DUSK FALLS ☽; Hunting Patrol

It's nice to have a hunt where she didn't have to worry about bodies hittin' the floor for the first time in awhile. She'd initially been... a bit skeptical about the boars' retreat, but about a quarter moon and a half has passed without any sign of them, so she fully allows herself to let loose. Or maybe she should do the opposite? Be the paranoid and brooding one to never let her guard down, to see all outcomes, to stubbornly stay at the head of the patrol with sharp eyes and tense muscles since she did all this Lead Warrioring and whatnot, now. That was so damn boring though. Her mind tries to drag her own paws down sometimes, thinking about her grandmother and uncle in the medicine den. Another uncle– not so lucky, but... Well. She tries not to let her paws drag for too long.

Wolfwind breathes in the fresh air. She lets her mind wander to somethin', anythin' else, really. She wonders if ShadowClan has the choice to decide what they wanna think about, still. The choice if they should be tense or relaxed. Wolfwind would tip her head back slightly, glancing back to the members of her patrol for a brief moment, before scanning for prey in front of her. She doesn't raise her voice too much– this was a hunting patrol after all– but y'know, doesn't hurt to chat with no one. " You guys think ShadowClan's still down under? Bears and whatnot? "
( ) It had been a while since the news of the boars leaving their territory and seeing as there hasn't been any sign of them recently, Hailstorm felt like his clanmates and himself could rest easy though it was easier said than done. He knew that it would be harder for some clanmates than others and the thought itself was enough to make a soft sigh leave his maw though his gaze shifted over towards Wolfwind as she spoke up mentioning Shadowclan and their bear problem that had awhile back. His ears would flick back trying to keep attentive of potential prey while holding a conversation, he replied in a low voice casting a glance to the side "I don't think so... I hope not."

He wouldn't wish bears on his greatest enemies not that he had any but a bear was more likely worse than a boar, Hailstorm flicked one of his ears "I'm sure that it'll take them a bit to recover and fix whatever the bears destroyed." The large tomcat would add with a shake of his head not even wanting to think of the destruction those big brutes could do, his big paws continuing to carry him forward and lifted his nose into the air to catch any scent of prey that was potentially around.
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