GUTTA CAVAT LAPIDEM : they’d made out with little more than scratches and aching limbs, stiff and tired in the heavy snowfall. dusk has painted the skies above in shades of brilliant indigo, wintery chill settling a white haze of fog over the riverlands. the man squints through it, ignores the fact that kittypet - warrior scent clings to the coils of his coat and . . it had not bothered him, amidst their camp. though now, as he walks quietly before his two patrols, head lowered and shoulders jutting beneath his coat with each skulking step, he finds imagines the stale scent permeating his nose. imagines it burrowing in his sinuses, imagines a life his mother had crowed for and he stands all taller for it. would she have been a daylight warrior, should she have survived? or would she have retired, fat and lazy in a twoleg nest, the way she’d always wanted? thick claws tap the frosted ground, audible clinks against where the flora has been frozen near solid underpaw. snow dampens his form and he can only hope it soaks the smell, however imaginary the kibble scent might be.

as they draw closer he can see the snow has covered the smaller streams around camp, blotting out the ankle - deep waters in mounds of ice. flurries fall quick enough to lay any pawprints made by recent passerbys, only those placed guard by the bare, brittle reed entrance. he sniffs, winces against the dry ache in his nose, nostrils raw and red from the neverending onslaught of wind. flurries settle upon the hollows of his shoulders, slicks his fur as he shoulders his way through the skeleton of cattail long since rotten with leafbare. skyclan is safe. perhaps a stretch of the word, but he looks towards beesong’s den, towards where greenpaw certainly still lie and he can only hope. the king moves forward, presses fresh prints to the snow, lifts his tail to the warriors about him — permission to disperse, “ you all did well. ”, he's tired, cold, and it shows in the quickness of his tone. skyclan was safe. he tells himself this again, hopes its true. windclan was stealing herbs, catmint. they were weak. dying, festering. anger still simmers low in his chest, but his talk with blazestar has left him . . drained.

but there is a crowd growing about them, cats awaiting their loved ones returns. his chest feels hollow, extremities cold with dread, but he is non - wavering — at least in appearances. to them, he says, “ skyclan is well. “ well enough, at least. the feline stands on edge, like a string drawn taut, muscles tight with stress. he stares over the frosted waters behind river rock but the wind picks up and he lifts his head, curls whipping about the sharp edges of his form. to those behind him, “ go. tend your wounds. ” dismission, curt and simple. a brief growl, bearing long, jutting ivories despite it's generally unaggressive drone. icicle eyes move only then, seeking familiar dark, white - spattered fur finally. finally, despite the furrowed brows and narrow pupils, expression rigid as the ice around them.

  • ˖ ⁺ 。 ˚ ⠀ CICADASTAR⠀⠀−−−−−−−⠀⠀king of the rivers.
    m. he / him. black smoke & tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt - blue eyes. a handsome, looming tom bearing patchwork black - silver curls that fall over his slim figure in loose, shining rivulets, broken with white and glossy from his fish diet. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unusually tall amongst his peers, and holds himself with a tragic grace, poised and prim and ever - aware of how he is being perceived.

    gay, courting smokethroat. smells like wet stone & moss.
    speaks with a german accent. 40 moons, ages on the eighth.
    penned by antlers

  • cicadablueoutline.png
  • none.

Snow flurries cascaded throughout the air, each one adding onto the significant piles of snow that blotted out the usual reeds and fronds. Cindershade had, though unfortunate, stayed behind to guard RiverClan's camp while the patrols had left to aid in SkyClan's affairs. It was a shame. Apart of her was a bit—puzzled as to why Cicadastar decided to place his clan into the heat of battle considering it wasn't their business. But—she understood the why. WindClan was treacherous, an assassin laying within the shadows like a vexed viper coiled to strike at any given moment. They would take what they wanted, what they deemed belonged to them. They were absolutely ruthless. She was distrustful of all the other clans; but WindClan, they landed into a another category. She despised them.
Cindershade longed to dig ivory cloaked sheaths into wiry fur, to rip lacerations into their pelts on remembrance that they weren't as mighty as they placed themselves to be. But for now, all she could do was rip at the snow in anticipation, waiting for the return of warriors with their leader on the front lines.
It wasn't too much longer before the waiting come to end. A fresh aroma of RiverClan entered her nostrils that minged with the faint scent of SkyClan—and the copper pungent smell of blood. Chartreuse eyes widened slightly, a brief presence of alarm pricking at her ears as they pulled forwards. The familiar chimera patterned male entered her line of sight through the remnants of cattails, the rest of the patrol in tow. Cindershade heaved a sigh, grateful that none seemed mortally wounded. She listened to her leader, a silhouette of a smile breaching her dark lips as he praised his warriors. Whatever had happened, RiverClan and SkyClan were victorious.
The shaded warrior offers a nod to Cicadastar, her eyes tracing him as he moves to find a certain individual. Smomethroat, of course. After an altercation like that, with thieves intent to kill, she couldn't blame him. Apart of her wishes for a relationship like that, but she didn't find anyone particularly interesting. All she cared for was the survival of her home and clan mates. The shaded female stretched her fore legs out in front of her, releasing the stiffness in her shoulders and haunches from sitting for so long and shaking the blanket of snow flakes that dotted her obsidian fur. "Welcome back." She mews to them all, her tone flat from exhaustion as she stifled back a yawn.

It’s not until the two patrols return to camp, relatively safe and sound, that Snakeblink realizes how anxious he was about their absence. The tension leaves his body with a deep, involuntary sigh, leaving behind a deep ache in his stiff muscles. They seem… fine. Weary and bruised, but after seeing Smokethroat dragged home bleeding from a hole in his face, a few scraps seem like getting off easy.

He tries to meet Cicadastar’s eyes, words of concern heavy on his tongue, but his friend’s eyes look through him — seeking, he realizes, a much different tom. He can’t help a slight smile at that and, seeing the same realization in Cindershade’s expression, throws her a wan look of amusement.

”I’m glad to hear Skyclan is safe,” he hums, turning to the rest of the returning party. ”And I see you are, as well. Welcome back.”

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 37 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo


// cw for past grief, brief suicidal ideation


Glass-green eyes dart over snowy, stumbling forms — Ashpaw is frantic, frightened that her best friend didn't make it back. The little tabby has known a lot of loss in her short life, and she wonders if she could even take another.

"Iciclepaw — Iciclepaw?"

For a moment she doesn't see the other girl, and she thinks in that moment that if Iciclepaw is dead she might just... follow.

She has emerged from the warmth of the nursery, where she'd found solace with her mentor and the little kits she calls her siblings — blinking against the vicious wind, pushing forward against its might. She sees Cicadastar, beacon in the night, at the forefront. She sees Smokethroat, she sees a whole patrol full of clanmates –


"Iciclepaw," she calls again, battling shoulder-high snow (she wonders, again, when the hell her next growth spurt is coming) to reach her friend's side, and if the other apprentice will let her, bury her face in soft calico fur. "You're back. You're okay."

She carefully keeps her voice from breaking. "You're so cold. Come—come on, let me — we have to warm you up, are you hurt—?" Tell me they didn't hurt you. The bastards.

Her heart's still pounding. Iciclepaw was in battle — a kind of fight that Ashpaw has never seen.

—— " i found gold in the wreckage "

  • ooc text goes here

  • - 6 month old orange tabby with green eyes
    - apprenticed to lead warrior willowroot
    - happy-go-lucky, mischievous, hardworking
    - very friendly, but defensive of riverclan!
    - "speech"
  • - disclosed being physically and psychologically abused by Spiderfall, who was exiled & who then killed her best friend

    - temporarily apprenticed to npc pebbleskip due to willowroot moving into the nursery
  • Crying
Reactions: Snakeblink
beesong could not rest while the battle raged on- the battle of his previous home against the moorland tyrants, and he is unable to help defend those he once called a family. it rests heavy upon tense shoulders, the healer pacing just outside the entrance to his den; close enough to hear a patient call for him, yet within good view of the camp's doorway. always glancing to the snow-laden sedge after a few counts of his own heartbeat, teeth worrying a hole on the inside of his cheek. the metallic tang of blood bursts across his tongue, at some point, but he hardly notices.

all that beesong could think of is skyclan. would riverclan be able to find their camp in this weather? what if they couldn't? what if they were lost in the snow? worse yet, what if windclan overtakes skyclan before the patrols could find them?

through the haze, the war patrol reappears, like wraiths in the night. beesong's head snaps to them, battered and bruised but all alive, and they know that they should be grateful for that- so why do they find themselves worrying more for the clan they'd left moons ago at starclan's command? they look at each injury, minor they all may be but still in need of medical attention, knowing that riverclan's well-being comes before anything else... yet their traitorous heart cries, is skyclan alright?

and it is the echoes in their ear that brings them over, eye trained on cicadastar, who dismisses his battalion with a flick of his tail. they need to know. before they could treat anyone, they needed to know.

and cicadastar answers without a single word falling from scarred lips. as if reading beesong's mind, he speaks of skyclan's secured safety, and it is as if a boulder is lifted from the healer. he could breathe easy, and he nods. skyclan is safe, and he could work without that weighing on him. "anyone who's injured, come to my den- and don't think that just because i'm half-blind, you can get away with avoiding treatment."

He's been waiting rather impatiently since the first group returned to their home, orange and white paws pacing back and forth.

The first group of RiverClanners were the ones who'd found the extra WindClanners that Greenpaw feared were looming in the pine forest. And while it'd seemed as though their fight had been a success, based on their return, it is the unknown fate of the second group that leaves the apprentice worrying. No longer do images of Daisyflight and Snowpaw lying in crimson plague his mind. Instead, it is images of Figpaw and Fireflypaw trapped under the rubble of a fallen medicine den, that keep his paws moving.

The second group, those he'd first run into on his way to get help. Cicadastar and the all-too-eager Smokethroat among faces that he failed to put names to before their urgent departure. Greenpaw hopes they're okay - hopes that his idea to get help from the river territory was worth it, that he made the right choice. Hopes his curse hadn't made things worse for those fighting.

And, as he sees Beesong's own pacing still, Greenpaw stills too, viridian gaze peaking out once more from the medicine den to see the second group's arrival. He follows behind the medicine cat as they turn to head over to the returning warriors - quickly, though not too quick, limbs still aching from the treacherous run here.

"Did you do it?" he asks, eyes wide as he looks up at RiverClan's patchwork leader, "Did you win?" He feels like he's holding his breath as he awaits for the leader to speak - fears the answer that he waits for, fears he'll hear words that he doesn't want to hear.

But, Cicadastar finally speaks, leaves Greenpaw with three words to hold onto, to ease his worries.

"SkyClan is well."

He feels as though he could cry. Relief washes over him as Cicadastar dismisses his warriors, their apprentices. They wouldn't be needed anymore today to aid SkyClan in battle. SkyClan is okay. SkyClan is safe.

"Thank you," he chokes out - a pair of words he's found himself repeating often while in RiverClan's territory. It doesn't seem like enough, now - feels like a bigger thank you is needed for the burden he brought on to the clan, the shift in their day. Because, if this started off as just a normal day for SkyClan, it must have been the same for RiverClan. He's sure the river-dwellers didn't expect to aid those who live in the pines today, much less to house a pine cat during such a task.

And, oh. That's right. If SkyClan was safe...

"Can... Can I go home now..?" he asks, looking from Cicadastar to Beesong, before ultimately looking back at the leader. Though Cicadastar was the one to send him here, he isn't sure whose decision it is to send him home.

Snow chilled him to the bone and each step was a laborous effort to get out of the blizzard that nearly buckled them with each piercing stab of cold. He kept himself close to Iciclepaw's side, briefly concerned she might be buried with a mistepped paw before anyone noticed and he'd be damned if he had to start training another apprentice from scratch so soon. Put a lot of work into that girl, wasn't going to lose her now.

One would need to have been both blind and stupid to not notice the leader's sharp stare at him the entire trek back, but he was only half blind and far from stupid really. No sooner do they arrive to smiling clanmates and Beesong's immediate insistence on seeing injuries does he finally spare a partial glance back at the long-limbed laperm and is met with instant regret at bothering; the cold disdainful sheen of blue eyes, the wrinkle of a black lip turned. If Cicadastar had something to say then he was already dreading listening to it but it was the SkyClan apprentice's voice that spared him having to face the trial just yet.

That lone orange eye honed in on the lad whose name he still didn't know but was far too distracted now to bother with pleasantries anyways, "Of course. Someone should go with you, make sure you get to the border." On impulse he almost looks to the smoke tortie for guidance but jerks his head away at the last second to redirect his gaze elsewhere; landing on Snakeblink and Cindershade both. Either would do. "Can one of you spare a moment to escort this apprentice back to SkyClan's border?" One or both, he didn't care-just someone other than him because he was going to have to deal with this sooner rather than later.
For a brief moment he continues to not look up, hears Ashpaw fretting over Iciclepaw who will undoubtedly respond with a dismissive huff in face of the sincerity as he himself often did when it came to their tumult storm of a leader. Finally his head lifts, draws his focus in toward the mottled tom and his intense ice stare and he can only wrinkle his nose in annoyance in response to the sharpness of the look.
"What is it then?" What nonsense was he going to spew forth now, would he complain at his eagerness to fight perhaps? Scold him for running a bit ahead when it had not even been so significant a difference? Going to tell him he ought to wait for orders or some such nonsense? Smokethroat couldn't possible figure out what the man's unflinching and almost furious look had been for and he would love to know the details as their guest is swept back home and the ordeal ended.

The worry that has been lurching through her has been immense. Waiting and wondering how things went does not suite her. No. She wishes she had went with the patrol and fought along side them. Tried her best to overcome those bastard Windclanners. She had never liked Windclan and even when some of them were a part of the Marsh colony she never liked Sootstar. Tye fact that Starclan deemed her fit to lead adds misgivings from the dark woman but she can not say much else. Her dislike has always been evident. Still as they patrols return she leaves her nest snd ventures out, eyes searching for her best friend. And when she finds him she approaches as quick as she can. "Cica? Cica, are you okay?" Her jaw is set firm and her claws unsheathe to press harshly against the ground. She should have been there. But he says Skyclan is well. So they must have won. Her tense posture relaxes only a little before she turns her eyes to look at Smokethroat.

"I'll take him back to Skyclan." She knows that Smokethroat wants to stay with Cicada and she wants to be helpful. With a turn to look back to her best friend she dips her head and then looks to the apprentice. Her cutting eyes narrow just a bit in thought. Skyclan, a clan she once despised so greatly. But now it seems things have changed. "Come with me Greenpaw. I'll take you home."
Her first battle. A tag team against an invading Clan, in another Clan's camp. She's tired from the excursion there and back, despite their brief rest, and the cold has caused her nose and the tips of her ears to go entirely numb. The tortoiseshell pads at Smokethroat's heels, secretly feeling exhausted down to the marrow inside her bones. She struggles to keep her head up, but she does, chin thrust forward proudly, tail half-lifted in greeting to her waiting Clanmates.

"You all did well." Cicadastar's praise does give her a brief flare of warmth that begins in her chest. It's good to know she had made herself useful in a meaningful way. Good to know she was able to use her claws and fangs to defend the weak, the sick, the unprepared. She's no kittypet-lover, and she certainly doesn't know how she feels about SkyClan now, but her disgust for WindClan grows and festers like a sick-smelling wound.

Iciclepaw lifts her head up, searching her Clanmates' shining eyes. She's looking for one -- Ashpaw. Ashpaw's voice rings out above the murmurs of welcome back and did we win, reach her and fill her with hot embarrassment that she hopes she doesn't show on her face.

"Iciclepaw?" It's desperate. But it's genuine, rich with concern for her safety. Iciclepaw's flush begins to burn away, replaced by pleasure -- though admittedly, a touch of that initial embarrassment remains as she pushes her way to Ashpaw. The ginger she-cat's forest-rich eyes are wide, anxious, but the tortoiseshell quickly throws her coolest expression on. "I'm back. I'm okay. Are you? You didn't make yourself sick worrying, did you?" She clicks her tongue, chastising. Ashpaw looks fine -- but Iciclepaw has come to recognize that haunted darkness lurking deep like river shadows in her friend's green gaze.

"You're so cold. Come--come on, let me--we have to war you up, are you hurt?--" Iciclepaw blinks, realizing she hadn't even stopped to take stock of her injuries. Her muscles are sore, strained, and there's a scratch on her flank that still stings from the cold, but she realizes she's gotten out relatively unharmed. She isn't sure whether to feel guilty about that -- did she fight hard enough? -- or relieved, to calm Ashpaw's fears.

"Did you think I wouldn't come back?" Her tone is almost gentle, for whatever genuine indignation she may display. "I'm almost a warrior, you know." Eight moons, that's only three away, and she's counting the days. "I will always come back." A wry, sardonic smile creeps over her muzzle. "I'm not hurt, either. Just a scratch. But I am freezing my paws off."

And suddenly, the past few hours do catch up with her, like a dam breaking against the ceaseless throb of the river. She is exhausted. Who knew battles were so tiring, so exhilarating, so--?

Iciclepaw rests her chin on Ashpaw's head, only for a brief moment, before pulling away. "I could use a warm place to sleep, yes," she says.

But, before she goes... "Darkpaw... have you seen him? Is he okay?" Her brother had gone with Buckgait's patrol, and she hadn't had time until now to worry about his own battle. She will go with Ashpaw, perhaps share a nest and stories and tongues, but she must ensure her littermate is safe before she can.

  • Crying
Reactions: Harry Styles