
Jan 7, 2024
A soft sigh let cold air curl from her mouth. Mismatched eyes were turned to an overcast sky, ears lowered and fur fluffed up against the cold. The chill was gnawing at her bones, but it wasn't anything she's was too unfamiliar with now. Being born in late spring had been nothing short of a surprise to her flank. Being a young kit facing the end times of leaf-bare was difficult, but fulfilling. Her eyes focused on a flurry that drifted down, landing somewhere beyond her paw in the muddy confines of camp.

The sun hadn't been out lately to dry anything out, and the mud liked to settle in her fur, something that she was... horribly at ends with. Yet, the stillness in the air was appreciated- nothing was rushing around, nothing that yawned in their face like danger. Her shoulder rolled gently. Her mentor had given her some time off today, which she appreciated, but Claypaw did ache to be back in the field. Practicing her dry hunting, and her battle. Eyes shifted and snapped to the first cat that approached, forcing herself to not allow her fur to prickle. Part of her training had been well.. stoicism.

Upon first entering camp as a colony cat, she had been a bit vocal, but her mentor had made sure to beat that idea out of her brain with persistent training. They were still working on being friendly to the blood of Riverclan, yet the torbie could not deny it wasn't getting any easier. "I'll move if I'm in your spot. Or I'm needed." She offered, ears twitching as her focus drifted back to the sky.
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  • ooc: — please note this is pre-execution order! feel free to be the cat she's speaking to

  • a large, lh chocolate torbie towering, nine moons old, she/her. well-build and muscled. a drypaw. former river colony cat.
While Wavepaw felt like he generally got along with almost everyone in the clan, there were very few he felt close enough with to consider true friends - or even family, in the case of some. His own mother had abandoned him to Riverclan when the Ripple Colony decided to join their ranks, refusing to give up her life as a loner. He was too young to feel the sting of her betrayal back then, and had been lucky enough to be raised with love and care here amongst the clan. But it did often leave him feeling a bit jealous, whenever he saw the newly created lives of the clan's kits, surrounded by their adoring parents and getting to experience that closeness he never had.

Fortunately for him, he'd become quite close to many of the other apprentices here; one in particular that had joined Riverclan with him at a similarly young age. Claypaw may be abrasive to most, but she'd been a shining light in his childhood, a pillar of familiarity and comfort that he clung to desperately even into his apprenticeship. She could keep up that tough exterior with the rest of their clanmates, but he was able to see through her to that soft, lovable soul beneath.

And so he was not the least bit phased by her short remark at his approach, noting that she seemed distracted and probably hadn't even noticed that he was the one bouncing towards her. A cheeky grin lit up his face as he drew closer, realizing that a great opportunity lay at his paws with her attention firmly locked on the sky. His hindquarters wiggled slightly as he coiled like a snake ready to strike, before launching forward and draping his smaller frame across her shoulders gently. "What if I just came to bother you?" He giggled mischievously, lifting a muddy paw to lightly bop her on the nose while he had her trapped.
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the hardest thing she had to say about not being from the roots of riverclan is how easily soaked one would get, making one much more susceptible to the cold. the mud that clung to her own pelt would be left, the fawn tortie acknowledging the fact that it would just taste disgusting and not be worth to clean only to trudge in it again.

maplepaw had been born early summer, used to the warmth and being able to bask in the sun, so now the cold sunk deep into her bones with the help of the water that wouldn't run off her pelt like they did the others. she couldn't give them the satisfaction of feeling like they were defeating her though, a grin on her face as her head was held up high despite thickly coated muddy paw. it couldn't mask the sudden shiver that ran down her body, letting out an annoyed sigh.

sage green eyes drifted to wavepaw and claypaw, a snicker escaping her at wavepaws playful demeanor. "I don't see ya in the way at all, claypaw," she responded with the rumble of a purr as she offered a large grin. sure, she was procrastinating her duties just a bit, but she just wanted a moments- was that too much to ask for?