sensitive topics drums of battle — rouge scuffle

make peace with your broken pieces .
/ not really graphic, just thought it was better to be cautious ^^ just a scuffle with rouges ! some minor injury, but nothing that'll require immediate attention

Whitelion couldn’t help but fear for his temporary apprentice, his expression shifted into concern for someone so small to fall at the paws of yellowcough. He wondered, halfheartedly if he could have stopped it from spreading, but a plague was unforeseeable, even for him. It made his heart swell in pain. I am truly sorry, little one.

If he could not prevent yellowcough from taking another clanmate, then perhaps he could provide prey to fill their empty stomachs, even if was little. Whitelion hummed, pivoting a white-furred helm, golden optic observing the terrain for the slightest crunch of leaves.

His expression morphed, smelling rogues before his eye landed on them making his hackle rise. It was rare to see the bulky tom yell, but his voice cut through like thunder, “Leave!” A singular word that would have done little, but he was nothing but determined to chase them off regardless of the state of his body.

He could see the flashes of surprise within their orbs as he came into view, vibrant against the dull terrain, leveling them with an icy stare. “I do not wish to repeat myself.” He rumbled, teeth bared, but he remained rooted, watching with an observant hue. It was pointless, watching them cackle and grin like hyenas.

Whitelion heaved a sigh, tiredness making itself known. He would never understand their minds and he never will. His muzzle crinkled, offering a low-guttural snarl that rippled out, narrowly missing the swipe of claws aimed at his flank, rolling on his side with a loud grunt, kicking up derbies as he came to a stand, hackle rising. The warrior barely had time to dodge, claws ripping flesh and staining his white fur ichor, drawing a startled grunt from the male. He slammed into the other, sending them both flying, landing with a breathless huff, blood trickling into his eye causing him to squint, noting the other reading a swipe to his exposed side, claws gleaming with ichor.

He realized then with a weakened body that he wouldn’t be able to react, focusing what little strength he had in holding the other down with his bulky form. He gritted his teeth, muscles bunching up to prepare for the unfortunate sting.

/ feel free to powerplay the two rogues ! do whatever you heart desires ^^
thought speech
Howlingstar hadn't been far off from her warrior, her jaws parted as she scents the air for any trace of prey. Nearby, she keeps an eye on @skypaw where her apprentice hunts in the undergrowth, but he is experienced enough now that she knows she doesn't need to watch his every move. He is a capable apprentice, she knows.

Whitelion's sudden bark draws her immediate attention, hunt forgotten as she whips her head around in the direction of the warrior. "Skypaw, come on," She orders swiftly before bounding through the brush to come upon the scene. Rogues! The tabby immediately lets out a snarl as she spots one of the cats moving to attach her clanmate as he pins another down. With a burst of adrenaline, the older molly lunges forward to tackle the tom unceremoniously. They tumble together, claws and fur flying before Howlingstar sinks her teeth into his shoulder.