dripping eyes dissecting me—(swanpaw)—cut my life expectancy


Would you just tell me what I'm meant to do?
Jul 28, 2023

  • reKFzpx.png

    SWANKIT SWANPAW ; he's deathly afraid of swans
    a nervous and miserable wreck. swanpaw thinks the world would be better if he was far from the clan, as he believes that he's haunted by bad luck. whether he is or not (he isn't) doesn't matter, he's convinced everything bad happening is because of him.
    ⤷ his mother liked swans, which is ironic because he doesn't
    — male; he/him & masc terms; bisexual
    — apprentice of riverclan, loyal to riverclan
    — created 13.10.2023 at 7 moons / ages every 13th
    — penned by catburger; HEARTCHART ; PINTEREST ; PLAYLIST wip

    swanpaw is on the taller side of the younger apprentices, with long scrawny limbs and a ratty, disheveled appearance. even if he hasn't been water the entire day, his fur still manages to look soggy, no one's sure why, or how he looks so disheveled, he just does. he is a classic grey tabby with darker swirls and a lighter underside and chin. his skin is a pink with spots of lighter pink and brown, his eyes are a soft jade green and he has a series of scars on the right side of his face from an accident when he was a kit.

  • cowardly / nervous / emotional / spineless / weak-willed / caring / wallflower / people-pleaser
    there's no real way to describe swanpaw aside from pathetic. he'll let anyone walk all over him if it means he's useful, and often goes out of his way to volunteer for stuff no one else would want to do just so he doesn't have to watch people fight over it. he'll willingly hand over any cherished possessions when asked, even if there's nothing in it for him, he doesn't even need to be threatened either.

    despite his cowardice, swanpaw still loves the clan dearly and would lay down his life for it at any given moment. he fears that bad things happen to the clan because of his existence, and that maybe they'd be better off without him, but he refuses to leave them as he fears he'd be even more vulnerable outside of it, that and he refuses to leave his sisters side.

    hunches over, fiddles with his paws, kneads the ground anxiously, looks over his shoulder

    refuses to believe someone would like him, flusters easily
    SOUNDS LIKE: soft, dreary. fern - adventure time
    SMELLS LIKE: sea salt & wet animal.
    speech is #6BA8A8, baby doll

    ?? xx ?? sibling to bubblepaw | mentoring n/a , mentored by lilybloom
    Mate to n/a

  • ○○○○○○○○○○ HUNTING: poorly. unrefined skill, still needs to learn
    ✪✪○○○○○○○○ SWIMMING: decent (for his age. compared to the older members of the clan, swanpaw is average at swimming, he is around half a pawstep ahead of others his age, held two steps back by his fears

    ○○○○○○○○○○ TRACKING: poorly. unrefined skill, still needs to learn
    ○○○○○○○○○○ COMBAT: poorly. unrefined skill, still needs to learn
  • Code:
    [box=450px][center][img width=220px]https://i.imgur.com/ePjkrJP.png[/img][/center]
    [outline=#2c394d][size=22px][color=#6BA8A8][font=baby doll][left]SWANPAW[i]༄[/i]。˚⋆ [/left][/font][/color][/size][/outline][outline=#2c394d][size=18px][color=#6BA8A8][font=baby doll][right]And as folks walk by, you see with your eye[/right][/font][/color][/size][/outline][img]https://i.imgur.com/mdog94S.png[/img][fright][box=100px][bimg height=100px]https://i.imgur.com/hMUANh8.png[/bimg][/box][/fright][size=14px][justify][font=trebuchet ms] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. [b][color=#6BA8A8][font=baby doll]"Etiam congue, ante eget condimentum varius"[/font][/color][/b], dolor lorem pellentesque eros, eleifend auctor velit massa a justo. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque non enim vel tellus imperdiet commodo. Maecenas blandit ullamcorper ipsum, ultrices vulputate felis dictum sed. Ut vehicula id urna a imperdiet. Curabitur volutpat, mauris nec aliquet suscipit, velit nisi imperdiet magna, id auctor ante dolor sed arcu. Ut finibus augue sagittis dui dignissim finibus.
    Donec eleifend nunc at lorem aliquet, blandit ultricies mi ultrices. Nulla facilisi. Donec lobortis lectus eu nisl dapibus, eget lacinia metus laoreet. Praesent a mauris sem. Proin feugiat turpis a aliquam consectetur. Donec leo erat, convallis a diam sed, tempus luctus orci. Phasellus quis sem blandit, congue nisi in, fringilla odio. Aenean a condimentum lorem. Aliquam tempus mi vitae lorem sollicitudin, ac congue diam posuere. Nullam ac elementum justo, in maximus est. In ultrices non nisi eu porta. Donec eleifend sem magna, porttitor mattis lorem dictum at. Nunc ac risus tincidunt, fringilla elit nec, pellentesque dui. [/font][/justify][/size][img]https://i.imgur.com/mdog94S.png[/img][outline=#2c394d][size=18px][color=#6BA8A8][font=baby doll][right]"Hold me" is repeatedly given[/right][/font][/color][/size][/outline]
    [slide=ooc ༄][justify][size=13px][b]ooc[/b] - [/size][/justify]
    [slide=info ༄][justify][size=13px][b]info[/b] -[/size] [fleft][img width=200px]https://i.imgur.com/FfzJR9j.png[/img][/fleft][quote][outline=#2c394d][size=15px][color=#6BA8A8][font=baby doll][b]Swanpw[/b][/font][/color][/size][color=#6BA8A8][/color][/outline] [size=20px]༄[/size] riverclan [size=20px]༄[/size] apprentice [size=20px]༄[/size] he/him [size=20px]༄[/size] bisexual [size=20px]༄[/size] npc x npc [size=20px]༄[/size] sibling of [abbr=penned by carat]bubblepaw[/abbr][size=20px]༄[/size] penned by [url=https://tabbytales.net/members/catburger.1408/]catburger[/url] [/quote][/justify][/slide][/TABS][/box]
    [b][color=#6BA8A8][font=baby doll]"Etiam congue, ante eget condimentum varius"[/font][/color][/b]
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