camp drivin' on an open highway - prepping

With each passing day the dogs remained on their territory, the larger grew the threat that they wound find the camp. Her heart longed to be out there, helping her clanmates scout and track, but she knew it wasn't safe. Part of her wished it were a different predator that had made their home here. Foxes...badgers...stars, anything would be better than dogs. A small sliver of her was relieved that she didn't have to go out there....she hadn't seen a dog, let alone multiple, since her mother had been killed. Would she even be able to help fight them? Would she freeze up in fear? It was probably for the best that she didn't have to find out.

However, sitting here doing nothing wasn't helping anything either. Her tail flicked as she tried to think of ways to be useful, but still remain in the camp. She had her attention snatched as she heard her kits squealing as they played. That's it.. she thought, before raising to her paws. A delighted purr rumbled in her throat as she realized getting up was much easier now that the extra kit weight was almost slimmed off of her. Her plume tail would motion for the kits to come to her. "Come here sweeties." she would call, waiting for them to listen. Once they joined her, she would continue. "We are going to practice what to do if the dogs find the camp." Starclan forbid it actually happen, but there was nothing wrong with preparing in case it did.

anyone else is welcome to join in too!
Stormkit had never seen a dog before. She knew from whispers that they were big—bigger than her mother and father combined likely! The threat had always been there, looming over her little head, but as a child, there were other things to occupy her mind with. Chasing Pebblepaw, biting Wildpaw's tail, both of those were things that she would much rather think about than meeting a dog.

Wide-eyed, the she-kit tottered over to greet her mother with a purr, bunting her head against Flamewhisker's legs. "Are they coming? Soon?" She whispered, a shiver passing down her tiny spine.


Dogs, something that had once been merely apart of her imagination. Now she has witnessed the vile beast first paw and boy were they ferocious… She feels for any apprentices that were dragged along by their mentors to investigate the dogs. For once she was thankful Little Wolf was in the nursery, there was no way now she’d be grabbed by the tail for canine investigative work.

Flamewhisker, another queen who had just had her own kittens were teaching them what to do if dogs ever entered camp. The thought had never crossed her mind before, camp had always seemed like a safe space no enemy could touch… Was it possible they’d find camp?! Would Ragwortpaw be slain by one of the mutts yet?!

Stormkit is concerned, scared, Ragwortpaw sees the shive that runs down her spine. The burly blue she-cat is not about to help calm the kits down in any sense, ”Yes! They run really fast! They’ll get from sunningrocks to here super quick!” She blurts out, her own fur beginning to bristle in concern.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· RAGWORTPAW, female — she / her
╰ ‣ named for her health & strength at birth .
╰ ‣ 5 moons . ages on the ??
╰ ‣ thunderclan apprentice . loner born . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, oak and maple trees , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue furred . long-hared . a very furry head, chest, and tail

· ESTJ-A ❝​
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Hufflepuff, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Kind-hearted . Honest . Loud .Justice-seeking . People-pleaser . Gullible . Empty-headed . Humorous
╰ ‣ Though she is all brawn and no brain, Ragwort tries her best and carries a bleeding heart to all whom surround her. She takes the role of "big sister" with her siblings and friends, never failing to have their backs, take care of them, and defend them when needed (sometimes even jumping the gun). While she doesn't offer the best emotional support (not due to a lack of trying) she gives the best hugs and is great at giving cats distractions with her shenanigans.
╰ ‣ finds minimal difficulty relating to others . wears a bleeding heart

· GRIME x CINDERFROST, sister to toadpaw, prowlingpaw, hollypaw
╰ ‣ unknown sexuality.
╰ ‣ poor fighter . poor hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
  • Haha
Reactions: Flamewhisker

It was both good for the kits to know to be prepared and terrifying that it had come to this. Sunfreckle had only just gotten back from his last border patrol, pausing to pick some burrs from his tail that had gotten caught in the tangled long red fur he tried so hard to keep off the ground, when he overheard Flamewhisker's voice from the nursery. He wrinkled his nose in thought, caught a knotted burr between his teeth and slowly tried to rake it out with a sharp but gentle grip so as not to rip an entire patch of his pelt out in the process but once he'd dislodged it and spit it to the side he was rising to stand.
Unfortunately Ragwortpaw beat him there, he swore that child did nothing but yelling things out loud without any restraint; having had her in the nursery when he was still there made him very aware of her boisterous habits and shaking his head he strolled forward to give her a gentle shove as he came to a stop.
"Now, Ragwortpaw-that's not true. Not if we have anything to say about it." The red tabby offered a hesitant smile to his friend before glancing to the kittens and the longhaired apprentice, "Emberstar is protecting us still from StarClan, but we've got to do our part too. Following instructions, doing as Flamewhisker tells you. We're going to try our best to keep the dogs away from camp, but its always good to know what to do just in case."
Howling Wind's scouting patrols were still holding strong, still searching for the horrid mutts so they might organize a way to drive them off. Sunfreckle found himself growing less afraid and more enraged with each passing day. He wanted them out of here. He would claw them back himself.
"How about I be the dog for this lesson?"
Stormkit bumps her head against her leg, and she couldn't help but lean down and lick the top of her daughter's head. Her attention flicked to Falconkit for a moment, and she was reminded just how much smaller Stormkit was than her brother. Are they coming? Soon?

The words were lost as everything around her went black.

"Mom...?" Her voice trembled weakly as she glanced up at her mother. "Are...are they still there?"

Beside her stood a beautiful blue and cream tortie. Her long fur ruffled in the wind, and her ears were shoved forward. Dark forest green eyes, much like her own, burned with such an intense ferociousness it was almost like staring into the sun. Despite the mangled back leg, she stood challengingly down at the dogs below. "Yes. They smell your blood...they will not leave."

Flame lifted her head up from the ledge she was laying along. Everything hurt. The last thing she could remember was feeling one of the dog's grab ahold of her, and being thrown towards the rock wall. She wasn't sure how she had gotten up here, or when her mother had come. The world around her was blurry, and the overwhelming smell of blood and dogs made it hard to breathe. Their hot breath was warming the air as they tried to jump on to the ledge. She saw the paws of one as it clung to the side, but her mother quickly bit it's feet, causing it to fall back down. "We're...we're going to die.
" She didn't want to die. There was so many things she wanted to do still...she wanted to find love, have kits of her own someday...


Flame had never heard her mother say something more certain before...and for a moment, she almost believed it. But, there was no other possible outcome here. The more the dogs tried, the higher they were able to get...they would be fresh-kill any moment now.

"I would never let anything happen to you." The beautiful Molly turned to look at her, and Flame's eyes rounded with worry. "I know you are hurt my dear...but I need you to run, and don't look back."

Flame's jaws opened to argue, but before she could, she watched as her mother leaped off of the ledge towards the dogs below. She landed squarely onto the top of one's head, and slashed her claws viciously across it's eyes. A battle cry rang throughout the area, and she ran off into the forest, taking the dogs along with her. [/I]


Back into reality.

Her head whipped around wildly, nearly all of her fur standing on end. It took a few moments, but she able to calm herself down. She was in the camp...preparing her children on what to do if dogs found them...Her attention darted from Sunfreckle, to Ragwortpaw, and then back to her kits. "I would never let anything happen to you." Now it was her eyes that burned with the same intensity. The dogs were not here...and if they did come, she would protect them. But she had to make sure they knew what to do if the scenario became true, so that she could protect her mother had.

As Sunfreckle offered to be the dog, she would give him a fierce nod. She then shifted her attention back to her kits. "If a dog were to come into the camp, I will let out yowl. That is your signal. If you are playing in the camp, I want you two to run back to the nursery like you have never run before. Little Wolf will be in there with you, I want you to hide behind her. I will be in the den's entrance. Under no circumstances are you to leave from your spot until the all clear is given...Do you think you could do that?"

It broke her heart that kits had to fear the chance of dogs coming near camp. But it was better to be safe than sorry with this training. It was a good idea for all the young cats to know what to do if something like dogs entered the camp. One day it could be a fox or badger. Hollow Tree knew there were dangers everywhere but often forgot that camp wasn’t untouchable.

“Flamewhisker is wise, it’s best to listen to her.” the warrior comments to the kits as she makes her way over. “Your clanmates will also make sure nothing happens to you.” her eyes glance at the first time queen’s direction. Hollow Tree truly meant that. She would do everything in her power to make sure Thunderclan never lost another young cat. “The nursery will be the safest place for you.” but it was going to be scary no matter how safe it was. “I can act as a dog if you need. For this scenario.”
[ you fall through the trees . tags ]
Ragwortpaw's remark did not soothe the ruffled kitten fur. Stormkit's eyes widened and she pressed herself closer to her mother, staring at the older blue molly. Her head whipped up to Flamewhisker, seeking a reassurance that the dogs would not come immediately to the camp. Sunfreckle stepped in first to refute it and although Stormkit was still shaken, she calmed down ever so slightly.

The feeling of her mother's tongue against her head made her breathe normally. She could tell her mother had suddenly become frozen, like she was somewhere that was not here. Stormkit could not quite fathom such a thing, but she was relieved when Flamewhisker became "normal" again. She listened and glanced warily both at Sunfreckle and Hollow Tree, who had agreed to be fake dogs.

"What if they get into the nursery?" Stormkit whispered, rising up on her hind legs.


Little Wolf is thankful her apprentice still comes to visit her in the nursery, is thankful to get the opportunity to see her and to hear about how her training is going. With her in the nursery Howling Wind has taken up her duties in helping her learn how to be a warrior and Little Wolf couldn’t be more grateful. The brown tabby she cat was an excellent teacher and she couldn’t ask for a better stand in. Though she does worry about her with all this extra weight on her shoulders.

It would be a lie to say that she herself is not worried about the possibility of a dog breaking into the camp. She envisions the creatures now, snarling and drooling as they infiltrate their sanctum. In her nightmares it runs straight to her and snaps her and her unborn kits into its jaws, sending them all straight to Star Clan. Or worse, it is tearing into her own children and there is nothing she can do to help.

She shudders.

She wants to tell her apprentice not to scare the kits but before she can Sunfreckle beats her to it, reassuring everyone, to which she sends him a grateful nod. But not everyone is as convinced apparently. "What if they get into the nursery?" she asks. "Your mother is one of the fiercest warriors I know" she reassures gently "everything will be okay as long as you do what she says" she looks in Flamewhiskers direction and sends the fellow queen a gentle and reassuring smile