pafp duck duck goose // showin off bugs


forever a wide eyed fool
Mar 27, 2023
By now, it is custom for Crowflower to venture out into Thunderclan's forest in the waking hours, long before even the earliest birds have stirred from their nest. She enjoys these early ventures out into the woods where she can complete her patrols in peaceful solitude, only occasionally having to deal with a startled snake or protective fox mother. In her downtime she scours the forest floor for treasures; some she will stash in her secret place for safekeeping, most she will take with her to camp so she can show her finds off to her eager nieces and nephews. When she flips over a rock on her morning walk to find an iridescent green beetle, she knows she has to bring it for Duckpaw. He had recently expressed some interest in the more colorful bugs creeping through the undergrowth and the stag beetle is an exciting find. The beetle squirms when she picks it up, but she ignores the discomfort as she trots proudly back to camp, awkwardly nodding to her clanmates instead of speaking for fear of spitting the beetle out onto their faces.

When she arrives at the opening to the apprentice den, she sets the beetle on the ground and corrals it with her paws. "Ducky!" she calls, barely able to control her excitement. "I have a present for you!"

// pls wait for Duck​

Recently, he had been growing closer with his dear aunt, Crowflower. Much of his kithood was spent clinging to Wrenflutter and sleeping, so the two had only interacted in passing. Though the pointed boy was a bit hesitant initially, Crowflower's genuine and kind nature made it hard not to admire her. Much of her personality reminded Duckpaw of Dovekit, which made it easier for him to accept her as family. Still, he wasn't expecting this.

The familiar nickname causes Duckpaw to stir but not fully wake. "Ducky" was fairly easy to accept, he had even grown fond of it. However, he had to admit he was a bit disgruntled by this side of his aunt's affections. Rolling over in his nest Duckpaw opened his right eye in a slow, hesitant motion. "Auntieeeeeee...." he groaned, "It's too early for thi-" A green twinkle of something round caught his attention, and the boy sprang up. "Is that...?" he cautiously approached Crowflower, his eyes glued to her shielding paws. What was he thinking? Crowflower being too much? Surely not! The molly that stood before was the best aunt in the world.
"OH! OH! I KNOW THIS ONE! It's a tooth - NO! - it's a BONE! NO!! It's a HONEYCOMB!!" Chickadeepaw bustle closer to her brother, her plumed tail bottle-brushing in full-blown kitten excitement. Golden eyes laser-focus on her aunt's paws, transfixed by the mere possibility of sweet golden honey behind the warrior's white-tipped paws.

"What is it what is it what is it?" She breathed out next to her brother, nearly falling all over him in her touchy-feely need to know.

ACORNKIT — the cow jumped over the moon .
Crowflower was a familiar face to Acornkit- not so much in the way as Wrenflutter, but enough so the point where her fight or flight wasn’t always kicked into high gear when the older molly approached her.
Today, however, she is brought over by the soft sounds of her call.
She can hear Chickadeepaws yelling as she nears, shuffling behind Crowflower with a raised head, wanting to see her gift.
Unable to get a look from behind the warrior, Acornkit scampers around to the side of the apprentice’s den, craning her head over to see once more.
A beetle! Acornkits eyes lit up at the sight of the insect as it squirmed around, trapped between paws. "Whats it’s name?" She asks in a whisper- she always named her insects.

Alabaster paws carried the Lead Warrior towards the Apprentice's Den. With Cloudypaw's warrior ceremony coming up before too long, she had been taking her out quite often. She doubted the fluffy grey molly needed reminding about their training today, but she enjoyed stopping by the den each morning. Most of the time she got to say good morning to her kits, unless their mentors took them out early.

This morning however, it wasn't her kits that she spotted outside the den, it was Crowflower...and she appeared to have something under her paws. The flame hued tabby tilted her head slightly, wondering what could be underneath. She paused off to the side, waiting to see what was revealed. As Duckpaw emerged, she could see now that the ebony she-cat had found a beetle. Flamewhisker let out a small huff, and pulled her lips back in a small smile.

Her heart stung slightly as she reminisced on the days when her kits were fascinated with beetles and other little bugs they found in the camp. Her kits were growing up...
Of course the commotion of Crowflowers' call is what pulled golden paws up from the warmth of the mossy nest below. A light huff came from a pink nose and there was a shake of a long-furred coat before Goldenpaw pushed his way through the apprentices' den entrance. What was this all about now? This had to be some sort of joke! It was was too early for there to be this many cats outside the apprentices' den right then and there. Deep blue eyes narrowed on the black and white molly as she excited showed Duckpaw something- then Acornkit seemed intrigued as well. Flamewhisker also seemed to be captured by the anticipation of what could possibly be so exciting that Crowflower had to wake every sleeping kit and its mother from there to moonstone.

It was a beetle.

"You got to be kidding me," Came the rather harsh tone of Goldenpaw, and the tomcat lashed his tail back and forth irritably, "You yell like that for a bug? Seriously?" He gave a shake of his head and then turned away from the kits and their bugs for the prey pile. What a way to start off his day.