camp DRIP,DRIP,DROP // leaky roof

Freedom from the medicine den at last. It came with relief given that he had grown uncomfortable with sleeping in the nest he had once shared with Blackmoon during the tom's final few weeks of life. Sunnyday didn't waste much time in returning to his old nest in the warriors den, and after replacing the moss and bracken in it he opted to reward himself with a snooze. However, the peace was soon disturbed by an insistent dripping that caught his large ears. Sunnyday was roused from his slumber with a grouchy sounding groan, and as he held his head up the water droplet caught him right on the nose. "What the...? Oh great, I would be right under the leak." Snowmelt seemed to be the cause and it had found a gap in the den's structure.

The tom worked to scoop his hard-earned bedding out of the nest for the time being before he strayed back out the den in search of help. "Has anyone got anything to help repair a leaking den roof?" If nothing was done about it then he was certain it would lead him to fall sick all over again for certain. Not to mention it would put others at risk too if the leaking got any worse.


Sunnyday needed help with the roof of the warrior’s den, apparently it was leaking. That was no good, Ragwortpaw hated when that happens, not that it has to her before but it sounds horrible. Of course being the compassionate cat she is, she jumps at this opportunity to help out a clan-mate.

Without so much as a word she brushes right past Sunnyday and into the warrior’s den, quickly finding the leak. A paw taps rhythmically against the ground, ”Mhm… uhuh… yes, I see the problem.” Quite dramatically she examines the issue before coming up with an equally dramatic solution.

Ragwortpaw leans over and rips both moss and bracken from the nest close to hers, the unfortunate victim? Sunnyday’s newly made bed.
Rearing onto her hind legs she half-hazardly sticks the material onto the leak. It’s just barely hanging in there but Ragwortpaw grins anyways, believing the problem to be fixed. ”Good as new!”


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· RAGWORTPAW, female — she / her
╰ ‣ named for her health & strength at birth .
╰ ‣ 5 moons . ages on the ??
╰ ‣ thunderclan apprentice . loner born . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, oak and maple trees , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue furred . long-hared . a very furry head, chest, and tail

· ESTJ-A ❝​
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Hufflepuff, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Kind-hearted . Honest . Loud .Justice-seeking . People-pleaser . Gullible . Empty-headed . Humorous
╰ ‣ Though she is all brawn and no brain, Ragwort tries her best and carries a bleeding heart to all whom surround her. She takes the role of "big sister" with her siblings and friends, never failing to have their backs, take care of them, and defend them when needed (sometimes even jumping the gun). While she doesn't offer the best emotional support (not due to a lack of trying) she gives the best hugs and is great at giving cats distractions with her shenanigans.
╰ ‣ finds minimal difficulty relating to others . wears a bleeding heart

· GRIME x CINDERFROST, sister to toadpaw, prowlingpaw, hollypaw
╰ ‣ unknown sexuality.
╰ ‣ poor fighter . poor hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

Burnpaw is pretty much, at this point convinced that his mother's apprentice has bees in her brains. She had always known to be spacey, even back when they had lived in the nursery together. And it wasn't normal kit ignorance either, sometimes he genuinely worried about the gray furred she cats survival. But he supposes if anyone could turn her into a fit warrior for Thunder Clan's ranks, it's his mother. The only better warrior he can think of is his grandmother, Howling Wind. Now that was a cat to look up to!

As simple as he found her, he also found her quite entertaining. When Sunnyday comes out of the warrior's den to complain of a leak he has every intention of ignoring the yellow-furred tom, that is, until Ragwortpaw comes along. He pushes himself to his paws and follows the pair into the warrior's den, interested in seeing what her master plan was.

When she turns, rips off a piece of Sunnyday's nest, and sticks it in the hole, he nearly keels over in laughter. It's too much! Oh he's just imagining the look he'll see on the warrior's face when he looks up from his fit and it's making him laugh harder. "Grea-great idea Rag" he says between his guffaws.
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To be honest, she thought Sunnyday was fuckin' stupid. A grade-A fool, one of the dimmest Thunderclan had to offer. So when he starts getting dripped on like it's nobody's business. Like...yeah. Figures. His pension. Prem– pen– penance. Yeahh. The dumbass tax. (Tax for dumbasses, not a tax that's a dumbass).

If it was her, naturally she'd complain about whoever'd last patched this section doing a shoddy job, but it wasn't her, so she minds her own business snug as a bug. Minding her own business, as in, she makes no move to help, curled up nearby. Not like she wasn't listening, because she totally was. Until he leaves, that is.

But he's back pretty quick, now followed by Little Wolf's mystery apprentice. Only one of the many anomalies Sunnyday keeps dragging into camp during unfavorable seasons ( and one of the prime reasons why he's a suspect in her mind ); but karma is fuckin' real and the apprentice rips up Sunnyday's nest to patch the hole with it. Maybe this would make him think more about what he does before he does them. Burnpaw rightfully laughs at her. Wolfwind stays where she is, save from her head lazily tilting toward the commotion and her eyes lifting to the shittily patched gap. "Lol."
  • Angry
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War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
Given the warrior's den was a literal bush leaks were certainly prone to happen, especially once the snow sitting on top of said bush began to melt. Silverlightning opens an eye from within his own nest, ears listening to the tame level of chaos happening around him. Quietly he lifts his head, watching Littlewolf's young apprentice as she aids in patching the leak. Only to tear a rather sizable chunk out of Sunnydays' nest. Surprise blooms within his chest as he blinks twice at the gaping hole in the tom's nest. Goodness. The girl may have fixed one issue but had immediately caused another. Yet, she was trying to be helpful and he supposed that mattered most. Maybe. Silver's gaze flickers from Ragwortpaw's proud grin back to the hastily placed moss wedged in the gap. "A fine temporary patch Ragwortpaw, good work. But once the snowmelt becomes to heavy it will only fall." He murmurs, grey eyes still examining the bush over all. "I propose we knock the snow off the bush itself." With that he glances at Sunnyday to gage the tom's reaction.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road
Mousepaw is near Ragwortpaw and Burnpaw, chattering away as if her life depends on it, when Sunnyday breaches the warrior's den and asks for assistance. A leaking den roof! Mousepaw groans. She hopes the apprentice den doesn't start leaking too. The last thing she wants to do is wake up in wet moss!

She has no solutions, though, and like Burnpaw is content to go back to whatever she was doing, when Ragwortpaw leaves their group to go investigate. Suddenly, that seems more enticing. Mousepaw smiles and follows at her denmate's heels, and like Burnpaw, Wolfwind and Silverlightning, she stares with appalled amazement as the blue she-cat tears a chunk from Sunnyday's brand-new nest and sticks it haphazardly into the hole.

"Good as new!" Mousepaw puts her paw over her mouth, her giggles turning into shrieks. "Rags, you're a genius, I swear," she cries, running to the blue she-cat and wrapping her tail around the other's bushy one. Burnpaw is laughing, too, and Mousepaw gives him a sly look. "Everyone tell Ragwortpaw that she did a good job!"

Silverlightning suggests it isn't a real fix. And while, like, duh. Mousepaw only narrows her eyes at him. "I bet more of Sunnyday's nest would help that," she suggests with a smile.


"Oh! Ragwort, are you going to help me?" Sunnyday couldn't supress the smile from beaming onto his face as he peered back into the den so he could watch the youth assess the situation. Oh, he was so proud of her! He'd have to make it up to her lat-... OH NO! His look of joy melted into one of abject horror. "N-no... Ragwort, honey... oh no..." His voice fell into a quiet squeak as he was made to bear witness to the desecration of nest, his sweet soft nest!

The temptation to scold the apprentice lingered on his mind, but as he looked down at Ragwortpaw's gleeful little grin he felt his agitation dissipate. His gaze softened and he exhaled in defeat. "Yes, that was a very good repair, thank you. You're so helpful and smart." The words flowed easily enough and he found himself beginning to simmer back down, reminding himself that bedding could easily be replaced. Then he heard Mousepaw's sly little suggestion and it prompted him to whip round with a snarled grin as he locked his sights on both her and Burnpaw. "Naw, I have a better idea. How about you two cackling kiddos go out and find some more den fixing materials. Don't let the snow put you off~!" The sing-song tone of his voice contradicted the more sinister expression he wore in that moment. "The little blighters can go freeze their toes off for that!"

With the apprentices sorted and with him now standing guard over his remaining bedding, he then cast his sights towards Silverlightning, who in truth had a very valid suggestion relating to the issues of their den. "Hrm... fair point. Let's be honest, having an entire den filled with soaked nests is not what I'd call a pleasant scenario. Though do you have any suggestions on how we could remove the snow?" It wasn't like he was particularly keen on climbing up into the spindly structure himself. Though he did pause and look down at Ragwortpaw with a sly smirk. "Hey, do you wanna help me chuck Wolfwind up onto the den's roof?"

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