camp DUST SETTLED ON THE WORLD \ returning to camp

The aftershocks of the fight thrummed within Twitchbolt, still. Like static under storm clouds the adrenaline had sustained through them all, buzzing through the blood of every cat who'd fought those rogued. Undoubtedly, too, every cat who had been anticipating their return. To meet the relieved gazes of his Clanmates, to get to help tell them they were going home- it had been an exhilarating feeling. For once in his like, Twitchbolt looked toward the future and felt within him the peony-bloom of a second chance.

The life he wanted was not lost. SkyClan was not lost.

A scent as strong as blood misted the air- rogue-rot, and Twitchbolt couldn't hide the wrinkle of disgust on his nose. Not only because it was an awful smell, but because it lit within him broiling fires of hatred for what could have been stolen from them. Frenzied tremors still rattled his body- they hadn't work off yet. In a shared nest tonight he'd be able to sleep away the lightning that crackled through his veins- for now, though, he'd use this energy to help get everything back into order.

"Everything's still- still here," he said, and his voice was frayed. Loss clung to the very depths of his tone- because everyone wasn't here, still. Brightflame had died for this rescued future. Ferns unfurled and beckoned them all back home, and Twitchbolt looked to Blazestar before sending a glance over his shoulder at anyone following him specifically.

A soft voice, quavering with still-there fright and fury, struggled through an attempt at a reassuring smile. "Anyone- anyone hurt, go to..." A hesitation. Dawnglare was ill still- the trials weren't over, just yet. "Fff- Fireflypaw."

penned by pin ✧

Stars, is she tired. Usually the home probably wouldn't have bothered her that much, but exhaustion from watching her kits in recent days and carrying them home, had worn her out.

Howlfire walks with the queens, carrying Wolfkit by her scruff, and the rest of her children kindly carried by other clanmates. After the sudden fleeing from their home, Howlfire was not sure when they would see it again. Luckily, the planning of the leaders and the effective execution of their battles had meant that the rogues had been swept out of their camps and they could return home.

Seeing SkyClan camp again, Howlfire was overjoyed and relieved. It was a bit messy and untidy in places but largely camp was fine and everything important was still there. Howlfire set her youngest daughter down, and looked around for the rest of her kits who would be carried home. "Welcome home," She purred, gesturing for his kits to get their first look at their real home.

@Hawkkit @BLAZINGKIT @wolfkit
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Reactions: Hawkpaw
Wolfkit dangles from her mother's jaws, lilac toes wiggling as she yearns to be back on the ground. Really, she's not too sure about what they were all doing. SkyClan had broken off from the big clan in the swamp, and now they were all plodding through a forest much denser and taller and brighter than what she was accustomed to, and there are new smells assaulting her small gray nose. It's different from what she's used to– she looks to her siblings for how to react, and to the faces of her older clanmates. Twitchbold looks morose, though his words were still reassuring in some sense. Her mother, on the other paw, purrs with a great passion as she sets Wolfkit down.

The most immediate change is the softness of the earth. ShadowClan's muddy ground squishing through her paws had become a familiar feeling. Here, the earth is harder, pushing back against her, as if she weighs less than a feather (and really, she hardly weighs more than that). The child lets out a small mrrp as she adjusts, bouncing on her paws a bit, examining the needle-littered ground. Howlfire purrs above her, and Wolfkit stares up at her for a moment, contemplative. "Are there frogs here Mama?" the child asks, tail flicking in a near-wag at the thought. She'd wrestled her siblings over the amphibians before, and Howlfire and Coyotecrest both had seemed to hate the way the mud stuck in their fur in clods that gripped their pelt just a little too well. "And there's no mud." She does not sound particularly upset by this, but she would miss the feeling of it between her toes.

There's another smell that wafts above even the mint-sting of forest pines, though, and that is one of rot and blood. She'd smelled it in ShadowClan, too, and on sick pelts, but now it floats above them all in thin clouds, and Wolfkit's nose wrinkles with disgust. Is this why Twitchbolt was making that face? Maybe he wasn't just unhappy to be home. Wolfkit's ears twitch, round face screwing up in imitation of the warrior's. "Does SkyClan smell bad? I don't think we usually smell bad so I don't get it," she rumbles, mussing some pine needles at her paws. Maybe it was the remnants of rogues– her mama had told her about the rogues in camp, the reason why they'd been displaced, though Wolfkit found them hard to imagine. Were they hulking like badgers? Did her fellow SkyClanners fight like all of LionClan to chase them out? Maybe her mama would give her a fuller story later. For now, she supposes she will just be happy to be back to this place she's never been before, like everyone else is.

  • 72111278_0Dicsw9wHLezqWU.png

    — wolfkit
    — she / they / he ; kit of skyclan
    — longhaired lilac torbie with piercing yellow eyes
    — "speech" ; thoughts
    — chibi & reference by me
    — penned by meghan

XXXXXTwitchbolt leads the solemn procession of SkyClan cats back to their camp. The stench of blood is all around them, and stray clumps of fur decorate the pine needles like errant tumbleweeds. Blazestar brushes his flank against Howlfire’s, little Hawk-kit swinging from his jaws. The entire journey, she'd wriggled about and chattered, and as a result, his jaws ache something fierce. Still, it eases the ache in his heart to see his kin experiencing the wonders of the pine forest for the first time.

XXXXXJust as his paws clear the dip in the earth indicating they’ve returned to camp, he attempts to gently set the chatty little she-kit between his paws. Her mother does the same with Wolfkit, telling the triplets, “Welcome home.” Blazestar smiles, but it’s so tired it feels it will split and crumble away like sand before he has a chance to properly wear it. Hawk-kit, Blazingkit, and Wolfkit will return to a home Brightflame never will. It’s bittersweet, the taste heavy on his tongue.


XXXXXSomeone will need to retrieve Brightflame,” he murmurs, seeking @Johnnyflame ’s compact torbie figure. He’d been the girl’s mentor, and though his lead warrior must be fighting a surge of grief, he knows Johnnyflame—he knows he’ll want to be the one to bring her back to her home where she belongs. “She deserves a warrior’s vigil in the home she died protecting.

XXXXXAs Twitchbolt says, their camp is intact. The dens, though worse for wear, are sturdy; their nests are existent, if shoddy and filled with rogue-stench, crowfood remains, and fleas. “We should… start cleaning this up.” He blinks, feeling all of a thousand moons.

Crowpaw is hurt, but he doesn't think he needs to go to the medicine cat's den. Although he feels like he wouldn't hear the end of it if he didn't at least go to get checked. It's still strange to be home, because it doesn't feel like home. He wonder's if his treasures are still in his nest. Probably not. Judging by the pungent smell that made him wrinkle is nose in disgust, he should consider his nest and whatever belongings he's had a goner. Everyone doesn't seem to be in a happy mood which he is grateful for. He would loathe someone within their clan making a joke about how things would be okay and start entertaining them for some reason. Clearly things weren't okay and if someone as so much as dared to try and make him laugh, he might have to claw at them. Suffice to say Crowpaw was not in the mood.

The words of Wolfkit are vaguely registered, yet he doesn't want to answer her questions. It's too long of an explanation and he doesn't have the patience to deal with a kit right now. All he desires is making a new nest and sleeping for a few sunrises. That is until Brightflame's name is brought up. It's true. They have to bring her back home and have a vigil for her. She died protecting her home. He was not close to her, but in his eyes it was a shame she couldn't at the very least take her last breath right now. To have proof that she saved Skyclan and that everyone would be okay.

His maw opens only to close with hesitation. I want to bring her back home. If he were to ask Blazestar, he would most likely be rejected judging by the scratches that littered his frame and the bloody nose and lip he bears. Internally hissing at being unable to go, he trudges over to Fireflypaw like Twitchbolt had said to go to. "It's not bad," he mews at the medicine cat apprentice. It's more of a question directed towards Fireflypaw, yet he fails to elaborate that he's even asking. Cough, more context Crowpaw. Want to help Johnnyflame bring back Brightflame.

/ directly interacting with @Fireflypaw!
Fatigued, Dogbite labored to propel their body forward. Almost. Almost. Each step felt like an effort, a weary march toward a long-awaited sanctuary. The scent of pine needles and familiar terrain enveloped him as they neared the place he had missed profoundly. Yes! A sigh of relief bubbled from deep within them. The injuries he bore, the weight of loss and sorrow, they all faded into insignificance for a moment as he trekked alongside Twitchbolt, nearing the cusp of their beloved territory. @LITTLEPAW! who appeared to be trailing behind Dogbite's scarred flank throughout the march.

The entrance of their home loomed ahead, and despite his battered state, Dogbite's ragged ears perked up, and his good eye darted around the familiar surroundings. Everything appeared to be as they remembered, save for the debris left behind by rogue invaders. A surge of exhilaration eclipsed the pain in their joints. This is my home. He thought with a small, heartfelt smile, a sentiment they hadn't truly felt since the days when their mother had been alive and well. The trees and dens were a welcome sight, far more comforting than the stench of two-leg rot and the chill of silver dens.

As the young kit commented on the peculiarities of SkyClan, Dogbite found himself fascinated by the reality of it all. A kit of Skyclan was born in Shadowclan but not in a way that affected their code. Suddenly, the somber tone in Twitchbolt's voice tempered their joy. So many had not made it, and as they filed into the camp, he nodded, silently offering a prayer to StarClan or any benevolent force to look after the fallen. Keep them safe and let them know they will not be forgotten. Appeased, he stepped ahead and looked at the cats piling in.

When Blazestar spoke, Dogbite couldn't help but sense the weight of responsibility, though he did not step forward to volunteer. He didn't believe it was his place, but he wanted to contribute in any way he could. Their parched throat cleared, and they addressed the leader. "I'll start cleaning up, and later, if you'd like Blazestar, I can check the borders?" His words held a genuine offer, and they concealed the extent of his exhaustion as best they could. Gently, he aimed to brush Littlepaw's shoulder as he leaned over to them. "Get some sleep, you've worked hard enough."

  • ooc ; speaking to Blazestar and Littlepaw
  • 1000007505-png.1053

    ✧ 28 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
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Reactions: Marquette

When it seemed as if their trials and tribulations could stack no higher, there was light that finally shone beyond the darkness. While there were still sick cats to take care of and injured ones to aid, their home had been reclaimed. Skyclan's future would continue on for many moons to come. Though the faint stench of rot still wafted around them it did little to quell this moment spent with his children. Their consistent chatter earned a muffled chuckle from the tom here and there. A tender smile stretched the boundaries of his lips, quivering as he held onto his son. Blazingkit dangled from his jaws until they all reached a stopping point, lowering his head he placed the boy down between his own sturdy paws.

"It's good to be home." He murmurs in response to Howlfire after taking a moment to stretch the stiffness out of his jaws. Prayerfully they would never need to step foot into shadowclan's domain ever again. Wolfkit's question reaches his ears and the young warrior gives his daughter a tentative shake of his head. "Not normally. After a little bit of cleaning up you will see, skyclan is the best smelling clan in my opinion." The fresh scent of pine was unmatched compared to anything else. Green eyes turn to focus on Blazestar and Dogbite. "Same. It would be good to clear the area of any stragglers lingering about." He didn't want any of those mange riddled rogues near his kits.
̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶   skyclan warrior / thirteen moons old / he/him  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶  
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The cats file solemnly into the clearing. They had won but many were injured and some would never see their camp again. Brightflame would be buried soon, never to see the victory she had paid for with her life. The idea makes her sad but selfishly her thoughts are going immediately to her twolegs. If that was her then Hon and Dear would not understand why she never came home. They would spend moons looking for her and the sadness on their faces was almost unbearable for her to imagine.

Twitchbolt is a friend, in her mind, and she comes to stand next to him, her golden eyes soft and sad as she looks at the ruined camp. "I can stay fer a bit and help where I'm needed but I need to get back to my twolegs soon..." she says, her voice soft. Hopefully the others would not begrudge her too much. She had stayed and helped to fight after all, had abandoned her cozy home to sleep in the mud and the cold, and she had done it for them. But tonight there was someone else she needed to think of...

STATUES AND EMPIRES✧°.☀ ————————————
His body ached, and he could hardly think. He was barely walking on his own four paws, Johnny's shoulder being a guiding light into the camp he had sorely missed. He knew that battle was going on, and while he itched to rise from his sicknest at Shadowclan and attend to the rogues that drove them out in the first place, he knew he couldn't. The trip to Shadowclan had put him on a steady decline, forget about trying to fight.

He coughed as they entered camp, swaying briefly before tipping back against Johnny's shoulder. A soft whisper left him, one of apology. He could barely help himself, forget standing straight, right? Dull eyes flashed over members of Skyclan briefly, finally feeling as if he could breathe again. Well, he couldn't, his nose was still stuffed and his throat still scratchy. He attempted to hobble his way back to the sicknest he left in Skyclan, ears drooping and paws dragging.

// tagging @Johnnyflame!

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ ALL AT YOUR PAWS
He'd always been hesitant to fight, so staying out of the battle and residing at the Burnt Sycamore waiting for the news was all he could do; he was SkyClan's only healthy medicine cat at the moment, so he needed to think about the Clan as a whole then. But when they returned for the sick and injured cats, they had boasted victory. His limbs are heavy with exhaustion as he trudges through the ferns, pushing his head through and sniffing just to make sure before he listens to Twitchbolt's commands.

No rest for me, then. He thinks to himself, not really bothered by that fact- his clanmates needed him, more than anything right now. Crowpaw makes his way over to him, and Fireflypaw gives him a soft mrrow to signal he'd heard him. Nonetheless, Firefly still leaned down and sniffed at the wounds on the apprentice's body, nose scrunching up as he got to the tom's face. "Yeah, right. You're not going anywhere until I get these wounds dressed, Crowpaw." He chuckles softly, waiting for other cats to come to him for their injuries. "Let's hope the herbs are mostly untouched. I want all of our sick back in the medicine den as soon as possible. You, too, Falconpaw. Any injured, wait outside and I'll treat your wounds. I don't want you getting sick." He orders cats left and right, before he nods to Crowpaw and the others and disappears into the den of heather. He sniffs around, herbs thrown here and there but mostly untouched. A sigh relieves him of his burdens, and he begins to sort through them quickly with his nose as a pointer.

"I have enough herbs. Let's do this." He calls out to the cats outside of the den, ready to get to work.​
Blazestar watches his warriors pool into camp, watches them quickly begin to assist one another and offer themselves for extra duties to restore their home. Warmth begins to seep through the cracks in his chest. He dips his head gratefully toward Dogbite, Coyotecrest, and Fantastream. “That’s an excellent idea. Dogbite, Coyotecrest, if you’d check the borders for any stragglers, that would be great. If you find anything, don’t hesitate to report it back to me.” He exhales softly, dipping his head in thanks to Fantastream. “If you’re not too badly wounded, you can go with them, Fantastream, and then head back to your Twolegs from there.” He knows the tabby she-cat’s housefolk must be worried about her, and her new wounds would certainly raise their brows. It can’t be helped, though—SkyClan needs all of its paws busy, he reflects wearily.

He watches Crowpaw insist on helping to carry Brightflame home, only to be told no by a stern Fireflypaw. Blazestar can’t help but smile. “Anyone sick needs to be helped to Dawnglare’s den, and anyone injured, be sure to get checked out. The last thing we need is wounds getting infected.” He knows it will be a lot of work for Fireflypaw to do himself, but the seal point has proved himself capable since Dawnglare had fallen ill.

, ”


He'd never felt so raw before.

Johnnyflame wasn't a weak cat- he'd claw the words off someone tongue before they even had the chance to finish speaking them- but there were some truths that couldn't be avoided, and among them was his lack of experience with the world beyond his life as a kittypet. Everything that Skyclan had to offer him was new, a vibrant discovery of color in a once bland and graying world, but not every color painting his new world was a nice one.

Brightpaw was dead.

Renamed in her death to die as the Warrior she was meant to be- a name that echoed his own so painfully. Brightflame. He'd never forget her. Never forget her bravery against the rogues.

Would never forget how he failed her.

Everything felt so raw.

He was quiet on the way back to camp, a sickly Falconpaw carefully guided alongside him, still vigilant of his task despite his grief. His anger. The boy muttered a soft apology, and Johnny forced a smile onto his bloodstained maw and shook his head.

"None of that, now." he scolded lightly, "This is what clanmates are for- I have your back now, and when your back up on your feet, you'll have my back later."

Blazestars words were next to catch him, and the weak smile he'd been wearing was quick to fall into a firm line. "I'll go." he replied, quick to accept the task before another could interject. He was tired and sore and his twolegs were probably frantic, but the bobtail couldn't acknowledge any of that yet, not until he'd finished what he'd started.

The rogues might be gone, but there was still work to do.

"Just let me set up Falconpaw with Fireflypaw first and I'll head out." he said, gently herding the younger tom toward the medicine cats den.



The return home was a trip eagerly made by the chimera tomcat. Quillstrike had hated the mess that had been their camp when Riverclan had come to stay with them, but it had been damn near unbearable living in Shadowclan and dealing with the absolute shitshow of having to interact with so many cats- none of which he trusted.

At least he'd had Twitch, though.

Mismatched eyes settled on his mate as they led the way back into camp, strength beneath the fraying edges as they called out orders to the injured. Quillstrike couldn't help but let the corner of his lips raise in a soft smile as he admired the other, heart filled with pride over the cat they'd become. Anyone who'd ever doubted Twitchbolt could eat their words and choke on them.

"You've been killing the whole 'lead warrior' thing, you know." he said as he made his way over, brushing their muzzle together because the option of pressing against their side without disturbing their injuries wasn't really there. They were both sore and tired and injured from the fight, but there was still a lot to be done before they could properly rest and enjoy their victory- bittersweet as it may be.

skyclan - male - 19 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.


thistlepaw & 04 moons & trans. fem nonbinary & they/she & skyclan kit

Thistlepaw is annoyed. first, they'd been driven from camp by strnagers in a battle of teeth and claws. then, they'd had to go to smelly old shadowclan, where that nasty cat had tried to hit her mom for no reason. Then she'd had to fight again (not that that was a problem of course, her mentor says she's good for a kit her age after all) and now that they're done... they have to clean. Nose wrinkles and they pout, green eyes glaring at the mess the invaders left behind. "Why do we have to clean all this up? couldn't they have been like, neater or something? STars,," they grumble bitterly, though they know they'll end up doing it anyways. It's just part of being an apprentice she guesses.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a pinkish grey kitten with splashes of white across their frame. their fur is just as curly as their mothers, and they have a deer-like nub for a tail. they wear a purple colored collar and a thistle flower.

    physically easy && mentally easy
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#fff]action here[/color][/b] and tag account


Semblances of normalcy buzzed around him like static- the sick made their way to poor Fireflypaw, who he hoped would be able to get some respite soon. The injured would mosey over there, too- Twitchbolt was glad he was not bleeding and was thus no inconvenience, and once Quillstrike weaved his way into his view he noted his mate was without any scratches too. The site of the black-and-grey tom blandished from him a great sigh of relief, even though they had not been separated particularly far, or for particularly long.

He doubted that Quillstrike was completely unhurt, but he'd let himself worry even more later. Squeezing his eyes shut as he met his touch, a fleeting gale of relief breezed through him. Among all the darkeness- shredded, scared prey, a dirtied camp and another dead apprentice- he could grab onto what was still there.

"Thanks," he said, the prickle of a blush beneath his fur. Lowering his voice, he murmured to Quillstrike along, "I- I can't wait to go to bed." Tormented by sleepless worries, it was quite rare he uttered such a thing- but he meant it, mainly because it would mean they were home, truly, and he could cement it in his mind. A brush-stroke, his tail flicked in a beckoning motion- there was work to be done, but at least they could do it together.
penned by pin ✧
it's not my fault i have my father's eyes .
Littlepaw was numb, trailing behind Dogbite with shaky gasps, pain radiating off of him in waves. Everything hurt. He wanted to collapse, but his stubbornness proved to be worth something as he stepped through the bramble entrance. His gaze lingered on the mess that they’d have to clean up, anger and disappointment weighing heavily on his mind.

He couldn’t even fight—The small apprentice swallowed heavily, peeling a tired gaze away from the mess to Dogbite, frowning. He could still help—His wounds twinged, muscles twitching beneath a ragged pelt with a pained whine. With a defeated sigh, the black-and-white apprentice nodded with some difficulty. “I can … help with nests.” He mumbled, already heading to the apprentice den. He couldn’t sleep now, not with the mess that was their camp, his home.

Tired and hurt, Littlepaw glanced at the medicine cat den, tail curling awkwardly when he glanced at his sibling through half-lidded hues. “Come on.” He mumbled to Thistlepaw, nodding to the apprentice den.

/ late post *sweatdrops*
thought speech
❪ TAGS ❫Tired.

The thought kept repeating, echoed in every footstep, every exhale, every blink. Cloverjaw wasn't even aware that his claws could be sore, but they were and they burned. The silver tabby kept his head raised, though. Neck pounding, eyes aware. Even though the fight was over, some part of him wanted one rogue, just one more, to come at them. Give me an excuse. I can do more.

He proudly left bloody paw prints in his wake as he followed his leader to their home.

Between growling at the odd shadow, Clover eyed a few clan mates as they marched. They were tired. Exhaustion clung to every cat like a musk. Only a few kits were exempt, and for that he was grateful. Though life wasn't always fair, it should start sweet and warm. Clan life was supposed to guarantee that. He was glad to see they hadn't failed. At least, not the kits. He refused to look in Jonnhyflame's direction. He knew the look that Tom would be wearing. He wasn't sure he could give the cat the space he needed. Death is different, on this side. His claws itched again. He'd have to clean the blood that caked his feet here in a bit if he wanted to prevent bugs from crawling all over him. The thought made him shiver.

When others paused at the sight of the camp, Clover made an effort to hide his disgust. This place... this clearing couldn't be called home for a while yet. He didn't know what he was expecting, but he had hoped those fox dungs were a slight bit cleaner. The sight of a nest crawling with bugs made his stomach sour. He turned away sharply.

"Why do we have to clean all this up? couldn't they have been, neater or something? Stars,,"
He grunted in agreement with Tistlepaw. "If only they liked things to be decent as much as they liked blood." Part of him supposed it was out of necessity. Taking over the territory and whatnot, but this? This was just disrespectful.

"I'll go with," He mewed, signaling to Dogbite and Coyotecrest with his tail. He ignored most of his leader's speech in favor of blood. He'd see Fireflypaw about his wounds later. For now, he could take more hits.

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