private Drowning sorrows (Snakehiss)

Perhaps the disgraced ex-deputy thing was contagious. Badgermoon had heard the basics of what had happened to Snakehiss in the time he and Curlewnose had been in exile, and he would be lying if he said it was not at least slightly amusing. Mostly, though, it hurt his heart to see the young dark tom who he had supported on his path to warriorhood be led astray and suffer the penalties of his misplaced loyalties. They were both confined to camp for now, though for different reasons, their status as fully-fledged WindClanners presently in question. Badgermoon was entirely too overjoyed to be back on the moor, and too thankful for the prey and soft nest, to object to his confinement. It would be some time before he felt well enough to bound along the hills as he once had. The black-and-white tom was seated in a pool of sunlight, half-twisted, grooming the inky fur along his spine. No matter how many times he cleaned himself, he felt he could still smell the reek of the Twolegplace, clinging to his pelt. His yellow eyes flicked up at the patter of approaching pawsteps, and widened in surprise when he realized who it was. "Snakehiss." he mrowed quietly, though not unkindly, straightening up. "Good morning."

[ up to you if you want this to be pre- or post-kitten arrival! <3
It's curious — at one point in his life, Badgermoon had been the cat that Snakehiss wanted to be like the most. Strong, respected, seasoned. The arrogant Snakepaw had often bragged about how superior his mentor was as opposed to others'. Then, in an instant, Snakehiss had decided that he hated Badgermoon for what he'd done. How could he, a younger version of himself had thought. How could he have thrown his reputation and respect away all for the sake of snatching power for himself? How could he have turned his back on his clanmates, his kin, him? Then, a seething hatred born from hurt and betrayal had slowly morphed into uncertainty — had Sootstar told the truth about Badgermoon? Snakehiss had tried to weasel an answer out of the late leader mere hours before the final battle, before everything had changed.

Now, the truth had been revealed. Badgermoon and Curlewnose had returned to WindClan, having heard of Sootstar's defeat through rumor.

They stood together now, two birds of a feather. Albeit their circumstances were not exactly the same, but close enough. They were a pair of disgraced deputies, watching WindClan recover from Sootstar's long and iron-ruled reign, now from the perspective of normal warriors. "Badgermoon." Snakehiss utters his former mentor's name, still growing re-accustomed to speaking it upon his tongue openly and not feeling as if it were taboo.

Viridian eyes survey the bustling camp, observing as cats work on fulfilling their duties for the day. Small apprentices shadow their mentors, staring up at them and eagerly expecting orders. Snakehiss knows that feeling; a pang in his chest yearns for the days when things felt normal. "It's... hard to believe that this is reality. That this isn't all some strange dream." Snakehiss begins, attempting to express his feelings to the best of his ability, though they are hard to describe. "Do you feel similarly?" It's odd, conversing with the older tom. Snakehiss had not done so in what felt like forever; even after he earned his warrior name, his relationship with Badgermoon had soured as he focused his attention on his young children. Now, they were warriors themselves.

  • pre-kitten arrival probably!! <3
  • 71016142_9rYADptBxGUs9zn.png
  • 77053620_v7IN9LxSdUc41lI.png
    he/him; moor runner of windclan
    long-limbed black tom with green eyes, a small white chest patch, and multiple scars
    father to violetkit, waspkit, cricketkit, and privetkit (duskclan)
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​