pafp drowning in low tide [prompt]

( slight CW for mentions of blood in the 2nd paragraph! )

The sun is just beginning to rise over the forest territory, light peeking through the gaps of trees above the patrol. As expected, prey has become more and more scarce as winter has gone on, and every patrol counts. Still, the young warrior is not above a bit of complaining. "It’s so cold… I just want it to get warm again," he says softly as they walk along. Snow has begun to stick to the fur between his toes, clumping together into frosty patches that tug painfully at his skin. He can imagine that it’s worse for the clanmates who have thinner coats than himself, but it’s still a nuisance to pull the clumped snow from his pelt. Glancing at Burnstorm, the dark tom seems even more well-suited to the cold than Falconheart himself.

Lost in thought, the cream tabby is only paying half attention as he trails along behind the patrol. He isn’t sure what makes him turn—perhaps a scent on the wind or a flickering shadow—but no matter what it is, Falconheart is grateful that he looks when he does. There, silhouetted against the purple-pink sky, stands a deer. At once he sees blood, smells it. Sandthorn lies upon snow stained in red, lifeless, her chest crushed by a creature so massive that the warrior hadn’t stood a chance. The deer steps closer, striding through the snow, and blue-green eyes flicker to Burnstorm; his mentor either hasn’t noticed the deer yet, or doesn’t see the danger that they’re all in. If one thing goes wrong…

The deer suddenly straightens, ears flicking as though something has spooked it. Hooves stamp across the ground as it rushes away from whatever threat it’s spotted—moving directly toward their patrol. The young tom’s heart jumps wildly in his chest, fear nearly choking him as he turns to run. "Burnstorm, move!" Pale paws scramble through the snow, and he aims to slam his shoulder against the older tom’s to shove him out of the animal’s path. His vision blurs with red and fear; what if he’s too slow?

[ find me way out there ]

Snow falls from the sky, glimmering like stars falling from the night sky and turning his home into a nearly unrecognizable landscape. A forest blanketed by white, shrouded in cold. His own fur is a shield and he uses it to his advantage. In green-leaf, it would be the opposite. His dark fur would soak up the sun, leaving him feeling as if any moment his own flesh may very well boil him alive. So he relishes the cold, enjoys the feeling of snow working its way between his toes because at least he is not hot. Falconheart, however, seems to feel the opposite. "Speak for yourself" he says with an amused huff, his tone not unkind as he lowers his head to scent claw marks gouged into the snow, a creature searching for any scraps of food it could get its grubby little hands on. A squirrel had passed through here. If they were lucky it had not gone far, if they were lucky they could catch it, could bring it home to the quickly diminishing prey pile. He does not see the deer, the object of Falconheart's panic. He is too busy scanning the forest, golden eyes searching for any hint of prey that could be scoured from within.

It is only when Falconheart calls out his name that he looks up, that he sees the massive creature barreling for them. It is close, but if he doesn't move from his current spot it would breeze right past them, or so he thinks. Suddenly, brown fur is pushing him, knocking hm away from a percieved danger that he had not been in. He had not been in the path of those sharp hooves, had not needed saving and yet his once apprentice had leaped to his rescue, had shoved him with his shoulder and sent him, wide-eyed with surprise, tumbling into a nearby bush. "OUMPH!" he cries out as he lands hard on his shoulder, the wind knocked from him.

Moments pass as he tries to gain control over his own breath once again, as he sucks air into his burning lungs. "Ugh" he groans as he pushes himself to his feet, his shoulder still crying out in pain. His gaze, still dazed, turns to Falconheart. "Why in StarClan's name did you do that? It was running past us, everything was fine" their trajectory would not have crossed, he had not been in any danger and yet... "Though I will say I'm glad you think my sorry hide is worth saving" he says with a slight huff of laughter, despite the pain that still throbs where he had landed.

don't try to rush your enemies .
“Such bravery, saving our lead warrior.” He rumbled, staring at the two with a raised brow, giving his tail a low flick that rustled the miscellaneous foliage. His amber hues flickered, helm turning to stare at the creature’s path with furrowed brows. Remarkable. He wanted to comment, instead he let thoughts swirl with more unfortunate outcomes that this patrol would have taken if the deer had taken a different path.

He tutted, tapping idly against the ground in an offset pattern, helm shifting to peer at Burnstorm, brow raised. “Quite the landing.” He rumbled, ears twitching, turning amber hues to Talonheart. “Nothing to fret over. The danger’s long past us, no doubt. No long-lasting injuries, I hope?” He added.
thought speech
Wide eyes sweep up and down across the taller tom’s form as Burnstorm pulls himself from the bushes he’d been shoved into. His former mentor lets out a noise that certainly doesn’t come across as pleased as he stands back up, and the young warrior’s stomach drops. Burnstorm explains that he wasn’t actually in any danger, assuring him that everything was fine. He winces. "I… I’m so sorry, I thought—I just saw it coming and I thought you were…" he cuts himself off mid-sentence, nearly biting his tongue in the midst of his panicked attempt at an explanation. Has he messed up? In trying to protect him from harm, has he hurt Burnstorm even more? Is his mentor angry with him? He only wanted to help, to look out for his former mentor in the same way that the lead warrior had looked out for him as he trained him.

So caught up in his apologies, he nearly doesn’t catch the dark-furred warrior’s final comment. But it does reach his ears, and after a moment he manages to respond, if not a bit haltingly. "Of course I’d want to save you! I don’t—you’re a good warrior. I don’t want you to get hurt!" Oakfang next rumbles out a comment on his bravery, and the cream tabby shakes his head in protest. What he did wasn’t brave; in hindsight, it was stupid! What if he’d severely injured a clanmate, just because he didn’t pay enough attention? Oakfang asks whether Burnstorm is injured, and the anxiety in his chest flares again. "Did I hurt you? I didn’t mean to…" His ears tip flat against his head, guilt written clearly across his expression.
[ find me way out there ]