camp drifting along with a tumbling tumbleweed // windy

May 22, 2023
eggkit | 02 months | male | he/him | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold #108297
The sudden change in weather is almost instant - or perhaps it only seems that way to the child. Gone for today are sunny skies, instead a blanket of overcast grey paints the heavens. If that were the only issue, eggkit would not be in such a predicament - he likes the cool air just as much as the warm, doesn't mind splashing and fussing about in the rain and mud and puddles. No - were the storm to only break it wouldn't be such an issue. Instead, the trees seem to ache and groan and sway as the powerful wind blows, sending leaves and dust and all manner of things flying about with each gust. And unfortunately, eggkit is one such thing. Small and round and light on his paws, one particular gust is enough to send the cheery boy a tumbling right on over much to his surprise, a giggling squeal slipping past his lips as he rolls. He doesn't go very far - but he's certainly surprised nonetheless.

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The wind seems to come out of nowhere - gusts strong enough to even knock Greeneyes off his path, white paws stumbling to the side to catch his balance. The young warrior doesn't think it's ever been this windy before, and with the clouds above, he can't help his unease towards what's due to roll in.

Which is... Eggkit, apparently. The poor little round thing - if the wind was enough to cause Greeneyes' stride to falter, then of course it was bound to knock over SkyClan's youngest. Eyes widen at the sight before him, and he moves to try to block the wind from pushing the kid any further. Orangeblossom wouldn't be happy, if the wind took away one of her kits!

"Woah! Careful!" he chirps, before tilting his head to look at the kid, feeling the wind pressing against the back of his ears. "You okay, amigo? That wind's pretty strong, isn't it?"

It's a quick check-in, despite Eggkit's giggling. Greeneyes wonders if he would've been the same, if the wind would've tried to sweep him up when he was young.
Woah! Careful!

He can barely hear it over the roaring winds, but Greeneyes is talking to someone in the distance. Fireflypaw's ears lie flat against his head, the ripping winds of Mother telling him to hide. Something was wrong, very wrong. His tail drags along the ground awkwardly as he stumbles forward from his den, a hesitant step after the other. The wind sends him tumbling, even with his big size. When he rights himself, it's with shaky limbs. He stumbles over to where he might be close to the kitten and Greeneyes, worry evident in his blind blue eyes.

"Are you hurt?" He asks Eggkit softly, startling at the sound of wind shrieking past his ears. Something is wrong. He thinks to himself, the panic eating at him. Were they in trouble, somehow? Was StarClan warning them- was Mother warning him of whats to come? Was the world ending? He musters up his own shaky smile, trying to reassure himself. "These winds.. A-Are pretty strong, aren't they?"
TAGS — The wind whistles through pine trees that groan with the force of the gale. Ilya doesn't like them yet; they're still unused to the pillars of green needles as opposed to the towers of dull stone the up-walkers walked among. At least those bricks had never bent in the wind-- when the pine trees sway, it's hard to feel safe beneath them. It draws them out from the edges of camp where Ilya usually sticks like a burr to the bramble-and-fern walls. But today, the kitten finds themselves in the center of camp, pressed to the sandy earth as if it will save them from being blown away by the violent gusts. But they aren't entirely successful; despite their larger-than-average size for a kitten, the youth is sent skidding across camp by a particular blast of wind that they can't shield themselves from.

A rumbling growl erupts from Ilya's throat. Stupid wind, they think; they curse it for drawing them away from the comfort of the shaded fern walls; they curse it for drawing them into sight where prying eyes can examine and judge. The charcoal bengal kitten digs their needle-thin claws into the earth and try desperately to hold themselves there. They don't enjoy being tossed around like Eggkit seems to. Stupid kid. "This blows," Ilya asserts, lips peeled back into a scowl. The wind tosses their bangs around to expose narrowed yellow eyes. "When's it gonna stop?" They point their attention to Greeneyes and Fireflypaw. Surely one of those two would have an answer, right?​
eggkit | 02 months | male | he/him | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold #108297
"Why's it soooo windy?" eggkit asks, wrapping tiny paws ad limbs around greeneyes leg as best he can in an attempt to stay upright and not go for another fly. Fireflypaw is not far behind, and he watches with wide eyes as he to is sent a stumbling. "I'm fine!" he chirrups, giving a bright smile to reassure the two older felines, though he immediately follows it up by giving ilya a confused stare. "Of course it blows, it's wind - that's what it does," he says slowly, as though the other is particularly mousebrained. It doesn't occur to him that perhaps the other kit hadn't meant it literally.

Eggkit is fine. Of course, Greeneyes had already assumed this, but it didn't hurt to check! Fireflypaw must have the same thinking, because he too arrives.

Though, his friend has good reason to check in on a clumsy kit, with him being a medicine cat and all, Greeneyes doesn't know if its best for him to be out in the wind either. A bigger stature than him, Firefly is still no match for the strong gusts of wind.

"Yeah, they are kinda strong, aren't they?" his gaze lifts, scanning the sky above them once more. Dark and dreary with graying clouds, his unease starts to settle in again. A storm, maybe. "Do you think it'll rain?"

Eggkit is joined by another kit - Ilya, and the questions double. "I don't know. Sometimes it takes days for wind to go away." he tells them, uncertainty thick in his voice. Days, maybe. Or seconds, just as the wind that had taken over the storm-bearing gathering moons ago.