dude i love you bro i love you man i love you || needledrift


Dec 30, 2022
acid-yellow eyes narrow on her form as he slinks closer, lithe black body slipping from shadow to shadow easily as breathing. he creeps around camp sometimes like it isn't home at all but a hunting ground. old habits die hard and all that.

"how have you been doing ... " he mumbles as he approaches, settling to sit next to her. he's got a frog with him, tasty little treat he hasn't enjoyed in awhile. he'll nudge it over to her, unspoken offer to share. "haven't caught up in awhile, mm?"

as usual he sounds gruff, more sour than he means to. his attempts at friendliness never sound quite right but needledrift normally seems to get it.

"i don't think we've gone this long without a proper gossip session since the lizard incident. you were mad as hell," he continues, grinning (it's a hair too wide and otherwise off-putting, not quite reaching his eyes). he's expecting to be snapped at for bringing that one up; it's so long ago, now. days before clans and starlit ghosts. "you're not mad at me now, eh...?"

"i've been seeing someone, you know."
a pretty-faced NPC, well-mannered for a shadowclanner, tall and broad-shouldered. they're keeping it quiet for now, strictly clandestine night hunts. he wouldn't be surprised if needle had already caught on. "doubt it'll work out though, he thinks i'm rude. he reminds me of our kittypet fling from the old days — do you remember her?"

his grin looks decidedly impish now. troublemaker, and he knows it.

Heat eeks its way up the she-cat's chest, hidden under her fur (though her ears are especially red at the mention of her.) Talia. A pretty, haughty, undeniably irresistible she-cat to a couple of hot-blooded soldiers with nothing better to do but flirt and waste time on darkened back porches in the dead of night. Talia had been short-lived, as all of their escapades had been. Talia, Little Hare, Quick and Catch, they all had been fun but temporary, ultimately incendiary upon learning that neither Needledrift nor Primrosethorn were in the business of 'serious monogamy'. Somewhere they were even more annoyed when they learned that not even Primrose and Needle were particularly involved, simply... living. Existing in the way that so many young cats do, draped over each other but never inextricably tied. With time, the flames of youngblood infatuation died out to be replaced with something a bit more cozy. A sort of friendship that ended in easy cuddles on cold nights and casual touching in the way that you do when you've known somebody for your entire life.

She gives a sheepish smile at the thought of their old flame now, thinking of how soft her fur was under her cheek in those late night cuddle piles. A hazy memory of Primrose lashing his tongue against her cheek is summoned, the kiss a little too awkward to be seen as entirely romantic, but perfectly serviceable for what they were - or were not - at the time. Many, many seasons had passed since then. She can only imagine how her friend has charmed such a tom, though, if his flirtations have gone unchanged in that time.

She presses a paw against the side of her face, pressuring her jaw into something assimilating 'workable.' "Not mad at you. I... got into a fight with Betonyfrost, though." A sour woman with a sour attitude. Needledrift hates being so negative about any cat, but ooooh, Betonyfrost had just stepped on her last squirrel! Anger is not the particular emotion that is summoned however, it is something more akin to shame and frustration, something that is relatively hard to explain with such limited speaking ability. She swallows lightly, hoping the lump in her throat would be quelled by the action.

"But your friend sounds interesting! Tell me more?"
i will never leave your room, tell me everything that bothers you
he winces as she shifts her injured jaw, remembering a time when she didn't ever need to do that, when she didn't live in that much pain. he can tell that she has more to say; he leans closer so that their flanks brush, hoping it conveys the support he intends.

"what did she do...?" he asks, and as he speaks he watches her face and her tail for nonverbal cues. "or should i be asking what you did?" it's spoken wryly, but beneath it runs a current of concern.

"though... you don't have to talk about it now."

he remembers a hot greenleaf night, two of them lying beneath the stars, talking about pasts left long behind them. needledrift might know more about him than anyone ever has, if by virtue of just being there for much of it. he isn't the type to pry and beg for gossip, and certainly not from her. he knows that if it's important, it'll make its way to his ears eventually.

that off-putting grin returns to his face as she asks for more about his latest romantic endeavor. "well," he starts, "he's as straight-whiskered as they come, for one — there's something cute about it. a proper patrol guy and someone like me, eh? i think he thought i was funny, at first, but it's lost its charm fast. the other night, we were out together — i said — "

he can barely get the words out without choking on laughter. "i said that the stick up sabletuft's ass is so big you could mistake it for a tree, and the face he made, starclan. i don't think this one's going to work out." attractive as the tom may be, he doesn't seem the type for dalliance, either, if their personalities don't click. ​
A giggle ripples out from Needledrift's mouth, an accidental sound. It wasn't nice to talk about clanmates in such a way, especially ones that had earned their stripes as one of ShadowClan's lead warrior. Sabletuft was a respectable cat, a good cat, a cat that Needledrift would be proud to call part of her clan. She wasn't so sure that Sabletuft would share that sentiment about her at the moment...

"S-stop! You did not!" She ducks her head, a feeble attempt to stifle her chuckling, only for her nose to touch grass, eliciting a much more inappropriate snort. Oh, stars, oh, dear.
i will never leave your room, tell me everything that bothers you