duck duck goose // prompt

► Sleepyfawn.

sleepyfawn & 16 moons & demi-boy & he/they & shadowclan warrior
With new leaf just around the corner, Sleepyfawn finally seems to come out of his perpetual slumber - mismatched gaze wide awake for once where he lays in camp. It's not quite as cold today as many others, and for once the perpetually cold tom allows himself to bask in the fading sunlight, tail swishing along behind him. A frog lies between him and @Skywish where they lay, though he's only taken a few bites - tall though he may be, he's always been a thin cat, an ever so delicate and dainty eater. Instead, he's far mor epreoccupied with sharing the thoughts that linger in his mind. " Do you think we'll be seeing more kits this newleaf? I know we have needledrift and ferndances litters but... " Well, hadn't newleaf always been a season of love and new life? Stars even the birds and the frogs seemed to catch onto the changes, taking advantage of the warmth and greenery on the way to multiply their numbers. He wonders what it must be like, to be in love - to start a family. If he'll ever be able to taste a bit of that joy. But, he supposes, it can't be far off from what he feels now.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
❤︎₊ ⊹ Sharing tongues is a tradition as old as time itself. It's an act of comfort and camaraderie, a sign of trust and respect. Oftentimes, gossip & rumours about clanmates and sometimes even secrets are shared over a grooming session.
" Mind if I join you? " Mockingbirdcry trills, dipping her head to the pair of warriors. She's always happy to have conversation or share tongues—her own unmanageable feathery fur is a testament to the difficulty in daily grooming it presents. That, and it's nice to get out of the nursery for a bit and get the scoop on the Clan's gossip; after all, queens didn't have the reputation of being gossips for nothing. Sweet - tempered as she may be, it'd be a lie to say Mockingbirdcry didn't enjoy occasionally indulging in a bit of gossip.

" I'd bet my tail, " the queen mews softly with a throaty laugh, flicking the massive appendage as she settles onto her stomach with a soft oof. Her own now - grown kits hadn't been borne of love, exactly, but she adored them all the same. Even at her age, it'd be a lie to say she didn't cast an eye at the adoring couples dotting the camp, though—she can hardly blame a young warrior like Sleepyfawn for his starry - eyed expression. " The warm season always brings kittens, in my experience, " she advises, smoothing a paw over one curled ear. " I'd personally be glad to have some young things around to cheer everyone up a bit. "

" speech "


The idea of more kittens was an odd one to Ferndance: it wasn't a case of 'I got mine', she just didn't see many ShadowClanners that were in a relationship. Her peers were ready to tear each other apart at a moment's notice, as funny as it may have been to see enemies share tongues, the amusement was lost on the cinnamon tabby when children were involved. An affinity for the young had increased tenfold with hers and Needledrift's litters, litters that Sleepyfawn had mentioned to Skywish as the pair cleaned the grime from their fur. She looked towards Mockingbird's tail as she mentioned it, eyes hungry. "If you're wrong... can I keep it? Your tail?" She'd never had a tail before (aside from her own), she wondered how it would look in her nest of oddities and wonders. Gaze lingering too long on the appendage, eventually, Ferndance was able to settle her attention onto Mockingbirdcry and Skywish once more, humming at words that had been spoken some time ago. "I... I think me and Needledrift are the only two ShadowClanners in a relationship. I wanna see love before I see babies, I can even play matchmaker if you'd like."


[ ༻❄༺ ] With newleaf around the corner and then the talk of kits... Snowpaw blinked, they already lacked in warriors so wouldn't having more kits cause more of an issue for the clan when they hardly had enough? Snowpaw already had to share a mentor, and she can't imagine Scorchedmoon taking on a third (and of course she wouldn't be to pleased about playing babysitter to another as well as Swallowpaw). Stubby tail twitched a bit as she wrinkled her nose slightly. "Who would train them when they become 'paws?" she would interject. Not thinking that in 5 moons she herself would be a warrior, and would perhaps be tasked in training one of Shadowclan's future warriors. They already had the three Needledrift had and then the two Lilacfur had taken in, which was enough as is.

"We lack warriors, and the ones with two surely couldn't take a third" she prompted coolly her yellow eyes on the three who spoke. Even if new leaf was the time to have kits, they still have much to think about, especially Shadowclan's current situation. Yet, Snowpaw was bit too young to think about love or settling down with another and stating her own family with them.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 7 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Newleaf ushers in renewal, vitality, and new life, no matter the hindrances, no matter the past. Litters arrive by the dozens and fill the nursery every time the snow thaws, a rhythm timeless and invariable. Experience informs Smogmaw on the season's undeniable pull towards parenthood, how it compels some to get out there and start a family through all available channels. For he himself wasn't immune to it, and Applepaw, Ashenpaw, Garlicpaw, and Swanpaw stand as a physical testimony to that.

That he enters this season alone seems a grim anomaly to him. But to call his current situation an oddity feels inaccurate, for an oddity is unnatural. It is natural for living things to die, even mates.

What stands out, then, are the contingencies he has pondered over time and time again, these far-flung prospects which seem all too plausible the longer he dwells on them. He misses love, he thinks. He has felt it once and craves it again. But has the void left by Halfshade become an obstacle to experiencing love anew? Or will he succumb to Newleaf's call and seek companionship the traditional way, as is natural, as is instinct?

Shit like this is why he's a cynic. If all is fluid and constant change, why even try to cling onto anything for fear of losing it?

Smogmaw is yanked quickly from his contemplative state when Sleepyfawn's question pierces through the haze. While adrift in his thoughts, so too was the deputy adrift through camp, and his wayward paws had brought him to the cusp of a tongue-sharing ritual. Accompanying it is the typical gossip, and this installation of ShadowClan's community forum circles around one chief topic: kits. Welp, he's a part of the discussion now, given how close he'd wandered.

Snowpaw's contribution makes a shallow chuckle play along his maw. That's certainly the mathematical lens to view it through. "And yet," he includes himself, tone gruff though bemused, "we must have more apprentices if we want more warriors. Warriors do not sprout from trees, y'know." A fleeting smirk is sent the alabaster apprentice's way, before his focus latches onto a comment Ferndance had made.

Matchmaker. He refuses to indulge the impulse sparked by such a comment, the singular barrier being how he feared her specific brand of logic. She is as frivolous as a moth and twice as persistent. Were he to play along, she'd have him partnered up before sundown. Yet, and unfortunately, he remains curious all the same. "Say, who would you match together?" he asks as a compromise with himself. "You're always so confident in your judgement, Ferndance. I'm sure I speak for us all when I say I'm eager to know."

His vision glosses over the queen, Mockingbirdcry, and then the two younger warriors sharing a frog. His expression betrays a certain kind of open keenness unbecoming of the deputy, and within, a degree of opportunism.