oneshot Drip drip drop little april shower || Spiderbloom, Prompt


In darkness blooms the spider lily
Nov 10, 2022

Spiderbloom hated rainy days. All she wanted to do was sleep. Curl up somewhere warm and dry and sleep the hours away until the rain stopped. Today was one such day. She didn't know what time of day it was, nor did she really care. The rain had lulled her to sleep in the nursery, and it was a comfortable nap until she heard rumbling in the distance. Great. Thunder. As long as it didn't get too loud, she could enjoy her nap.

Of course, Fortune and luck never shone on her. The pitter patter of raindrops hitting the ground was interrupted by a sudden loud crack of thunder that caused her to yelp in surprise and startled her to her paws. She trembled for a moment, dealing with the heart attack nature had just given her.


She plopped down again with a scowl. "Hate this kind of weather. It's stupid."

It is SO stupid. Why does the SKY, OF ALL THINGS, HAVE TO YELL!!

It seemed she wasn't the only one rattled by the inconsiderate sky above.... She heard quiet sniffling, and looked around to see a young kit fluffed up, eyes wide in terror. He mood shifted immediately. She remembered when she first heard thunder. It terrified her. She cried and tried to hide by her mother, but was pushed away. "That's the sound of a big dog coming to eat you." Her mother would say. "Be quiet, and it won't find you."

All her mother wanted was for her to be quiet and to leave her alone.

Perhaps thats where she learned to box her emotions in, now that she thought about it.

But she was not her mother. Truthfully, it was her aunt. She never knew how to refer to her. It didn't matter when she crushed her windpipe, though.

The kit whimpered, and Spiderbloom shifted so that she was facing the rest of the nursery.

"Don't cry...." She said softly. "It's alright."

The kit sniffled and looked to her. "But it's loud and scary...!" she cried.

"I know it is... But you know what? It's just noise..." Spiderbloom said. "It can't hurt you. Even if it's loud and scary, you're safe right here."

The kit wobbled closer to her and she gave her a gentle lick on the head. "It'll be okay, I promise." She added. "You'll hear thunder a lot this season... So you have to be brave, okay?"

"U-uh huh...."

"Good... I know you can do it." Spiderbloom said with a small smile.

She would give her kits everything she never had growing up. She swore it.