Dumpster fire (っ•̀ω•́)っ✎⁾⁾ character hub

  • Dwindlingpaw—☆ Dwindlingkit—————


    7 moons

    ————— ages 1 moon on the first of each month

    ————— created on April /12/2024 started at 3 moons


    Female; she/her

    ————— thoughts on gender? Dwindling wouldn't care if she was a boy or a girl. Or if anyone misgendered her, Dwindling is Dwindling that's all.


    what are you a cop?

    ————— what they are attracted to? Honesty and loyalty. She hates wishi washi cats and likes straight forward cats who speaks their mind.

    CLAN & RANK—☆

    Apprentice of Thunderclan

    ————— Kit of Thunderclan

    ———————————————————————lyrics 1



    Confident |Loyal |Hard working


    Perfectionistic |Conscientious |Attention-seeking

    THE BAD—☆

    Shallow |Temperamental |Risk-taker



    Dwindlingpaw believes in herself and her intuition. She would challenge the world at the slightest hint that she was correct and has a strong drive to prove it. She is the type of cat who would throw her heart and soul into anything; she is highly passionate, which frequently causes her to disagree with others. Those whom she does care for are viewed in high regard.

    She takes things personally, even when they have nothing to do with her. She will say what she thinks, even if it is not in her best interests. She is extremely insecure and uses her outgoing attitude to distract herself from her worries.

    ———————————————————————lyrics 2

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    ————— Dwindlingpaw's fur is so long that it drags on the ground around her paws, and her ears drop slightly because to the weight. The majority of her body is a soft cream color, with her face, ears, legs, and tail in a vivid orange with red stripes. She has little white patches on her body.



    She is building muscle from training but still is rather small.

    ————— Often talks loudly and with a sarcastic tone.



    what do they smell like? Dirt and rotting leaves

    ————— what do they sound like? (could be VC or written description)

    ————— what are they commonly doing? Being nosy

    ———————————————————————lyrics 3


    Shadedmoon (NPC)

    ————— Dwindlingpaw's mother. A hateful cat who thought her children were a bad omen being born on the day the sun disappeared. Was barely around and when she was reminded her children how vile they are for existing.

    Crimsonsun (NPC)

    ————— Dwindlingpaw's absent father. She has seen so little of him that she barely remembers he exists. He only talk about how much they are a bad omen.



    Fadingpaw, Glowingpaw, Shroudedpaw

    ———————————————————————lyrics 4

  • Kithood—☆

    • Was born on them day the sun left the sky along with her four other siblings. Their parents believed that their children were cursed often neglecting them. The kits grew up with limited supervision.
    • There was a bullying problem with some clan mates with pureblood ideals upon the clan mates with kittypet history. Dwindling not understanding why being a kittypet was a problem verbally clashed with the pureblood idealists. She grew to only trust her own opinions as the adults around her continuously disappointed her.
    • After the death of howlingstar everything changed in Thunderclan. For a while Dwindling was blinded by rage verbally attacking Skyclaw loyalists even attacking mottledpaw unprompted. Despite her siblings disapproval. This built up into her using her claws on Wrathpaw even though it was meant to be only a spar. Dwindling spiraled after he didn't attack her back. Began doubting herself and her previous opinions after talking with Skyclaw.

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Quietcrow was a gentle soul, never one to argue or complain about life. In his time as an apprentice he struggled to speak by the end of his life he had concurred his mind and speak freely.

Was there the day the sun was taken from the sky. When Windclan was engulfed in flames and finally his life was lost to yellow cough.​
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It's too dangerous out there to walk, so I had to save you
Rockpaw 9 moons old

↳ Named for being a chunky big kit that didn't move around very much.
— rank of clan; apprentice of river clan
— He/him

A scrawny charcoal kit with stripes that has splotches of white. His big glossy green eyes.

( + ) Compassionate, Curious, Modest, Tolerant
( / ) Independent, Restless, Emotional, Self-conscious ( - ) judgemental, spiteful

- Rockpaw isn't one to boost or celebrate his accomplishments, preferring to focus on others. He doesn't let others dictate his actions and makes decisions based on what his heart is telling him to do. Which can turn him into a crybaby since he frequently gets overwhelmed by decisions. Rockpaw can loosen his temper when he thinks others are acting inappropriately and wont forget how others act around him. (Even if the other person changes as they get older)

— Rockpaw is very anxious and is very afraid of someone getting hurt and dying. He will struggle to spar letting others beat him up. In his mind life is too short to be reckless. Is deathly afraid of being in open water and is generally avoidant of it. But is a fish nerd and loves to talk about them!

— Rockpaw will struggle connecting with his peers being a 'goodie two shoes' and finding others his age to 'too childish' when in reality he just doesn't know how to not overthink everything. That doesn't stop him from loving the idea of being in love. Will often jump from crush to crush hoping someone will like him back.

— He is actually friendly and loves to talk but on occasion or with someone he doesn't know speaking can become overwhelming. As a result Rockpaw might stop talking and start fidgeting before eventually running away.

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