dry your tears. littlepaw

A vicious chill sang it's harrowing melody through the edges of rocks and the limbs of tree's. Rattling the Skyclanner's very bones and urging them from their warm nests and into the frigid air. A proper outing was long overdue for the tiny scrap that was the scarred feline's apprentice. Yet, moons of sickness, death, and injury littered the previous days like an ugly stain. Leaving miniscule room for development and bonding like most mentors and apprentices had. Not including the most recent event involving Littlepaw and group of brutish rogues.

Thankfully, Tigerscar, Applefrost and Chyrsaliswing took care of them but now Dogbite needed to find a way to make amends. Hoping to discover a path in which he could level with his student and express just how deeply they truly felt. How sorry I am for letting you down again and again. Blazestar had bestowed them the greatest honor of passing on the lessons of being a Skyclanner to Littlepaw and they were falling short of that expectation. Swallowing harshly he did his best to pull away from the thrashing maelstrom of worry.

Instead the cinnamon and white feline did his best to focus on the task ahead. Shuffling through the mouth of the apprentice den he called out into the gloom with an expectant tone. "Littlepaw? You in here?" It had been a few days since the initial altercation and he'd had minimal success in finding the youth. Silently, he prayed the other was finally ready to come out into the daylight again, and be open too a much needed discussion.

  • ooc ;
    Hi! I felt like these two have desperately needed a priv and I based it on the previous thread regarding the rogues.

    I did take quite a few creative liberties with the series of events but if I stepped too far out of line please lmk and I'll fix this thread up ASAP!

    If not here's the rundown - After catching up to @LITTLEPAW! he would've taken them to the Medicine Cat to get patched up. Once cared for feel free to make it out like Littlepaw was avoiding Dogbite or is still recovering from their wounds! This interaction would take place two or more days after the attack.
  • 1000007505-png.1053

    ✧ 30 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
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it's not my fault i have my father's eyes .
Littlepaw had been avoiding everyone, but it was more difficult to avoid the other apprentices except it hadn’t been hard to slip past them with his small stature, just slightly larger than the average kit. He may have been annoyed at his size, but these past few days had been a blessing from StarClan, or however it went, Littlepaw hadn’t been paying much attention to the low chatter of clanmates.

It wasn’t if he wanted to avoid everyone, or maybe it was. He hated the pitiful glances some tossed his way at scars that now littered his frame, most still healing with a pinkish tint against ripped fur that looked irritated and painful. The apprentice breathed tiredly, burrowing his scarred nose beneath a fluffy tail hoping to quell the ache that persisted within his limbs, still healing, and that annoyed him more than anything.

His tired hues blinked sluggishly against the curling darkness, barely able to make sense of where his paws were stashed beneath his small frame to ward off the chilly air. I can’t even fight, so why am I—? He frowned, unable to ignore the thought. He had wanted to do things on his own, or at least prove to others that he didn’t need to be coddled or taken care of. He could do that by himself. He wasn’t some stupid kit that needed his mother, but even he couldn’t deny the small comfort it brought him to press against his mother’s fur even if she hadn’t been there that much since they’d been introduced to SkyClan.

He blinked, brows furrowed at the call of his name, lifting his helm to peer at the entrance where his mentor stood. Oh. He flinched, gathering himself to pad forward with blank hues resting on his mentor’s silhouette. “Here.” He called, biting the inside of his cheek wishing he could avoid the other for one more day ( or better yet, everyone ) but it seemed that wouldn’t be the case for much longer.

He stumbled forward, past Dogbite to peer up at the other. “Training?” He asked, hoping to be true. He wanted to get out, and maybe avoid talking about, well, Littlepaw wasn’t so sure. He just needed something else to do, like getting better at fighting.
thought speech
Looking down with his eye the tabby's chest constricts at the sight of Littlepaw. Downy coat hardened with scrapes and scars. Small face weighed from pain and exhaustion. A slight mirror to his own body and enough to scare the fur off of him. I must protect him. This can't go on any longer. Ignoring the urge to send the youth to bed he pushes on. Smoothing over his student's curiosity and quashing their hopes. "Nope. We're patrolling today near the two-legs place. Just you and me." His words fall awkwardly and flat but the intent is there. Littlepaw couldn't stay curled up in bed forever nor avoid the territory in which they lived.

Now that Dogbite was here they had no intention of letting the other get hurt. Still, exposing the Apprentice to their fears was the quickest route to recovery if they were ever going to make it. The cinnamon and white feline knee a simple mission they could complete. Giving them both ample time to catch up and learn together. He had found a kit there the other night and planned on staking out the parameter. Searching for any inkling of whom the abandoned kittypet's parents had been. Blinking back into the current moment he steps away from the mouth of the den.

Shaking out the chill in his pelt the warrior warns. "It's very cold today and with tensions high between our neighbors we need to stay vigilant. Are you up for the task?" He eyes the youth for any hint of hesitation or protest. Dogbite wanted to be a firm mentor but he would never push Littlepaw past their limits.

  • ooc ;
  • 1000007505-png.1053

    ✧ 30 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
Last edited:
it's not my fault i have my father's eyes .
Oh. Littlepaw refused to let his disappointment show, tucking his ears against a scared helm. Patrolling. He breathed, flank rising and falling in silent defeat, urging tired paws forward. Twolegs? His brows lowered against the black and white of his fur. It made him wonder, just how long ago it was when he first crossed the border with his mama and siblings. He wanted to laugh now, blue hues dulling with the pull of dark lips into a bitter grimace, hidden with a turn of his helm.

He didn’t want his mentor knowing, seeing him like this, but hadn’t Dogbite already seen? Avoiding everything like the plague that ran rampant through the clans. It didn’t last long. With his avoidance of everything.

“Alright.” He uttered, glancing at his mentor with a low thrum of his voice, giving no protest or hesitation. Something to do. Something useful. He hated sitting. Littlepaw enjoyed working. He liked the burn it brought because that meant he was getting better, training his muscles. Every chance he got. The small apprentice wasn’t shy in asking for more things to do. He had failed and Littlepaw didn’t want to taste that again.

He shuffled past Dogbite and into the open terrain with a shaky breath, glancing around wearily despite his best attempts to stop it. “Why twolegs?” He voiced after a pregnant pause, breath coming out in quick puffs against his muzzle, glancing at his mentor with furrowed brows.
thought speech
Noting their crestfallen expression the scraggly tom sighs to himself softly. Sorry, kid. His question is answered as the smaller cat leads onward and out into the territory. Intently the taller feline matches his student's pace with a comfortable gait. Blue eye peering out into the uneven patch-work of Skyclan. They'd grown to love the jutting crevice's, towering tree's, and clean air but the snow had blanketed it all. Now it looked like a blank canvas with splotches of mud and grime peering out of it. Trudging through the chill their pelt prickles with protest. Gotta keep going or I'll defiantly lose my fur. One by one he heaved each paw over each other pushing through the muck.

His ears twitch to attention as a familiar voice quizzes them. Looking down he grants the other a quick answer. Voice low and lulling as he recalls the event. "Well just the other day I found a kitten. Dumped by two-legs and they aren't the first." A grunt interrupts his meow as he manuevers over a stump. "I've decided we should re-mark the border and ensure no more surprises have been left for us." Their mind soon takes the reigns as the older tabby falls silent. Also to make sure there's no rogue activity. They didn't want to upset the Apprentice and so the Warrior intentionally left any mention of rogue's out. Alas, they made it to the half-way marker of tall-pines where the tree's reached soaring heights above.

Halting in his struggle within the snow Dogbite addresses his pupil once more. "Okay. Go ahead and start scouting the area. Tell me what you can smell." Dropping his jaw the patchy tom drank in the surrounding scents. Taking note of stale prey scent and passing birds but nothing more. His gaze fell expectantly on the black and white paw' curious to see what they'd find.

  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan warrior ; ex-loner ; mentor to littlepaw
    ✧ 31 moons old ; birthday 07/01 ; ages realistically
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
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