pafp dust to dust // deer skeleton, prompt


forever a wide eyed fool
Mar 27, 2023
A flash of silver feathers caught Crowflower's attention as she crept through the sun-dappled under-story of the trees. Above, a large black bird with poorly groomed feathers wobbled in the breeze as it circled in lazed circles. It's fleshy red face contrasted the unmarred blue of the sky. Turkey vultures were as unremarkable as flies, especially near the thunderpath. Most cats rarely took notice of the pesky birds, but Crowflower usually kept watch to see where the larger flocks gathered. Another vulture glided overhead, and the elusive she-cat tilted her face up to the canopy just in time to see nearly a dozen vultures circling low over the trees just to the east. Some were just riding the air currents, but Crow was intrigued to see a few landing. That meant there was a carcass nearby. Bones.

With an eager smile, Crowflower silently stalked the birds through the forest, tracking them to a small glade surrounded by young oaks and maple trees. At the forest's edge, two large black birds pecked at rancid meat in the hollow of a rib cage while a third perched atop an impressive rack of antlers. Crow's eyes widened, sparkling with curiosity. Based on what remained of the pelt, it was a white tail buck. One leg was twisted at an odd angle. Perhaps it was caused by a large predator? Or maybe it had been struck by a monster on the thunderpath and it managed to limp to the glade before it succumbed to its wounds. As much as Crow wanted to chase the carrion birds off the carcass, she knew better than to take on more than one vulture at a time. They were ill-tempered and reeked of death. They would sooner peck her apart than be intimidated by her alone.

Crowflower begrudgingly forced herself to turn tail and search for someone who would be interested in helping her lay claim to the carcass. Although little more than bone remained, it was the bones she wanted. The skull, in particular. It would have to be buried and then sun bleached before she could add it to her secret collection of treasures, Hopefully she wouldn't have to go all the way back to camp in order to find someone, but she was willing to make the journey if she had to.

[prompt: carrion birds}​