cricketpaw is antsy, as has become more than usual these days. Her claws itch for something to do, with all these rogues running about as though they own the place. Still, she keeps her poise. Keeps their head held high even as their tail lashes. There has been much bothering Cricketpaw lately, but she would be remorse to let it slip out too terribly. She needs to stand as an example, needs to be perfect. Even without their blessed name, they must still shine just as bright.

He follows his mentor dutifully, whiskers twitching. Ah, he knows this path -- the beech copse. Satisfaction curls its way into the apprentice's gut. "Combat today, yes?" Cricketpaw asks with a glint in his eyes, not hiding his eagerness. "I will do my best, as always." It's an easy promise. How could he do anything less?

  • @Petalnose set retro to the rogue fight !
  • 74770513_25s5b0B3zXid8vd.png

  • CRICKETPAW he / she / they, apprentice of riverclan, eight moons.
    a wiry, curly-furred black smoke with clouded blue eyes.
    intelligent, egotistical, and strange, with an eye always turned to the stars.
    smokestar xx cicadastar, littermate to beepaw & cicadapaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


The rouges had made the camp on edge. Death was brought upon them cruelly just as it had during the invasion. They were worming their way into their territory again and thieving just as they once had. The rouges were never satisfied and as ears were out for neighboring clan news, it seems they favored Riverclan. They had already taken their former river king and ransacked their camp, why were they so persistent? Why were they being so cruel? It fed the felines fire. Her brows pressed tightly and limbs pushed with eager and strengthed strides, gazing out upon the lands. Determined. She wouldn't let Cricketpaw lack in training. She wouldn't let their fathers trust in her down. Eager she was to pass her battle talent along, even if it meant the youth would become better than her.

Combat today, yes?

A blink and her attention turned to Cricketpaw, slowly softening her hardened expression. Enthusiasm she could sense, something that brought satisfaction within her. There was a hum of humor at the emotion, "Correct. Good observation." A small smirk fell upon her tar black lips, tipping her nose towards Beech copse. "I want you to show them what you're made of. Brute force and speed.. everything. Treat me like I'm one of them. Claws, I'll allow them if they're minor. I don't want to be stuck in that den again."

Before reaching their destination, a slow of her paws before she turned to her apprentice with a raise of her chin. "Today shall be fun, but that doesn't mean I'm going to make it easy on you." She searched for emotion, searched for reaction, "I want to see how you ambush. Race ahead of me and find cover around one of those trees. When I get close, surprise me. I know cover isn't easy to hide around the copse, but I have my faith in you."


⋆。°✩ Cricketpaw preens at the praise, satisfaction and excitement thrumming their way through their veins. Petalnose is a good teacher, knows to teach them not to hold back. She doesn't hold back against them, either; treats them as an opponent, not an apprentice. Exactly as he likes it. He'll be a better fighter for it, a better warrior. His claws itch to spill the blood of rogues.

But for now, he trains. "Understood," comes the apprentice's clipped chirp when her mentor's instruction has finished. A small smile crosses his maw as he dips his head. "I'll be waiting for you."

He races ahead, long limbs carrying him quickly towards the beech copse. Stops, just before he reaches it. The scent will give him away clearly. It doesn't matter now; Petalnose already knows he's coming. But in a real fight...

Cricketpaw breaks off to the side, circles around the edge of the beech copse, scuffing sand over their tracks as they goes. Casts narrowed eyes across the clearing; she's right, there's little cover here. Still, they'll have to make do. A treeless willow is their choice, dead wood curling its way towards the sky. She comes to a stop behind it, closes her eyes. Listens, so she doesn't have to peek her head out where her mentor could see. And she waits.

  • 74770513_25s5b0B3zXid8vd.png

  • CRICKETPAW he / she / they, apprentice of riverclan, eight moons.
    a wiry, curly-furred black smoke with clouded blue eyes.
    intelligent, egotistical, and strange, with an eye always turned to the stars.
    smokestar xx cicadastar, littermate to beepaw & cicadapaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Petalnose was pleased to see the enthusiasm, watching them race away with a satisfied hum. She stayed in her spot until the small dark figure was out of sight. Fair she shall make it, what was an ambush if you knew exactly where they would go? Only guesses shall remain and her sense of smell. Slowly she padded forward to give him time to hide but time would be ticking, just as it would be within a real battle. Time was always so precious.

//Rolled a 3 to find him or not!

The beach copse seemed to be empty, paw prints weren't seen. As her mouth parted to bring in scents, she could smell her but couldn't accuratly pinpoint her apprentice as the wind brushed past her. So her limbs stretched forward to start searching, "Hm, it seems a Riverclanner has been here recently. Although, I can't seem to see them. The winds are fast today. I'm going to take a look around." mocking a real scenerio, her voice burned strong to hint to Cricketpaw of a report. She could smell him, it was obvious, but that was nearly impossible to hide that in such little time. Although, she didn't exactly see them and she couldn't accuratly set where they could be immediately. Her nose hovered over the ground, letting it lead her near the hiding place. Her limbs lead her to a spot for Cricketpaw to attack, Petalnose knew it was a matter of time but unaware she was when it would be. All she knew was she was getting close.
