camp drunk-dazed — asking questions [ pafp ]

Aug 14, 2023
just because i carry it so well doesn't mean it's not heavy .
Coming to terms with the fact he had family, or he does have a family—not the ones that abandoned him ( ones he can barely remember ) other than his adoptive mother, cruel as she was, she had cared, or maybe she never did? He couldn’t be sure. Maybe she was just using him all those times, a naïve kit wanting to find a place in the world led him down a dark path that made his skin crawl with disgust.

“Hey, Shiori?” A question toward the other, turning his helm toward the other, brows furrowed in contemplation. It had been a surprise, seeing the two of them, one abrasively claiming that ‘I’m your older brother’ throughout camp really put a halt on everything that day, brows knitted in confusion, maw parted like a gaping fish, because really how did someone respond to that? Long-lost family? He’d been on his own since birth, so trusting someone blindly hadn’t been his forte.

“Are you and Cal together?” He inquired, helm tilted. “You always bicker, saying you dislike him, but you're always attached to him, and well—” He paused, mulling over what he wanted to say next. “Are you sure you aren’t together? In a weird, kind of way?” He finished, plumed tail curling around his paws. He could barely wrap his helm around Shiori’s family, no less his own. So really should he be considering Shiori as his family, too?

/ please wait for @SHIORI.
thought speech
Shiori couldn't imagine his life without his so-called nemesis in it. Before he had realized his father was a part of SkyClan, Cal was part of the reason he'd chosen to stay - other than the desire to learn about Clan customs and the like. When they ended up searching for his brother together, it was a lot more fun than wandering alone. He grew to enjoy their banter, and grew accustomed to the other's company.

In a way, it almost felt like he truly meant the opposite of some of the things he said. But he didn't. Not at all.


Lux - no, he's Tatteredlight now - approaches him and his ears twitch. “Hm?” he hums, tilting his head as glances at the cream tabby. He expects some sort of conversation about the other's brother, and Shiori's self-proclaimed enemy, but as Tatterlight continues, Shiori's ever-present confident expression falters.

No longer do his lips rest in a smirk, no longer is his gaze showing intrigue. No, instead, his copper eyes are wide, ears pinned back, mouth agape. Someone once called them lovebirds, but he had brushed it off because he hadn't thought much about his feelings back then. Now, he had.

Shiori hated showing vulnerability, but Tatteredlight's question had shattered that layer of confidence that he hid his true self behind. It was innocent enough, just out of curiosity, or maybe concern for his family, and yet it hit the tortoiseshell hard. It was not something he could just brush off, because Tatteredlight gave reasoning, and that reasoning was true.

“That's… funny. Really, really funny,” he says, but he can't force a laugh out of his lips, and it's obvious that he doesn't find this funny at all. To him, it's like there's a wall blocking him from acting like he does find it funny, and that wall is made out of shock, forming realizations, and fear.

Shiori looks away from the other, taking a few deep breaths as if to regulate his beating heart. He's already let his guard down once, when he reunited with Duskpool, and he hadn't planned on letting it happen again so soon but here he is, and it's not even near anyone he'd be willing to let his guard down around.

Finally, Shiori's looks in Tatteredlight's general direction, but does not meet his gaze. “We're not together,” he mutters, “but I don't know how I really feel.” About Cal or about himself. And not knowing is the scariest part of it.​
*+:。.。 Relationship talk would never not be amusing to Orchidpaw. He liked seeing the way cats squirm at "innocent" questions, the way their eyes sparkled with reluctant longing for someone they apparently couldn't do without and yet weren't ready to accept that fact. Orchidpaw had yet to experience that feeling himself - for most of his life, he'd focused completely on being a responsible and uptight asshole that there'd been no room for looking at his den-mates as if they'd be anything besides patrol mates or worthy battle partners.
But now none of that mattered when the best goal is to live life happily and freely -
And what's more happy and free than being in love?

"You so have the hots for him" Orchidpaw would chime in oh-so-helpfully after overhearing the conversation. He wasn't actually familiar with Cal or Shiori but like - look at the guy! He was practically swooning on his feet even while implying 'it was complicated'. Man, what a fun, dramatic tangle of fate's red thread this must be! "Alright then Shiori, spill, what makes Cal so unworthy to be your mate" his eyes sparkled as he asked, "and if you're not into him, would you be upset if he took on someone else for a mate?" The green eyed canary was always the best way to get cats to spill their deeper feelings.

    DFAB— He/Him — Unsure
    9 moons — Ages 1 moon every month 28th
    Skyclan — Apprentice
    Son of Orangeblossom and Ashenclaw
    Brother to Cherrypaw, Eggpaw, Glimmerpaw

    Physically medium | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #bf8924
    injuries: None currently

His clanmates could really be so annoying sometimes even if he would put his life down for every single one of them. Some where just more difficult to like then others especially in situations like this. Fieryheart remember how he once had been put in a situation just like Shiori's when he had been questioned about his relationship with Jackdawpaw...Back then he had been flustered but now it just made him frustrated at himself thinking back on it. Shiori and Cal in a way reminded him of that relationship he had shared with his ex best friend. Of course at times it made him jealous just watching the two from afar as his heart aches still. But despite that he knew his place that he shouldn't put his nose in their business. Whatever relationship they shared it was for them to explore and discover no matter how much time it would take.

" Come on now he has already given a straight forward answer - give the guy a break." Fieryheart had tried to his best ability to not involve himself in this but he couldn't help it when Shiori looked so uncomfortable right now with all of their questions. Did they even know how difficult it could be to put a word to your feelings?. How it could drive you mad for not even knowing and once realizing what they meant it was already to late to do anything about them.

Fieryheart shot a glance to Shiori as he frowned, a sympathic look being present in his striking green eyes. He had half a mind to spat at them all to stay out of Cal's and Shiori's business that even noisy questions could be insensitive even if they might have good intentions in their hearts. He guess if Shiori gave him some sort of signal that he would step in and shut this whole conversation down.